Papers on Computers & Technology
Regulating The Internet: Who's In Charge
Words: 2062 - Pages: 8.... linked together, which is capable of
transmitting vast amounts of information from one network to another. The
internet knows no boundaries and is not located in any single country. The
potential the internet has of shaping our world in the future is inconceivable.
But with all its potential the internet is surrounded by questions of its usage.
The intemet was named the global village by McLuhan and Fiore in 1968, but
recently the internet has been more properly renamed the global metropolis.
Robert Fortner defines the internet as a place where people from all different
cultures and backgrounds come together to share ideas and infor .....
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The Central Processing Unit
Words: 516 - Pages: 2.... type of surface to
assemble the transistors together on. The first chip made of semiconducitve
material or silicon was invented in 1958 by Jack Kilby of Texas Instruments.
Now we have the major elements needed to produce a CPU. In 1965 a company by
the name of Intel was formed and they began to produce CPU's shortly thereafter.
Gordon Moore, one of the founders of Intel, predicted that the number of
transistor placed on each CPU would double every 18 months or so. This sounds
almost impossible, however this has been a very accutate estimation of the
evolution of CPUs. Intel introduced their first processor, a 4004, in November
of 1971 .....
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Words: 669 - Pages: 3.... terminals--
ANSI, TTY, vt52, and more. In the early days of networking some ten to fifteen
years ago, the "internet" more or less consisted of telnet, FTP (file transfer
protocol), crude email programs, and news reading. Telnet made library catalogs,
online services, bulletin boards, databases and other network services available
to casual computer users, although not with the friendly graphic user interfaces
one sees today.
Each of the early internet functions could be invoked from the UNIX
prompt, however, each of them used a different client program with its own
unique problems. Internet software has since greatly matured, with moder .....
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About The Internet
Words: 830 - Pages: 4.... On Line, and Prodigy.
In the line of communication, these companies offer electronic mail,
live conferencing, and allow users to converse with individuals. These
services also provide large reference sections, including encyclopedias,
libraries of all sorts, journals, newspapers, and magazines. They have
databases consisting of airline fares, routes, and travel times, and allow
for users to make flight reservations on line. Through on line services,
users are able to check, buy, and sell stocks and bonds through brokers.
The services provide entertainment through games, contests, and movie
reviews. Finally, a huge breakthrough fo .....
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Limitations On Robotic Technology
Words: 2027 - Pages: 8.... In the last two decades of the twentieth century, progress has gone beyond the wildest imagination of almost every inventor or dreamer. Faster and better are the keys for words that society yearns for. The technological age is in full force and robots are in the main stream of this tidal wave.
In the movie, Terminator, robots take over the world in their future. Are movies like these foretelling the future of mankind? Some Swiss scientists say that the end may be close (Kelly 1). An autonomous robot that learns from its environment sparked all of this "Armageddon" talk (Kelly 1). The robot learned not to bump into a barrier wit .....
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Hackers And Security. What Are The Effects Of Data Encryption And Firewalls?
Words: 1288 - Pages: 5.... users, who prefer to learn only the minimum necessary (Rootshell).
Over the last few years, computer security has received a great
deal of more attention than it has in the past. Computerized break-ins and
criminal activity, have become fairly common occurrences in both commercial
and academic circles. Hackers are becoming more common, and quickly
learning new techniques and methods, which no longer leave computer systems
as 'safehouses'. The question of "what kind of person is a Hacker?" cannot
be answered simply. Hackers vary in race, style and preference. Since every
person is different, therefore so are hackers, "Each Hack .....
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Hate On The Net
Words: 613 - Pages: 3.... such posting came from an elderly man who was angered by all the minorities and foreigners moving into his neighborhood and pleaded to any white supremacy group to come and exterminate them.
Should these people have the right to say these things? Concerns such as these have led many to demand that hate material be removed from the net. Some Internet Service Providers are already starting to block access to sites they see as harboring extreme material.
Why is this happening? Have we all lost the ability to reason for ourselves? People are quite capable of making up their own minds about what they read or see on the net.
Freedom of spe .....
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Internet Regulation: Policing Cyberspace
Words: 1332 - Pages: 5.... through it. Though it
appears to have sprung up overnight, the inspiration of free-spirited
hackers, it in fact was born in Defense Department Cold War projects of the
1950s.2 The United States Government owns the Internet and has the
responsibility to determine who uses it and how it is used. The government
must control what information is accessible from its agencies.
This material is not lawfully available through the mail or over the
telephone, there is no valid reason these perverts should be allowed
unimpeded on the Internet. Since our initiative, the industry has
commendably advanced some blocking devices, but they are not a su .....
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Radio: A Form Of Communication
Words: 3073 - Pages: 12.... from a teletype machine.
Early Experimenters
The principles of radio had been demonstrated in the early 1800s by such
scientists as Michael Faraday and Joseph Henry. They had individually developed
the theory that a current flowing in one wire could induce (produce) a current
in another wire that was not physically connected to the first.
Hans Christian Oersted had shown in 1820 that a current flowing in a wire sets
up a magnetic field around the wire. If the current is made to change and, in
particular, made to alternate (flow back and forth), the building up and
collapsing of the associated magnetic field induces a current .....
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Computer Crimes
Words: 1157 - Pages: 5.... ways to break the law (White 67:c11). Computer crime becomes a larger and more prevalent issue as there is more value to criminally gain and the stakes raise in the hacker’s ego game. Only seventy five computer crime prosecutions were reported in the United States in 1986, according to the National Center for Computer Crime Data in Santa Cruz, Calif. By 1989, that number jumped to 500 prosecutions. that year cost businesses and banks - and, ultimately, consumers - about $500 million. "As the use of computers has increased, so has their criminal misuse" (Bowers 54:g13). Computers are used to obtain credit card numbers, which are then .....
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