Papers on Health and Medicine
Words: 536 - Pages: 2.... from the world, sort of like they are in their own dream world, which is what separates them from mentally retarded people. They don't seem aware that people are around them, including family members. Another thing that separates them from the mentally retarded is their display of strange postures, manners, habits, and compulsions. They might display rocking, hand flapping, strange food preferences, no eye contact, head banging, an insensitivity to pain, and other dangerous behavior. They are also often infatuated with inanimate objects.
About 50 % of all autistic individuals are mute, or only speak once or twice in their entire life s .....
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Preventing Injuries
Words: 859 - Pages: 4.... activities, and sometimes it is very much suggested. A person should get a physical exam done to check their blood pressure, cholesterol, and weight to make sure the exercises they are going to begin are appropriate for their fitness level.
Once a person is cleared to exercise, they should always remember to stretch and warm up before doing the activity. Like any automobile, a person also needs to warm up their body before being used. One of the best ways to do this is to just do a light jog and then stretch. This way the muscles are warmed up a little bit and the person is not stretching cold muscles which could cause an injury. .....
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Words: 1165 - Pages: 5.... in infant mental development and adverse behavioral problems in children such as attention disorder. Nicotine crosses the human placenta and has direct effects on the developing fetus. Pre-clinical studies suggest that maternal smoking during pregnancy produces changes on the offspring's neural functioning, including reductions in uptake of serotonin, alterations in dopaminergic systems, alterations in peripheral and central noradrenergic neurons, and changes in DNA and RNA synthesis in the brain (9). Children prenatally exposed to nicotine consistently score lower in the two subcategories of expressive language and conceptual compre .....
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Words: 989 - Pages: 4.... proud of themselves.
My great-grandmother was the type of person to bring out the best in
everyone. As a child, I needed that because my home had its ups and downs. My
parents were separated and I had been living with my mother. She was a young
parent and did things that most mother did not. For instance, as a child she
would leave me alone and sometimes physically abuse me. Therefore, I sometimes
had a hard time understanding why she treated me so differently. On the other
hand, I always received my explanations from my great-grandmother whom I called β
Memaβ. I am not the only individual who considered her to be this type of .....
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Critical Summary Of Cultural Effects On Eating Attitudes In Israeli Subpopulations And Hospitalized Anorectics
Words: 773 - Pages: 3.... affects mostly upper & middle class teenage girls in the
western world. This disease is both physically and psychologically
damaging to these girls. For these girls, thinness and self-appearance is
what they revolve their lives around. Studies conclude that people in
professions where physical appearance is of extreme importance are more
likely to develop an eating disorder. In the Western world, over the past
two decades eating disorders have increased substantially. People believe
that this increase in eating disorders is due to the fashion industry. The
fashionable female figure of today has become thinner and more tubular
(Szmulk .....
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How Organism Learn: Classical And Operant Conditioning
Words: 861 - Pages: 4.... and based on instinct. To
compliment this name the stimulus is known as the unconditioned stimulus (Myers
260). With Pavlov's new observations a new set of stimulus and response was
found. This new set is known as the conditioned stimulus and the conditioned
response. What is meant by conditioned response here is that the response was
learned. The stimulus begins as neutral and causes no conditioned response.
However, if the neutral stimulus can be associated with another stimulus, then
it becomes a conditioned stimulus.
Classical conditioning can be exemplified in the home, school, and school.
In the home a child could smell .....
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Alzheimer's: Genetic Dementia
Words: 899 - Pages: 4.... E, gene located on Chromosome 19.
APOE, which encodes a protein that helps transport cholesterol in the body
and also is involved in nerve cell repair, comes in three alleles, e2, e3,
and e4. Those with one or two e4 alleles are deemed at higher risk of
Alzheimer's disease, although those who possess APOE-e4 are not guaranteed
to develop the disease. APOE-e4 may simply be unable to efficiently repair
nerve cells. The presence of e4 does not signify if person will develop
Alzheimer's; instead, it signifies when he or she will get it. Recent
studies suggest that Alzheimer's may be affected by an interaction between
APOE and the newly disco .....
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Is Psychology A Science?
Words: 1658 - Pages: 7.... of life, and
can be very useful in every area of life. Science develops theories based
on what is observed. It examines each theory with rigorous and scrupulous
tests to see if it describes reality. The scientific method works well in
observing and recording physical data and in reaching conclusions which
either confirm or nullify a theory.
During the mid-19th century, scholars (although at that time probably
termed philosophers) wanted to study human nature with the aim of applying
the scientific method to observe, record, and treat human behavior that was
deemed as unnatural. They believed that if people could be studied in a
scienti .....
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Words: 959 - Pages: 4.... realistic view, one should be
monogamous and always use condoms. It has been researched that the use of
condoms lowers the risk of becoming HIV infected by 90%. Although this
protection is not 100% it is the only way that actually helps prevent you from
getting the virus. I think that society should make condoms more accessible to
young people, I believe they should have condom machines in girl and guys school
bathrooms. I also feel that they should be distributed in school social events
such as dances or proms, when it is most likely that they will be having sex.
Giving youth condoms is not encouraging sex, in my opinion yet it is ed .....
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Canine Hip Dysplasia
Words: 1841 - Pages: 7.... painful disorder is the most common orthopedic disease in large and giant-breed dogs (Smith,1997). In order to fully understand this disease, you must understand the canine hip. The normal canine hip is a ball and socket joint consisting of the acetabulum and femur (Minnier, 1996). The acetabulum and femur provide for a tight fit and allow pain free movement. In a dog with CHD, the fit between the acetabulum and femur is loose causing friction between the two bones. This is manifested by varying degrees of laxity of the muscles and ligaments around the hip joint along with instability and malformation of the joint components (Anonymous, 1 .....
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