Papers on People and Biographies
Arthur C. Clarke
Words: 677 - Pages: 3.... writing. The last major event in Clarke's early life is on a sadder note. His father died in 1931 when Clarke was only 14 years old. As a result most of the major characters in his novels perish. (www.acclarke)
In his later life there were also several events that helped to shape Clarke's writing style. In 1941 Clarke joined the Royal Air Force as an Aircraft hand Radio Wireless Mechanic/Aircraftmen Class 2. He was later trained in the use of Radio Direction Finding, termed RADAR. This allowed him to write well about armed conflict because he had experienced it for himself. In June 1946 Clarke was demobilized from the R.A.F. Onl .....
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St. John The Evangelist
Words: 1204 - Pages: 5.... challenges were truly followed by God’s will and helped many people. St. John was one of the first ones who understood and studied how a person should live, how should he behave, and how moral his life should be. He was one of the first to follow those holy principles, and show them to others. One of his greatest challenges was writing a gospel.
is mostly known for writing a fourth Gospel. If you would ask any person to list his challenges almost everybody would tell you that he wrote a gospel. It is believed that he wrote a Gospel at the year of 96, after the death of Domitian. His object in writing it he tells us himself: "Thes .....
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Words: 1890 - Pages: 7.... he drove into exile. then escaped to Syria. She then returned with an army. Ptolemy sent an army to meet with her. At this point, Julius Caesar of Rome arrived in pursuit of an enemy, who was seeking help from Ptolemy. had to roll herself up in a rug so that she wouldn’t get killed while entering Egypt. If she hadn’t hidden herself she would have been killed. When she unrolled herself in front of Caesar he fell in love with her right away.Caesar had to choose which of the Egyptian rulers to help keep the throne. Of course he chose . He then became ’s lover. In 47 BC Ptolemy Xlll drowned in the Nile while trying to escape, and Caes .....
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Charles Darwin
Words: 1139 - Pages: 5.... to study medicine. He found all
of his classes except chem istry dull. After two years at Edenburg, he
quit school and went to live with his Uncle Josiah Wedgewood. After he
abandoned medicine, his father urged him to attend Cambridge University to
study to be a clergyman. At Cambridge he met John Steven Henslow who
helped him regain his interest in nature. It was Henslow who was
influential in getting Darwin the position of naturalist on the boat The
Beagle. In April of 1831, he graduated from the University.
In the fall following his graduation, the government decided to
send the H.M.S. Beagle, under the command of Captain Fi .....
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Ernest Hemingway And A Farewell To Arms
Words: 2939 - Pages: 11.... not fit for a lady. She taught
her children to always act with decorum. She adored the singing of the
birds and the smell of flowers. Her children were expected to behave
properly and to please her, always.
Mrs. Hemingway treated Ernest, when he was a small boy, as if he
were a female baby doll and she dressed him accordingly. This arrangement
was alright until Ernest got to the age when he wanted to be a "gun-toting
Pawnee Bill". He began, at that time, to pull away from his mother, and
never forgave her for his humiliation.
The town of Oak Park, where Ernest grew up, was very old fashioned
and quite religious. The tow .....
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Dylan Thomas
Words: 1428 - Pages: 6.... there is only one holy force that has created all motion and life on this planet. This force, because it is so pure and boundless, is present in the shadows and poverty of our world, as depicted in “Light breaks where no sun shines.” God’s sacred presence in the body and earth is the ultimate theme within these chosen poems.
In “The force that through the green fuse drives the flower,” illustrates the connection between the earth, the body, and God. He discusses how both nature and man are propelled by the same holy force and therefore are united. He does not propose the question of how the stem grows t .....
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Kenichi Ohmae
Words: 424 - Pages: 2.... strategy,and in particular, as a guru of
globalization. He has written books on reforming Japan, and has sold close
to 2 million hardback copies. In his book The Borderless World, Ohmae
discusses that centralized governments are loosing their ability, and their
need to direct national economies.
He is the founder of "Reform of Heisei", a citizen's political
movement estavlished on November 25, 1992, to promote and catalyze the
reform of Japan's political and administrative systems. This organization
has two elect Diet members commited to this program.
Reform is almost unheard of in Japan. He is doing rallies, television
app .....
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Charles Dickens 5
Words: 1218 - Pages: 5.... debtor's prison in Southwark in 1824. 12 year old Charles was removed from school and sent to work at a boot-blacking factory earning six shillings a week to help support the family. Charles considered this period as the most terrible time in his life and would later write that he wondered 'how I could have been so easily cast away at such an age'.
This childhood poverty and adversity contributed greatly to Dickens' later views on social reform in a country in the throes of the Industrial Revolution and his compassion for the lower class, especially the children.
Dickens would go on to write 15 major novels and countless short stor .....
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Malcolm X 2
Words: 1418 - Pages: 6.... that Mr. Little was in Milwaukee preaching. The KKK, disappointed, shouted threats and told them to leave town. After this they broke every window in the Little's home and left. When Mr. Little came home and heard what happened, he decided to move as soon a Malcolm was born to Lansing, Michigan. Here was where Malcolm's father died at the hand of the Black Legion (X 4-! 13). After Malcolm's father's death, his mother who had to take care of eight children and endure threats from the KKK, suffered a nervous breakdown. As a result, Malcolm and his siblings were taken by the welfare department. Malcolm was later enrolled in a reform school .....
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Seeing Through Salvador DalÃ's Kaleidoscopic Eyes
Words: 1094 - Pages: 4.... being taught there was the French language. This was the
sole language spoken at the school, and he was forced to adapt to the
The first flame of creativity was sparked by Siegfrid Burmann, who
gave Dalà his first set of oils and pallete. He undoubtedly employed these
materials in one of his first sophisticated paintings, View of Cadaqués
with Shadow of Mount Pani of 1917.
His family noticed his artistic talent early on, and supplemented
his education by allowing him to spend summer holidays with the creative
family of Ramón Pichot just outside of Figueres. Pichot was a well-known
artist, who maintained friendships .....
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