Papers on Book Reports
To Kill A Mockingbird: Atticus
Words: 424 - Pages: 2.... their hurt feelings and one’s regrets.
Another lesson Atticus taught the children is to not be prejudiced against anyone. Just because someone is different than one’s view of what is different does not mean that they need to be treated bad. If they are a different color, religion, or have a handicap, they are a human being just like any other person. When Scout’s teacher gets mad over one kind of prejudice act, but not about one that is in their own town, she gets flustered.
“…How can you hate Hitler so bad an’ then turn around and be ugly about folks right at home?”
One huge principle Atticus wants the children to try .....
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Being An Outsider
Words: 1409 - Pages: 6.... why her mother was so hard on her, I feel that this was one of the main contributors to her knowing and first understanding her outsider status. Lorde looks more like her father, but is never around him much. Her dark color gives rise to her feelings of inadequacy and her mother’s treatment of her made her always feel inferior.
Her first memories of herself are those looked at through eyes that enabled her only to see the outer shapes of things. Having such bad eyesight was one of the first instances where she notices her difference from others around her outside of her family. In her story where she tells of losing the glasses, .....
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Victor Frankenstein: An Unpredictable Character
Words: 676 - Pages: 3.... that he went of the deep end.
After Victor’s mother died, his father thought it best that Victor attend school in Ingolstadt, where he would study natural philosophy and chemistry. Victor is an obsessive compulsive person. When he gets involved in something, he engrosses himself in it. He began to study all the time and was, for the most part, unsociable.
He became intrigued by the human frame and what gives it life. He began to read books on the human body. Once again, he could not just simply study the human body, he engrossed himself. It was not enough to learn, he wanted to create. He turned his apartment into a laboratory, wh .....
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Death Of A Salesman - Characte
Words: 560 - Pages: 3.... him of his dignity, piece by piece. It was society who
stripped him of his lifestyle, and his own sons who stripped him
of hope.
The most obvious flaw in society is greed, the desire to get
ahead of the next guy. This malady is present on a national
level. It is the philosophy of business and comprises the dreams
of man. Sometimes, this can drive man to great things, sometimes
it can drive a man to ruin. Willy was driven to the latter.
(Not his own greed for he was a simple man with simple dreams,
but by the greed of others.) The developers who took away the
sun and gave birth to shadows, his boss who reduced him to
commission an .....
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Emotions Seen In "Of Mice And Men"
Words: 461 - Pages: 2.... think
that they are different. They have a future. They have each other to look for
When they arrive in the ranch we learn that the boss is a person that
cares for people weaker than other. It's a kind of charity. When he thinks that
Lennie is being sold, he goes to his side, try to help him. From Candy, we see
love towards his dog that he had for so long and we see a guilty feeling for
letting others execute him.
Curly show hate and jealousy at the same time. Because he's not a big
guy, he wants to fight all of them, and because he's always the winner (Just
because he doesn't fight fairly), he is proud to tell ever .....
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The Wretched Of The Earth: A Review
Words: 752 - Pages: 3.... racism both
in France and in the colonized world. He responded to the shattering of his neo-
colonial identity, his white mask, with his first book, Black Skin, White Mask,
written in 1952 at the age of twenty-seven and originally titled "An Essay for
the Disalienation of Blacks." Fanon defined the colonial relationship as one of
the non recognition of the colonized's humanity, his subjecthood, by the
colonizer in order to justify his exploitation.
Fanon's next novel, "The Wretched Of The ` ``Earth" views the colonized
world from the perspective of the colonized. Like Foucault's questioning of a
disciplinary society Fanon questions t .....
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Great Gatsby
Words: 558 - Pages: 3.... of attention because of their high price and extreme beauty. All of these examples of prosperity represent the lives of the people of this novel to a point. Together, the citizens of this book are more concerned with their possessions and money, than their health and lives. Subsequently, the people at his parties show careless recklessness with their abuse of alcohol and their bodies. First of all, the people at Gatsby¹s balls drank all night and showed no respect for Gatsby¹s house or possessions. Also the participants of the parties held at Gatsby¹s mansion are audacious enough to drive home while very intoxicated. Furthermore the indiv .....
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Summary Of Willie Morris' "Good Old Boy"
Words: 724 - Pages: 3.... was destroyed
in this blaze. The next day, some citizens went to her grave and to their
horror the chain had been broken. Another legend was one about Casey Jones,
a famous train engineer who was killed while saving his passengers lives.
The last legend mentioned was about a race of giant Indians who supposedly
lived on the land that Yazoo City was built on.
Next, the book told about the childhood life of the author, Willie
Morris. Willie, his dog Skip, and friends had many exciting adventures
together in that small town. They ranged from school day pranks to having
saved the town from a band of thieves.
They usually .....
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Themes Of Animal Imagery In... A Doll House
Words: 1139 - Pages: 5.... That, in my opinion was the truth.
Nora Helmer was a delicate character. She had been pampered all of her life, by her father, and by Torvald. She really didn't have a care in the world. She didn't even have to care for the children; the maid would usually take care of that. In every sense of the word, she was your typical housewife. She never left the house, mostly because her husband was afraid of the way people "would talk." I do not know if but a few people knew about their marriage, and that was they way Torvald wanted it to be. It really wasn't her fault she was the way she was. It was mostly Torvald's for spoiling her.
Ibsen .....
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Chaucer's Canterbury Tales
Words: 1474 - Pages: 6.... wide knowledge of English life.
Chaucer found his characters in the world about him and in the world books and brought them eternally alive through his own creative powers. He presented his characters in the jumble and haphazardy of life, with a mild apology for his neglect of rank. All was to seem fortuitous, and yet all the ranks and vocations, the trades and the professions were there.(Rowland 248) Many believe that the church created these social structures to maintain control, so it is no wonder the clergy occupied the first class. The church maintained this control by being deeply imbedded in the structures of society and government. .....
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