Papers on Book Reports
Sounder: Like Father Like Dog
Words: 993 - Pages: 4.... alike. The harsh factors they face in every day life make them mentally strong. The father hunts night after night to supply food for his family. When things do not go well with the hunting he has to resort to stealing. Not because he is a criminal, but rather because he has a family to support. When his punishment comes he takes it like a man and goes off to prison. Sounder demonstrates his own courage by taking a shotgun blast to the face while trying to prevent his master from being taken away to prison. Wounded and approaching death, Sounder treks off into the wooded marsh to heal himself with the acid from the oak-tree leaves. .....
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In Fortinbras, Laertes, And Ho
Words: 717 - Pages: 3.... He only does anything, because if he doesn't, he will be killed. The other time that he uses action instead of words is, of course, at the end. but by that time, it is already too late.
Laertes, on the other hand, was quite the opposite. He was all action and no talk. A very headstrong character, he was rash and let his emotions make his decisions for him. an example of this is when he finds out about his father's death, he immediately assumes it was Claudius and enters the castle by force, fully intending on killing him. This is what Hamlet needs to be like, but only in moderation. Sometimes, when the time calls for it, you must act on .....
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The Great Gatsby: Importance Of Daisy
Words: 635 - Pages: 3.... any one man as she says on page 133 "I did love him once- but I love you to" ,destroys everyone’s lives in the novel. In the beginning she fails to love Tom Buchanan which in a way drives him away to Myrtle which destroys Mr. Wilson’s life. Then she gets Gatsby killed by killing Myrtle in the car accident leading Mr. Wilson to believe that Gatsby was driving the car which hit Myrtle and killed her. So Mr. Wilson kills Gatsby as revenge and then commits suicide. Daisy just can’t find real love so she dates many men and wishes that someone will decide who she loves for her as the following quotes prove, page 151 "suddenly she again keepi .....
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Tradition: Lost And Kept
Words: 710 - Pages: 3.... the sacrifice; he loves his only daughter dearly and does not wish her to
die. Unfortunately, he could not abandon his position as Chief and let the
people die from the drought either. In the tribe, it was customary for the Chief
to have several wives and children. The Chief married five wives and the fifth
one brought him a daughter. Another tradition that was shown in the story was
the explanation of how Oganda (the chief's only daughter) received her name. Her
name meant "beans" because her skin was smooth, very much like the skins of
beans. A last example of tradition is the sacrificing of Oganda. She is
scheduled to be sacrificed to a .....
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Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
Words: 1155 - Pages: 5.... Victor's mother died when he was still young and her death would change him
for the rest of his life. After Victor's mother's death Victor swore he would
conquer the mortality of humans. Victor, once he was out of medical school, he
began to work on his theory of conquering death. He collected numerous body
parts and put them together and used a special technique to bring the corpse to
life. At first Victor thought he had failed, but the creature sat up and was
alive. Victor was horrified by his own creation and fled his laboratory. The
monster then disappeared into the city.
Two years pasted and the monster wasn't heard from, unt .....
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Heart Of Darkness; By Joseph Conrad
Words: 1026 - Pages: 4.... wilderness" with a reward in "the tidal current...crowded with memories of men...the great knights-errant of the sea." The contrast of darkness and light (evil vs. good), illusions brought from those who have seen the grails, and the elements of the quest itself proves of Marlow's disillusioned purpose.
Light and darkness contrasted throughout the novel as the "forces of evil and good." These contrasts also figuratively considered being civilized and uncivilized ( with the light representing civilization or the civilized side of the world and the dark representing the uncivilized or savage side of the world.) Even from the beg .....
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Of Mice And Men: Why I Shot Lennie
Words: 404 - Pages: 2.... him a dog so he wouldn't have to
carry around that mouse. Then he gave me that "guilt trip" and started
saying that he could go live and the woods and he would be fine without me.
Yes, Lennie was a very smart person.
As I look back to those events leading up to Lennie's death I kind
of think that it's my fault that he's dead. Not just because I'm the one
that killed him but because I should have watched him more closely. I
should not have left him in the barn with Curley's wife. I think that they
started talking and somehow Curley's wife had him touch her hair. As you
know Lennie likes soft things so he kept touching it. She started .....
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Heart Of Darkness 3
Words: 440 - Pages: 2.... As Marlow and his companions walked through the countryside, they eventually wound up in a different location, an “inhabited devastation” where there are people, a place where sinners reside.
This is a large contrast from where Marlow started out, which was seemingly the Garden of Eden. Reading the section of the story that I did consider the Garden of Eden, I felt quite empty, as if it was a place where only Marlow and his companions were. Conrad used detail in this section which really made me pick up on this feeling of loneliness.
When we finally arrive to the “inhabited devastation,” the feeling that Mar .....
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Jane Eyre
Words: 1461 - Pages: 6.... aspect of his life, and he needs to feel superior to all of those around him. Jane de cides to accept his control and she concedes to him by calling him sir, even after they begin to have an intimate relationship. At one point, she even goes so far as to excuse herself for thinking. She says, "I was thinking, sir (you will excuse the idea; it was involuntary), I was thinking of Hercules and Samson with their charmers" (p.289). This statement possibly begins to suggests Janes unsatisfaction with Rochester's position of complete dominance in their relationship. To Jane, Rochester embodies the idea of love which she has so long been denied .....
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Scarlet Letter
Words: 1006 - Pages: 4.... An extreme sinner through the eyes of the Puritans, Hester Prynne goes against the Puritan ways and commits the sinful act of adultery. The townspeople often talk about Hester amongst themselves in the marketplace, “This woman has brought us shame”, for her sin brings them much grief (99). For this irrevocably harsh sin the town magistrates sentence Hester to wear the ‘A’ as a constant reminder of her sin, and for all to recognize her as an adulteress. Pearl is the incarnation of her mother’s sin. Pearl, her mother’s sole joy and at the same time a constant reminder of her sin, gives reference to .....
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