Papers on Book Reports
Words: 657 - Pages: 3.... are running together when the father begins to grow tired. As the Rabbi falls farther and farther behind his son, his son runs on, pretending not to see what is happening to his father. This spectacle causes Elie to think of what he would do if his father ever became as weak as the Rabbi. He decides that he would never leave his father, even if staying with him would be the cause of his death. The German forces are so adept at breaking the spirits of the Jews that we can see the effects throughout Elie's novel. Elie's faith in God, above all other things, is strong at the onset of the novel, but grows weaker as it goes on. We see this when E .....
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1984 Big Brother Is Watching Y
Words: 1160 - Pages: 5.... authority in Big Brother. Although we never come to know if Big Brother actually exists, the power and authority that this idol holds over the people is unimaginable.
The people of Oceania are divided into two classes, the members of the Party and the proletariat. The Party members are like machines that do the jobs of the government. In this world, never has anyone thought any different of his or her place in society. Due to this authority that attempts to control the human train of thought, paranoia among the people became common. Nobody would talk to each other. Bonds between one another were broken, and it was never thought to be .....
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Kerouac's On The Road: Living In Clip
Words: 1688 - Pages: 7.... the so-called "Beat Generation," particularly Jack Kerouac from Lowell, Massachusetts, changed America's interpretation of literature altogether. The writings of Jack Kerouac voice the desire of an era still clinging to the proverbial values of Middle America, and that is why Kerouac's works continue to enthrall the masses at large. On the Road exemplifies Kerouac's search for "IT," and the road is Sal Paradise's single guide; however, Sal's escapades with Dean Moriarty are most certainly energetic spurts of motivation and pure insanity.
On the Road is the charismatic adventure of two men, hungry for life, taking the reader on four j .....
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Dr. Faust: Quest For Knowledge
Words: 435 - Pages: 2.... to be the commander of the elements.
He prepares to make the commitment to surrender his soul to Lucifer, on the condition that he is spared for twenty-four years and permitted to indulge himself as he wishes. He is also given Mephistophilis to attend to his every need. Despite the attractiveness of the offer at hand, Faust is pledging his soul to eternal damnation. Because he will have access to infinite knowledge and power, Faust feels the bargain is worthy. He does not see hell as a torment despite the difference of opinion Mephistophilis offers.
As the story works towards the actually signing of the contract, a divine intervent .....
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Call Of The Wild
Words: 431 - Pages: 2.... each with their
own unique personality. After only a short time of training, Buck was a sled
dog, traveling with the team of huskies and mix breeds from Dyea Beach, to the
town of Dawson. After several trips with Perrault and Francois, Buck was traded
to a gold seeking family. They knew nothing, or hardly nothing, about managing
a sled team. There trip began with a very bad start. The family had loaded up
their wagon with too much unneeded baggage, and it was top heavy. As the dogs
began to pull away and pull around a curve, the baggage tipped over along with
the sled and thus the unnecessary baggage was discarded, and the trip was .....
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Mavis Gallant's Bernadette
Words: 1010 - Pages: 4.... ties between Nora
and Robbie are explored. Their family relationship is one based on dependence,
and without this one factor the connection between the two results in
fearfulness of being alone. Fear has a way of attacking our judgment and this
is what makes associations between people an apprehensive and hard act.
The story is set in Quebec during the 1940-1950, when what you were was
the definition of who you were. As the story opens we are presented with the
main character Bernadette, who is concluding that she is one hundred and
twenty-six days pregnant. At this time in history it was quit common for young
rural girls to bare chil .....
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O'Grady's Return With Honor: Summary
Words: 806 - Pages: 3.... Scott's life as a pilot
began when he was six years old, The first day he went with his dad he was
presented with a certificate that read, “ this is to certify that Scott
O'Grady has navigated the air ways and flown up to Santa Catalina's unique
Airport in the sky, which overlooks the ocean from an altitude of 1602
feet.” By the time he was in the eighth grade he became fixated on the
idea he was going to be a pilot In high school he was a kicker on the Long
Beach Gators, which was his high school football team. He began as a
second string player but a good friend, who was a professional kicker,
helped him to improve. This along with .....
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Static And Dynamic Characters In THe Diary Of Anne Frank
Words: 960 - Pages: 4.... a son, named Peter. They moved in the Annex with the Frank's, because now, there are rare hiding places left.
Mr. Van Daan is a portly, heavily man. If there was one word to decribe him it would be selfish or greedy. He's greedy when it comes to food which is scarce. There aren't much these days because of the war. Whatever Miep brings for them is not enough. Mr. Van Daan goes by the name, "Putti" by his wife, tries to steal food at night, because of his hunger, but leaves less for everyone else. He realizes, when he gets caught by Mrs. Frank, that what he did was wrong.
Mrs.Van Daan is Mr. Van Daan's wife. She is over protective, and on .....
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Heart Of Darkness
Words: 561 - Pages: 3.... and despair. During Marlow’s journey into the “,” death, corruption, and despair became the manifest themes of the novel. First of all, Marlow came face to face with death several times throughout his voyage. Marlow finds out about the death of Kurtz, the climax of the novel, when the manager’s boy said to Marlow, “Mistah Kurtz—he dead” (Conrad 64). Another death occurs when the attack on the steamer leaves the helmsmen dead with “the shaft of a spear in the side just below the ribs” (Conrad 64). Marlow decides to “[tip] him overboard” because “if [his] late helmsmen was to be eaten, the fishes alone should have him. .....
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A Separate Peace: An Analysis
Words: 499 - Pages: 2.... mattered. He proved his accomplishment. What an insane way to act. I would want the world to know of my great accomplishment. I believe this made Gene crazy. That is was so easy for Finney to decide to break the swim record and not really care. Personally this was hard for me to understand. I think this concept requires and older persons maturity to understand.
Jumping off a tree into the river once is an adventure, continually attempting this act is crazy. Finney was in control of this situation. Gene hated this ritual. He continued to do it because Finney said so. It seems that Gene disliked the fact that Finney had this control over him .....
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