Papers on Book Reports
A Lesson Before Dying
Words: 962 - Pages: 4.... often at all in this book. "I saw a slight smile come to his face, and it was not a bitter smile. Not bitter at all"; this is the first instance in which Jefferson breaks his somber barrier and shows emotions. At that point he became a man, not a hog. As far as the story tells, he never showed any sort of emotion before the shooting or after up until that point. A hog can't show emotions, but a man can. There is the epiphany of the story, where Mr. Wiggins realizes that the purpose of life is to help make the world a better place, and at that time he no longer minds visiting Jefferson and begins becoming his friend. Mr. Wiggins' relations .....
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The Klan Unmasked
Words: 539 - Pages: 2.... a book “Palmetto Country” in which he blasted the
myth that the Klan was formed to “save the South” from Scalawags,
Carpetbaggers and Negroes. This was the view held widely throughout the
South and took root more so as it was romantically depicted in Southern
writers publications and the ground breaking movie “The Birth of a
Nation”. Kennedy noted that the Klan was actually the handiwork of the
rich Southern plantation holders, who wanted to keep the black labor
force under chains similar to those of slavery.
Also, Kennedy noted that the few things written about the
KKK were editorials rather than ex .....
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Evolution Of Frankenstein
Words: 558 - Pages: 3.... discovers the secret of life and decides to take it upon himself to create a human being.
Frankenstein’s decision to assume a “god like” role is driven by good intentions and an impulsive desire to achieve recognition, fame, and fortune. The scientist tampers with fate without recognizing that with the creation of life comes responsibilities and unanticipated consequences. Instead of producing a wondrous man, Frankenstein assembles a monster who becomes a hideous terror. The monster destroys the very things that Frankenstein holds dear and tried to preserve.
Correspondingly, the monster, when he is created, i .....
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John Updike AandP
Words: 1222 - Pages: 5.... suits and immediately catching the eye of a young, nineteen year old named Sammy. The girls and Sammy are innocent yet in different ways. The girls seemed to be different to Sammy as they looked and acted as though they did not live in his town. The girls were ignorant of Sammy's local culture as they seemingly had spent the day at the beach, and had not lived in his town nor spent much time in it at all.
"The one that caught my eye first was the one in the plaid green two piece. She was a chunky kid, with a good tan and a sweet broad soft-looking can with those two crescents of white just under it"(79). John Updike has Sammy desc .....
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The Fountain Head: Individualism
Words: 821 - Pages: 3.... of the actions taken by Roark had a deep profound effect on one key
player in the novel, Toohey. Toohey with all the power he had with the public
and through the newspaper, was not able to manipulate Howard into his way of
thinking. The general public who read the Banner had been convinced that Toohey
new what he was talking about on all subjects. His plan to manipulate the
public and gather them as a whole was directly countered with every move that
Howard made. One of these major moves was the building of the Stoddard Temple.
With the temple, Roark had the freedom to build whatsoever he choose. This gave
him a medium to express h .....
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Hypocrites In Huckleberry Finn
Words: 915 - Pages: 4.... house, is seen as a grand house to those inside. This fancy house makes a visitor think of the sophisticated homes in town, however they are still back country people who only view their home as having style for the things inside. In the parlor of this house "there [are] beautiful curtains on the windows, white with pictures painted of castles."(101) The curtains painted with castles give the family a false feeling of being elite. When you think of castles you think of queens and kings and aristocracy. Ironically they think of others who lack the few finer things like curtains with castles on them to be lower class then themselves. These min .....
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Summary Of Lord Of The Flies
Words: 1559 - Pages: 6.... are the choir, who are
described as a "black catterpillar moving along the beach."
On closer examination is is found that there is a wide variance in the age
of the boys, from about 6 to 12 years of age. From here on in the book the
younger boys are simply referred to as the "littluns" and the older boys as
"bigguns" although the younger children are referred to more collectively
in the story. Ralph is elected chief of the group and his first action is
for Jack, Simon and himself to go on a scout to check if the island is
really and island or is attached to anything else, they find that it is an
island and return to the rest of the .....
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The Influence That Hsi Yu Chi
Words: 1633 - Pages: 6.... known
works of Chinese literature. Eleven centuries later, another edition of 'His Yu Chi' was written. When it was released, the new 'Hsi Yu Chi' was considered as a disgrace to the community of writers. This ludicrous work which lacked philosophical depth and profundity was not only a satire of the Chinese Imperial System and Chinese bureaucracy, but it was an insult to the two most dominant religions at the time, Buddhism and Taoism. The writer had taken the text 'Hsi Yu Chi' and turned it into what was considered at the time, utter nonsense.
No wonder it was released anonymously.
Until very recently, an unabridged edition of 'Hsi Y .....
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Jeremy Rifkin's "The End Of Work"
Words: 2301 - Pages: 9.... Staff Coordinator, a Part-
Time Credit Card Service Assistant and an Assembler for an Electrical Switch-
Gear Manufacturing Company.
Rifkin observes that the main problem of mass global employment in both
the private and public sectors is caused by the continuing advances in
technology and it's impacts on organizations, it's structure and design and it's
direct effect on the global labour force. In particular, organizations are
using the concept of re-engineering and replacing human labour with labour
saving technologies. Rifkin gives us a better understanding of the development
of the cause of this problem by examining the t .....
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Suffer The Little Children - S
Words: 645 - Pages: 3.... one of them suggests a likeness with something evil, taking for example the giggling, like the laughter of demons...or they were ringed in a tight little circle, like mourners around an open grave. Irony also exists in this story. Sidley seems to be the ideal teacher, who is efficient at her job and knows how to keep her students quite in class, when actually she is the one who has a disturbing behavior and ends up surprising her colleague in school when she is found about to kill one more child. King also used an interesting style to introduce a new character to the story: Buddy Jenkins was his name, psychiatry was his game. As soon as we .....
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