Papers on Creative Writing
A Day In The Life
Words: 871 - Pages: 4.... have asked all of my brothers why they insist on asking me this question, and they usually answer with the same conspiratorial laugh they have all used against me since my time began. I was never considered a cute little sister to be cuddled, but someone who was born to be the butt of their jokes.
Once I have showered and dressed, I venture into the kitchen to see if there is a quick breakfast that can be prepared between the time I put the kettle on until the time it boils. My mum will be up to her armpits with potato and carrot peelings and there will be various pans bubbling and hissing on the stove. A chicken, a leg of lamb, or roast .....
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Want To Be A Canadian?
Words: 487 - Pages: 2.... Equipment Coop" is where you should go. Look at our all
teacher's rain jackets. Do you see any Mountain Equipment Coop jackets? Yeah,
everyone is wearing them.
The place to go : If you are a teenager, you should go to Lonsdale Quay
on Weekend nights. Many North Van teenagers get together but I don't know what
they are doing at there.
Americans : I guess you know how you should deal with them. Try not to
like them and complain a little bit about them.
University & College : Change your major at least 3 times.
Hockey : watch it and be able to name at lease three Canucks players.
Coffee : Have some coffee in the morning at school o .....
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Words: 898 - Pages: 4.... parents. Then, maybe then, things would
have been different. Jimmy couldn't really blame himself. After all, what
could a fifteen year old boy be expected to do under those circumstances?
His parents had dreamed of a better life. A life that would bring
prosperity and success for the family, specifically for him. They had
heard there was rich, fertile land out west. Sadly enough, his parents'
last breaths were drawn only a few hundred miles from their dream. They
had been murdered for nothing more than the few dollars and a couple of
small pieces of jewelry that they had possessed. The murderers had laughed
as they kicked at h .....
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Spy Games - Creative Essay
Words: 8781 - Pages: 32.... the intelligence area.
So really, we though of it more as an act of deception.
We took our game very seriously. In fact we never even referred to is
as a game. Mostly because we were working our maneuvers on real people who
didn't know we were just a group of teenagers pretending to be spies. Every
week we'd have at least one meeting at my house to talk about how things
were going. Sometimes depending on the case or goal we were pursuing, the
meetings would run on into the late of night.
I guess it could be said that I was leader of our group. The meetings
were held at my house, and I was the one who brought together the present
g .....
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Personal Writing: My Most Memorable Experience
Words: 791 - Pages: 3.... with their toys in the back
of the car. My dad refused to stop for food until noon. It was 11:30, yet
30 minutes seemed like an awful long time and my stomach had been craving
something, anything, for at least an hour. The hunger was uncontrollable,
an almost eerie feeling, one you get before riding a roller coaster, came
to me. No one else seemed to complain, so I attempted to ignore the issue
by putting myself to sleep.
Over 45 minutes had past before I was awaken so abruptly by the
grasp of my dad large hand on my shoulder. "Time for lunch!" quaintly said
with a jolly cheer hidden deep in his voice. One after another we trick .....
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Basketball Dreams
Words: 706 - Pages: 3.... put there heart into everything, there will never be any regrets or failures.”
My grandfather taught me everything about the game of basketball. I remember him always sitting outside watching me play. Through rain or shine he would always be ready to correct any of my mistakes. His comments were always to work hard, and all the hard work would eventually pay off. He always drove me to watch the older kids play. He also encouraged to play with them so I could get tougher and better. I was very intimidated by the older kids, but he always encouraged me to keep on going and to never give up. The biggest lesson I learned from him was i .....
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Personal Writing: Disaster Hits Village !
Words: 308 - Pages: 2.... waited for us. Almost the whole village was
destroyed. It was only the old houses witch where standing. Fortunately our
house was one of the old solid houses. We started helping the nabours clearing
their properties.
We thought that everything was over, but no. All of a sudden the ground started
shaking, more and more. I heard someone scream "It's an earthquake". I ran
towards the house, but I never got inside. All of a sudden something fell in my
head, and I passed out. The next thing I now I'm laying in my bed. I get up and
looks out the window. Everything so far I can see is destroyed, except from our
house. It was built on solid gro .....
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Creative Writing: Slavery
Words: 229 - Pages: 1.... not talk to each other. As a matter
of fact, we only talked to people we knew. We barley had a chance to talk to
others because we were hard at work. Because of the treatment and conditions of
life, we were shy.
As I said, these conditions of life were horrible. For example we were
beaten and abused by our master because we dropped a glass full of water. I was
hurt physically and mentally. Like I said we were abused and beaten by our
We were not only beaten and abused, but we were also hard workers. We
can do a lot in a day. I picked crops and cooked food for the master and his
family. My day started at 5:00 a.m. and en .....
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An Asian American In America
Words: 771 - Pages: 3.... my parents had their lives threaten, they decided to go to America, the land of opportunity. We escaped from Cambodia twice, the first time we got caught and were sent to jail for one day. The second time, we escaped into Thailand and stayed there for about one year. My aunt living in the United States decided to bring my family to the United State, so we made the long and tuff struggle to America.
We went to the Philippine Island for six months so that were medically prepared to go to the United States. After six months we were given a departure date. During these times, my parents struggle to keep us alive through any means. The .....
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A Creative Essay On A Birthday....
Words: 731 - Pages: 3.... the
little button marked "UP" several times. He was in great shape for a 62
year old. When the doors finally opened, Jake quickly stepped into the
elevator and pressed the button marked "20." He stood there, waiting. With
a humming sound, the elevator started its quick ascension. Stepping out at
his floor, Jake looked around and spotted the door marked "2024."
"Okay, its only 2:54, I still have one minute left." Jake grasped
the knob, turning it and pushing at the same time. The door swung open
into a small, warm looking room. In the center there sat a small
receptionist's desk, and a blond woman sat there.
"Good afternoon, Ms. .. .....
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