Papers on Book Reports
Hemingway's "For Whom The Bell Tolls": War's Affect On Man And Importance Of Time
Words: 1150 - Pages: 5.... always
surrounded by the memories and thoughts of those we love. When two people truly
fall in love they become as one. Where one goes, both go. Robert finally says
to her " The me in thee. Now you go for us both. Truly. We both go in thee
now. This I have promised thee. Stand up. Thou art me now. Thou art all
there will be of me. Stand up." (Pg.462) By saying this Jordan reveals how man
is never an individual but instead is made up of all the influences, experiences,
and memories that we have shared with others.
Furthermore This change came upon Jordan as a consequence of joining the
war. Before the war had started he .....
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How To Kill A Mocking Bird
Words: 704 - Pages: 3.... southern people reflected that of the nation. Most of the people were racist. In the novel, these ideas are explored through a young girl by the name of Scout. The readers see the events that occur through her eyes. The novel centers on the trial of Tom Robinson. To the people of Maycomb County, Tom Robinson is just a "sorry nigger," who committed an unthinkable crime. Tom represents the black race in American society. He is a victim of racism, which was the major controversy in our culture during that time. Like Boo Radley, Tom Robinson is characterized by what the people of Maycomb say about him. And after being accused of rape, .....
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A Review Of Blake's "The Chimney Sweeper"
Words: 790 - Pages: 3.... wish that all the boys
could live in such a wonderful environment. My reaction to the final stanza
was a sense of distress; the boys had nothing to hope for, but were forced
to perform a task which would eventually kill them. After reading the poem
I was left with several impressions in my mind. The young and innocent
portrayal of the narrator seemed to be a powerful influence on my emotional
reactions to the poem. I was left with a sense of helplessness and
frustration that I was not able to help the boys out of their oppressed
state, and because I possess some knowledge of this period of history and
culture, I know that the events describe .....
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Catcher In The Rye - A Sequel
Words: 457 - Pages: 2.... “NO!” I exclaimed. I refuse to go to one of those prep
schools, all of the little kids are phonies. But then as abruptly as that
little conversation started, it ended. They said, “You are going come
Saturday and you can't do a thing about it.”
So then they say, “We will get you a train ticket for the earliest
train out of Central Station.” I stormed out, knowing that I was
defenseless against them I went straight into my room and packed, thinking
of ways to get back at them. I thought then I realized that I shouldn't
even bother wasting my time, I knew that it would be a small time before I
would be kicked out anyhow.
Bags out .....
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A Seperate Piece
Words: 446 - Pages: 2.... to some of the traumatic events in his life. Gene had always conformed to rules and followed rules and regulations with obedience. Throughout time this changes, as the influence of Finny lowers Genes obedience to such things. The wars within Gene are disputed as well as the wars outside and the novel expresses the acceptance and rejecting of these aspects. The struggles to create a better more Ideal life for himself occurs, and his belief that Finny is the ideal does not diminish until Finny no longer can stand on his own. The complete contrast of Finny and Gene is a boy named Leper. Leper was not interested in much and is the first of the .....
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Things Fall Apart
Words: 1711 - Pages: 7.... but the culture and religion and are not able to stand up against the whites and their religion. When the missionaries first come to the village, the people, who are still secure in their own religion, are confident that the tribal village will destroy them. When this does not happen, the villagers become convinced that the new religion has some sort of magical power, and this weakens their confidence in their own culture.
Once again, racism pervades the novel, with the intrusion of the missionaries into the lives of the villagers. The weakening ties in the village are reflected in the story of Okonkwo and his family. Nwoye's c .....
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Zinn's A People's History Of The United States Of America
Words: 2108 - Pages: 8.... America and their unspeakable travel conditions
and treatment, the callus buildup of the agricultural economy around these
slaves, the discontented colonists whose plight was ignored by the ruling
bourgeoisie, and most importantly, the rising class and racial struggles in
America that Zinn correctly credits as being the root of many of the
problems that we as a nation have today. It is refreshing to see a book
that spends space based proportionately around the people that lived this
history. When Columbus arrived on the Island of Haiti, there were 39 men on
board his ships compared to the 250,000 Indians on Haiti. If the white race
account .....
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John Steinbeck's`"In Dubios Battle": Summary
Words: 2133 - Pages: 8.... Party. He was assigned to work with Mac, an able
experienced organizer. Together they became the fruit pickers, at a time
when the fruit growers had cut wages lower than any worker thought possible.
A strike was brewing, and Mac and Jim were determined to carry it along
and direct its course.
Luck was with them. Shortly after their arrival at the camp of the
workers, Mac, by giving the impression that he was a doctor, delivered the
camp leader's grandchild. Word of his accomplishments spread throughout
the area. After Mac and Jim became friends with London, the leader of the
camp, and the other workers, they persuaded the fruit pi .....
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An Analysis Of The Novel Candide By Voltaire
Words: 753 - Pages: 3.... other interesting individuals and has one bad experience
after the next. One day Candide meets a woman who takes care of him and this is
none other than Cunegonde. They amuse each other with stories of misfortune and
travel around the world. At every place Candide goes something unthinkable
seems to happen to him. Candide meets several people along the way who all
have their own interesting story of misfortune and the inhumanities of mankind.
Candide ends up on a small farm, married to Cunegonde and living with two
philosophers. He argues with others at the end of the book if this really is
the best of all possible worlds and they c .....
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Of Mice And Men: Lennie And George
Words: 672 - Pages: 3.... in many ways, but deep within they have
an inseparable relationship. "Sometimes you just get used to a guy." The
two have grown together, and they live a part of eachother. George, being
the leader of the two, has the responsibility of caring for Lennie, who is
much like a child in his ways, however, far more dangerous than his inner
character reflects. George has to keep a watchful eye over Lennie, for
without constant supervision, Lennie would inadvertently kill anything he
George has towards Lennie the tenderness and protective instinct which
most have towards the helpless, the disadvantaged, and the dependent.
George has .....
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