Papers on Book Reports
With And Without The State In
Words: 1825 - Pages: 7.... how the outside world does not
provide resolutions their desolate existence and to help alleviate the conditions of daily life.
The distance between the state, the outer world and the people,
the inner world, creates an ignorance that the state refuses to attend. It
is widely known the two factors for the makeup of a civilization lies in
the people and the state or the state and its people. Without one or the
other to depend on, reliance hinders stability. The functional branch or government in Rome is thousands of miles away that there is a barrier
between the Italian people. Because the capital is not located .....
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Martin Heidegger’s Being And Time
Words: 1191 - Pages: 5.... In this sense, humans exist before they are given any sort of purpose. More traditional philosophies understand essence to precede existence. For example, God created humans for some sort of end. In other words God had an underlying purpose in the creation of human existence. It is from Heidegger’s belief that existence precedes essence, which he finds the question of Being such an important question to come to terms with. He believes that if we have the ability to formulate and pose the question of Being, then we must also possess the answer to it. Heidegger’s term “Dasein” can be understood as meaning “being there.” .....
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The Chosen By Chaim Potok
Words: 773 - Pages: 3.... be considered the first Jewish language). Rueven's school is also very integrated with many English speaking classes. But on the other hand, Danny, who attends a yeshiva (also a Jewish school), considers himself a true Jew because he (unlike Rueven) wears the traditional side curls and is educated in Yiddish. At first the two boys cannot stand each other, many times Danny refers to Rueven as "apikorsim," (32) which basically translates to... someone who is not true to their religion. These differences between the two soon become obsolete with one unfortunate accident, and make them realize they could use each other to get through some har .....
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Billy Budd: Was Captain Vere Right?
Words: 621 - Pages: 3.... and
cause a mutiny. Captain Vere knows that a mutiny might occur and does not want
it to happen. Captain Vere could possibly be using Billy's execution for his
crime of killing Claggart as an example for the rest of the crew. It shows the
crew what will happen to them if they try to start a mutiny. After Billy's
death CaptainVere obviously feels regret for executing Billy. Captain Vere's
last words are “Billy Budd, Billy Budd” (p. 76) show an example of this. Those
last words might symbolize that Captain Vere killed Billy for the wrong reasons.
If CaptainVere uses Billy's death for an example to the rest of the crew then it
migh .....
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The Scarlet Letter: Human Beings Are Evil?
Words: 609 - Pages: 3.... God. If that was true, why would a
mortal decide, and act as God for God? These men in power made Hester look
bad, so people on town would think that they are better than Hester, and
because of that they would not sin, or they will too, will be punished.
When Hester was standing on the scaffold, she was being judged by everybody,
and since humans are evil, than their response towards her were not be
positive, but evil. A group of women were talking with each other, and
deciding on a punishment for Hester: "'What do we talk of marks and brands,
whether on the bodice of her gown, or flesh of her forehead,'" (p. 49).
To which anothe .....
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The Harness Conspiracy
Words: 1129 - Pages: 5.... DeWitt. They would plant whatever Clark planted, which just turned out to be some barley, and in turn increase the demand for sweet peas. The doctor and the undertaker were promised a share of the profit when the crops were sold. This conspiracy may not seem obvious at first glance, but under closer observation, one can see all the inconsistencies and clues that lead to this conclusion.
First, there are many inconsistencies concerning Emma's incessant illness. When we first see Emma described, we are told that her eyes were "feverish with a determination to live" (39). This image does not suggest that she would give up life as easily .....
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The Metamorphosis
Words: 571 - Pages: 3.... energy, he abuses his body and ruins his mind....(p486)
The work Gregor does is merely mechanical, a means to an end, it offers him no satisfaction, and it alienates him the moment he begins. He starts locking his doors at night after having to travel, he becomes distrustful of people, and he brings these things into his home, where they separate him from his family. The only way Gregor can find happiness is through the small amount of creative work he can accomplish through carpentry. This is his true love and his one indulgence and he will do anything to protect it, and he shows when his mother and sister move to clean his room an .....
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Dantes Inferno
Words: 1869 - Pages: 7.... he sees, to hear what he hears, and to feel what he feels, and thus experience his sensitivity to the sights and sounds of nature. In Canto 6, Dante introduces the vicious monster, Cerberus and details his grotesque features to the reader. He states, “His eyes are red, his beard is greased with phlegm, / his belly is swollen, and his hands are claws / to rip the wretches and flay and mangle them” (66). This quote vividly depicts the man-beast Cerberus that Dante encountered, and allows the reader to feel present in the scene with Dante. He further emphasizes the sights and sounds to portray the hellish environment when he st .....
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To Kill A Mokingbird
Words: 1160 - Pages: 5.... Aunt Alexandra because she did not carry herself in a lady-like manner. Instead of her having tea parties and wearing dresses, Scout climbed trees and wore jean overalls. I laughed as I read this particular part because it reminded me of when I was young and liked to climb trees. I can also relate to the closeness shared by the siblings because I am very close to my younger brother, Brandon. Charles Baker "Dill" Harris was the only other child mentioned in the story that was a friend of Scout and Jem. He was from Meridian and the trio became aquatinted because Dill would come to Alabama and visit with his Aunt Rachel in the summer who s .....
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Images From The Dhammapada
Words: 536 - Pages: 2.... That is why one should think clearly at all
times, and not allow evil to enter their mind. Water is a frequently used
metaphor in The Dhammapada. Another example of this occurs on page 14,
number 4 in the section titled "Flowers".
"Just as a raging flood sweeps away a sleeping village,
So does death claim a man of distracted mind,
As he continually seeks more and more
Of life's fleeting pleasures."
Once again the image of water was used, but in a much different
context. Here The Dhammapada refers to water not as drops filling a bucket,
but it shows a more forceful side of water. A raging flood engulf .....
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