Papers on Science and Environment
Acid Rain
Words: 375 - Pages: 2.... change, as normal rain is average pH
Acid Rain can dissolve limestone and chalk, and corrodes outdoor
structures. Statues and monuments that are left unprotected can fall victim
to the unpredjudiced destruction of acid rain.
Acid Rain reacts to different types of soil and rocks in two ways.
1) Acid rain will dissolve alkaline rocks and soil, or will neutralize the
2) Acid rain will increase the acidicy of already acidic rocks and soil,
such as granite, or the soil which results from corroded granite.
Acidic chemicals, and alkaline chemicals react to each other by
reducing the alkalinity or ac .....
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Fire 2
Words: 3704 - Pages: 14.... being questioned (Lyons, 1985, 3).
To an ecologist, fire can be treated as just one of the many factors in an environment. It compares with droughts, floods, hurricanes and other physical disturbances because of the direct impact it makes on organisms. Unlike these physical factors, however, fire as a disturbing force is itself influenced by the biota, particularly the plant community. Alteration of the vegetation by any number of factors can influence the nature of a subsequent fire. Fire has similarities to grazing as a force on vegetation because of such feedback effects (Whelan, 1995, 20).
Fire History
When cavemen learned to m .....
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Bacteria 2
Words: 608 - Pages: 3.... spirilla have flagella, which are used for locomotion in water. A few types of bacteria that lack flagella move by gliding on a surface. However, the mechanism of this gliding motion is unknown. Most bacteria are aerobic, they require free oxygen to carry on cellular respiration. Some bacteria, called facultatibe anaerobes can live in either the presence or absence of free oxygen. They obtain energy either by aerobic respiration when oxygen is present or by fermentation when oxygen is absent. Still other bacteria cannot live in the presence of oxygen. These are called obligate anaerobes. Such bacteria obtain energy only fermentation. Thro .....
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Environmental Issues Associated With Vehicle Use
Words: 1423 - Pages: 6.... increased susceptibility to respiratory infections; throat and eye irritation; leaf necrosis, reduced growth and growth abnormalities and drowsiness. Increasing levels of air pollution, particularly particulates from vehicles, are linked to increasing respiratory problems including asthma and this air pollution is thought to cause up to several thousand deaths and up to 20,000 hospital admissions every year.
Acid rain is another serious problem, helped along with the increased usage of motor cars. The increased acidity of the precipitation is down to contamination by carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide, all of which the ca .....
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Genetic Engineering
Words: 390 - Pages: 2.... DNA
easily and the resulting product is said to have been "cloned".
So far, scientists have used genetic engineering to produce, for example: -
improve vaccines against animal diseases such as footrot and pig scours; - pure
human products such as insulin, and human growth hormone in commercial
quantities; - existing antibiotics by more economical methods; - new kinds of
antibiotics not otherwise available; - plants with resistance to some pesticides,
insects and diseases; - plants with improved nutritional qualities to enhance
livestock productivity.
- Manipulation of the Gene pool, which is related to Hybridization which is t .....
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Ebola Virus 3
Words: 476 - Pages: 2.... to let the victims already struck with Ebola, suffer in pain and eventually die. In these two nations, a reported total of five hundred fifty cases of those who have been infected with Ebola, three hundred forty people did not make it. For a few years, there were no reported cases of the Ebola virus. Without warning, the Ebola appears and sweeps through Sudan, once more. This time there were only thirty four cases, but took the lives of twenty two patients. All of the victims of Ebola probably ask the same questions, “ God, what did I do to deserve this? ” The doctors still did not find the cause of the Ebola virus. I wonder h .....
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Solar Oven
Words: 131 - Pages: 1.... it to escape. The charcoal cubes and shavings will absorb the heat in the
box and store the excess heat allowing the flow to continuously warm the oven.
The tin foil will reflect heat and subsequently heat up the oven. The
polyurethane material will trap the heat inside the oven. The mirrors will help
the heat stay inside the box.
Materials used:
Shoe Box
Tin Foil
Sheets of Glass
Charcoal Cubes and Shavings
Non-Glossy, Black Spay Paint
Four (4) Wood Pegs
Sealer .....
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Words: 612 - Pages: 3.... time viewing hours it’s a different story. The method the television stations use is a mere waste of time and money because a little symbol in the corner of the screen is not going to prevent a child from watching the program. The only way this method can work is if the
parents/guardian is there to change the channel but let’s be realistic, how many parents/guardians actuarially have the time to monitor everything there children watch. So most children do end up viewing these programs anyway, and whether we like it or not,the truth of the matter is television educates our children. They educate our children inboth a positive and nega .....
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Breast Implants
Words: 771 - Pages: 3.... Characterization, Pharmacokinetic Studies. These are all tests that the Plastic Surgery and Reconstructive Surgery Devices Branch Division of General Restorative
Devices and the Office Of Device Evaluation all require (ODE documents 6).
The Chemical Characterization, is an important test. It does all of the following. If fabrication of the device involves curing of polymeric components by chemical crosslinking, then data establishing should be provided. This may be done by a various methods, for example: Measurement of Young’s modulus at low strain, as this is approximately proportional to crosslink density. Measurement of equilibriu .....
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Evolution Or Ignorance
Words: 1364 - Pages: 5.... definitions just are too vague. One of the most respected evolutionary biologists has defined biological evolution as follows:
"In the broadest sense, evolution is merely change, and so is all-pervasive; galaxies, languages, and political systems all evolve. Biological evolution ... is change in the properties of populations of organisms that transcend the lifetime of a single individual.
The ontogeny of an individual is not considered evolution; individual organisms do not evolve. The changes in populations that are considered evolutionary are those that are inheritable via the genetic material from one generation to the next. Bi .....
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