Papers on Book Reports
Social Class Distinction In Madame Bovary: A Way Of Categorizing People
Words: 1332 - Pages: 5.... and be accepted into the circle when they are out of town
where no-one knows the truth. Both Emma and Homais followed this practice
in their pursuits to really belong. “Madame Bovary” is about a sense of
self, a search for personal identity and reality versus illusion. The
symbolism throughout the story is clearly indicative of this fact (Barron’s
To what social class did the characters belong, in reality, in appearance?
Did they move from one class to another during the story? In the following
pages I will respond to these questions. Charles Bovary moves between two
classes: working and middle. He comes from a middle class hom .....
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All Quiet On The Western Front: Themes
Words: 1015 - Pages: 4.... with shocking imagery, so that his
literature remains without a trace of nationalism, political ill will, or even
personal feelings.
It should be noted that the nature motif is carried consistently
throughout the novel, and that it supports many of the author's lesser themes.
For the purpose of portraying war as something terrible, though, the nature
motif is expressed most dramatically in the following passages. These passages
mark the three distinct stages of nature's condemnation of war: rebellion,
perseverance, and erasure.
The first passage occurs in Chapter Four when the troops are trucked out
to the front to install stakes and .....
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The Lottery 2
Words: 984 - Pages: 4.... like any other event happening in their town, such as a dance, club, or even a holiday program.
Mr. Summers, the head of the lottery, has to gather the information of all the households the night before to make the list for the following day. He has to mix the papers up with the one with the black dot on it in the box. The head of the household picks the paper from the box to seen if their family drew the dot or not. This event takes just a few hours to accomplish. The losing family then has to draw to decide who will lose in the household. The person who draws the dot will then get stoned to death. This is a ritual for the townspeo .....
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Colonialism And The Heart Of D
Words: 694 - Pages: 3.... with violence, aggravated murder on a great scale, and men going at it blind…. The conquest of the earth, which mostly means the taking away from those who have a different complexion or slightly flatter noses than ourselves, is not a pretty thing when you look into it too much (Conrad 140). Through this statement Conrad attacks the vicious and selfish nature that colonialism infests upon colonizers. Another direct attack is Marlows description of the natives. They faced hardships and atrocities, many of which they could not physically or mentally endure. Here Marlow gives a dark picture of their plight. They were dying slowly—it .....
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Words: 1701 - Pages: 7.... where I learned that we were all here for reason. Barnes told us that a UFO crashed. I was skeptical at first and didn't believe it. Then bares said we are going to go down and take a look at it, I thought this meant them but a few hours later I was going to the bottom in a submarine.
The site is 1,000 feet under water which is shallow compared tot he rest of the pacific. At the site there was a huge grid on lights and a massive metallic fin sticking up out of the grid. It was part of the craft and it looked like nothing I have ever seen. We settled into he habitat it was more comfortable then I though it would be it had showers and beds .....
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Animal Farm: Allegory Of Stalinism
Words: 962 - Pages: 4.... could be rich and free. What then
must we do? Why, work night and day, body and soul, for the overthrow of the
human race! That is my message to you, comrades. Rebellion!”
The simple, but emotional appeal, gets trough to the uneducated and plain
animals and, as in all revolutions, the planning begins in euphoria and idealism.
No voice is raised to ask relevant question or call for a considered debate.
The appearance of rats at the meeting raises a question: ”Are rats comrades?” A
democratic vote results in a ringing ”Yes!”. And Old Major proclaims, ”No animal
must ever tyrannise over his own kind. Weak or strong, clever or sim .....
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How The Scarlet Letter Effects
Words: 1731 - Pages: 7.... The scarlet letter had one basic meaning, "adultery," but to the characters of Hester and Dimmesdale it was a constant reminder of the sin; and to Pearl it was a symbol of curiosity.
Obviously, the scarlet letter had the largest impact on Hester, it was a constant reminder of the sin she committed. The "A" she must wear on her bosom completely humiliates her in front of everyone she meets, she begins to even hide behind it, trying to conceal her identity. Hawthorne is referring to Hester in the quote, "The unhappy culprit sustained herself as best a woman might, under the heavy weight of a thousand unrelenting eyes, all fastened .....
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The Hobbit: Fantasy World Comparison To Our World
Words: 782 - Pages: 3.... had surrounded the group in a cave. The magical ring, which was a key to helping the group succeed in the book, allowed the person who was wearing it to become invisible to others. Also, there was a black stream in Mirkwood that made he who drank out of it suddenly very drowsy and forgetful of previous events. All of these examples of happenings and objects found in Middle Earth are physically impossible in a world such as ours.
Several of the charecters in the book are not known to exist on Earth. Hobbits, of course, are fictional characters, as are dwarves, elves, goblins, and trolls. Many species of animals are able to talk wi .....
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All Quiet On The Western Front
Words: 1059 - Pages: 4.... then came back over an hour later with bread and meat for dinner.
Albert Kropp
Albert was one of the students that enlisted at the same time as Paul. He was also a close friend of Paul's. So close that after both had been wounded and were on a train home, when Albert became sick and was scheduled to be taken off at the next stop, Paul went off with him. After this stop they were sent to a hospital to be treated for their wounds. Paul after a few weeks ended up healing fine, the opposite was true for Albert. An infection spread through his leg leading for the need for it to be amputated at the thigh. When Paul returned to the war thes .....
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To The Lighthouse
Words: 693 - Pages: 3.... of a little lie, the temperamental Mr. Ramsay hurts, if not kills, Mrs. Ramsay's emotions. Still, right after the incident, Mr. Ramsay self-reflects and "[he was] ashamed of that petulance [that he brought to his wife]." (32) Mr. Ramsay understands and regrets the sorrow he brought on Mrs. Ramsay. He sympathizes with her and is "ashamed" for what he had done. Mr. Ramsay wants to appease his wife and make her happy as a result of the torment that he inflicted on her. Next, Woolf again illustrates Mr. Ramsay's insensitive dimension when Mr. Ramsay makes Mrs. Ramsay "bend her head as if to let the pelt of jagged hail, the drench of d .....
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