Papers on Book Reports
Animal Farm: Power's Corruption
Words: 561 - Pages: 3.... longer with fewer rations than before. It's easy to see how power can effortlessly influence the greed factor.
Discrimination is another outcome of abused power. People of high power often tend to look down their noses at the ones who work for them or do not obtain the same amount of power as them. The pigs in 'Animal Farm' follow this portrayal perfectly. In the story, they begin to discriminate against the other animals. They show this by establishing the rule that if a pig and another animal meet on a path, the other animal is to move aside and let the pig pass. 'About this time, too, it was laid down as a rule that when a pig and .....
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A Separate Peace
Words: 377 - Pages: 2.... of the tree then he would be able to compete in the Olympics.
Phineas is a friendly and outgoing kind of person. Finny was always
friendly and respectful towards other people and whenever one of his classmates
such as Leper was being isolated from the rest of group, Finny would take up for
him. Even though Gene made Finny break his leg, Finny still didn't hold
anything against him and refused to believe what happened. Finny has always
been friendly to others due to his outgoing personality.
Finny is a competitive sportsman like person. Whenever Finny sees a
challenge that has never been achieved he will try to do what the others .....
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Learning To See: Summary
Words: 456 - Pages: 2.... jar with a specimen of a fish, told him how to care for the specimen,then sat him down at a table. Samuel sat at the table and looked at the fish just as the Professor had instructed him. After ten minutes he saw all that could be seen of the fish. Hours pasted, with no sign of the Professor. Samuel moved the fish closer to him this time, feeling the fish with his hands, turning it is he was able to see every angle of the specimen. This inabled him to take in the whole fish, seeing more then the first time that he looked. Samuel draw the fish, and saw more things about the fish that he missed time and time again. When Profsssor Agassiz .....
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The World Of Odysseus
Words: 1502 - Pages: 6.... In one of the chapters known as "Homer and the Greeks," the author provides the reader with basic information of Ancient Greece as well as information on The Odyssey and Iliad, the two books on which this book is based upon. In another chapter, referred to as "Wealth and Labor," the author successfully supplies the reader with a larger knowledge base for what the Ancient Greek period was like. Economic and social traits of the period are discussed, with an emphasis of the role of the average Greek man. Throughout the rest of the book, the author carefully continues to assess the roles of Greek man and his relations and beliefs as told throu .....
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Report On The Prince By Machia
Words: 1211 - Pages: 5.... can make quick and intelligent choices about the problems
that constantly arise before him. He must also have virtue, which means
he is strong, confident, talented, as well as smart. A prince cannot be
uncertain, because uncertainty is a sign of weakness. Fortune controls
half of human’s actions, and man’s will control the other half. Virtue
is the best defense for fortune, and virtue must be used in order to
keep fortune in check. The prince must take advantage of situations
based solely on if it is best for the state. He should choose his
decisions based on contemporary and historical examples. A prince
cannot consider wh .....
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Racism In Wright's Black Boy
Words: 800 - Pages: 3.... about blacks and whites.
When, as a child Wright learned of a white man beating a black boy he believed
that the white man was allowed to beat the black child. Wright did not think
that whites had the right to beat blacks because of their race. Instead he
assumed that the white man was the black boy's father. When Wright learned that
this was not true, and that the boy was beaten because of his race, he was un
able to rationalize it. Even as he got older he didn't see the color of people.
In one instance Richard and a friend are standing outside a shop when some white
people pass by, Richard doesn't move to accomodate the white p .....
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One Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich: Summary
Words: 1248 - Pages: 5.... the blade. He then unbuttons his
coat and let the guards search him. They search him side and back and his
pocket, and one guard also crushes the mitten that Ivan holds out which is
the empty one. This was in the book as,
He was about to pass him through when,
for safety's sake, he crushed the mitten
that Shukhov held out to him - the empty one. (Solzhenitsyn, Pg.
The smart move that he does is to place the empty mitten on top and take
the risk that the guard will only search the empty one. Shukhov was lucky.
Another example of having to be smarter is after they find the wood panels,
they want to carry them .....
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Jailer Jailed
Words: 413 - Pages: 2.... how real life is, but this particular one depicts life without its pleasantries. This story is about a reporter who wants to be invited to this prestigious party but can't go because he works for the press. This shows real life without its pleasantries. Because the man couldn't get into the party because he was a reporter, his public power failed him. "A Nincompoop" also shows real life as Chekhov sees it, but this particular one depicts how exploitable people are by one another. This story begins with a women's payday. But, to her surprise her employer starts to deduct for things she has broken and for other dumb reasons. When he get .....
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Sons And Lovers
Words: 1554 - Pages: 6.... and his parents with their fictional counterparts in the book. David Herbert Lawrence was born in 1885, in Eastwood, England. Eastwood is an industrial town, the main industry being coal mining. In the novel, Eastwood becomes the town of Bestwood. As in the novel, Lawrence’s family was poor and working class. Lawrence was a sickly child (Croom, 1996). He had bronchitis a mere two weeks after he was born, and lung problems would plague him all his life, eventually developing into repeated bouts of pneumonia which permanently weakened his lungs (Meyers, p. 248). Eventually, it was tuberculosis, which attacked his weakened lungs, that killed .....
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The Old Man And The Sea: Analysis Of Santiago
Words: 821 - Pages: 3.... of no one, for he did fine without the others. Santiago learned how to
make due with the supplies that he had. On the boat while he is battling the
mighty fish, he is able to deal with limited food and drink. He realizes he may
be out at sea for a long time, so he rationalizes his supplies. Santiago copes
with what he has. The sail on his boat is torn and tattered, consisting of
countless rags stitched together. Although a nicer sail would have been nice he
knew that he could get by with the one he has.
Santiago displayed a great deal of grace while under the pressure of
catching his great adversary. While battling the marlin he always k .....
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