Papers on Book Reports
Showing The Connection Between
Words: 1267 - Pages: 5.... to live together forever in happiness. The decisions that Gatsby made were not rational and were driven by longing and obsession. The consequences that were derived from these choices, ultimately led to his demise.
The day on which James Gatz disappeared and Mr. Jay Gatsby was born, was the beginning of the end. When Gatsby trod his first step upon Dan Cody's boat, it was as though he was proclaiming that his old self never existed, and his new-self would flourish. This act of rejection shows not only his self-centered nature, but his blatant disregard for others. The reader is able to see, though, when Gatsby's father, Mr. Gatz, returns l .....
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All Quite On The Western Front
Words: 546 - Pages: 2.... were blown out of
there clothes into tree, some were missing arms. But all that
they had to say about it was that they should report it to the
stretcher-bearers' because it was not their job to help these
fellow soldiers that were fighting on the same side. They were
fight for the same reason, for the same team and nothing even
crossed their minds that they might soon be those people in the
trees or maybe just laying on the ground, and other soldiers will
pass them and think nothing of it other than it is not their job
to help them out. Right after this situation Paul experiences
just this he is put in the middle o .....
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Theme Of “Richard Cory”
Words: 492 - Pages: 2.... This setting makes
everything seem so peaceful, but in reality Richard Cory was killing
himself. It is an ironic setting because we think just the opposite as we
are reading the poem.
The second way the author illustrates the theme is imagery. The
fact that Richard Cory was viewed as quietly arrayed makes the reader think
that he has no problems and that everyone wants to be like him. Also, the
poem states that he is “richer than a king” so the audience gets the
feeling that this is a happy man who is happy with his success in life.
When on the other hand he wants to kill himself. Moreover, the workers on
the pavement say that he i .....
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Miss Massey
Words: 1485 - Pages: 6.... year Jaz does not hear from his family.
If it was not, I do not think he would be as upset as he is.
The way Tony responds to Jaz shows that Tony does not find it easy
to express his feelings toward Jaz. He thinks that trying to comfort him
would cause a worse temper whereas I believe that Jaz would like some words
of consolation. Of course Tony knows Jaz better than I do, but most people
like some comforting when they are upset about something.
(In the following paragraphs I presume that the city referred to in the
text is London. This may not be correct, but I know of no other English
city with an Underground).
Miss Massey a .....
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Flowers For Algernon: Charlie Becoming Smart
Words: 481 - Pages: 2.... He thought his name being mentioned
so often meant that everybody really liked him.
As Charlie got smarter, he started to realize who he thought were his
friends were not. This one night he soon found out that this really was
true. That night Charlie tells Frank that he does not want to drink,
because he already drank before and he felt sick the next morning. Frank
did not listen to Charlie. Instead, he spiked Charlie's drink to make him
look like a fool. Charlie did not know this and thought that the drink
just let a funny taste in his mouth. He started tripping over people's
feet and Frank says, "I have not laughed so much a .....
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12 Angry Men: Boy Is Innocent
Words: 413 - Pages: 2.... The old man does not have that good of hearing. Also,
at that same time, the train was going by his house. This train is very
loud. How could an old man with poor hearing hear this? . This old man
is not a believable witness to the murder of this man. You can't believe
what he said. The train was just too loud for him to possibly hear the
yells of the boy.
After leaving his house, the boy went to see a movie to get away
from all of this. He was under total stress. I am sure he did not care to
look at the title of the movie. He probably just wanted in to get away.
This way his mind was focused on other things other than his .....
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Macbeth Imagery
Words: 824 - Pages: 3.... be done. Secondly, the darkness shows one of Lady Macbeth’s weaknesses: her fear of dark. In the play, phrases of fear escape from lips even in her sleep. She believes darkness to be the place of torment.
Within the whole play, the sun seems to shine only twice. The first is in the passage when Duncan sees the swallows flirting round the castle of death. The second time, at the end, when the avenging army gathers to rid the earth of its shame. Therefore, the reader can conclude that Shakespeare uses darkness to establish the evil parts of the play. On the other hand, daylight is employed to define victory or goodness in the play.
In M .....
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To Kill A Mocking Bird: Tom Robinson's Trial
Words: 3185 - Pages: 12.... a ‘Carnival’, rather than to see a man on trial for his life. The town’s reaction to what is happening tells us a lot about people’s ideology and the general time frame. We learn more about the mutual hatred between African Americans and ‘whites’ in a legal sense. Groups like the ‘Idler’s club’ and the Mennonites enjoyed seeing a Black man’s freedom taken away from him.
Tom Robinson was found guilty of raping Mayella Ewell, in the face of very strong evidence that his accusers were lying. One reason why he was convicted was because it was a white man’s word against a black man’s one. Tom, who is black, would be .....
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The Infinity Mirror
Words: 718 - Pages: 3.... cold hard look into
society. We see a mother, knowing her son is to be hated and feared, and
perhaps possibly killed, cannot face killing her son with her bare hands.
She leaves the killing to exposure to the elements, enying herself a look
into Tularecito.
Franklin adopts Pancho's demon, and Tularecito transforms into a
disadvantaged who has been gifted with talent. Tularecito becomes a man at
the age of six, "The boy grew rapidly, but after the fifth year his brain
did not grow any more," To Franklin, Tularecito is grace, and graceless.
He is talented in all things of any physical strength, and well proficient
in the creation of beauty, a .....
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A Separate Peace: Contrasting Gene And Phineas And The Struggle For Power
Words: 796 - Pages: 3.... over exaggerates. It tells
that he is very strong and powerful to be able to do what others can not
do. The denotation of power is "the capability of achieving something."
Not only is Phineas achieving something from jumping off this tree, he is
achieving power by gaining the respect of fellow classmates. Phineas'
spontaneity inspires many others to be like himself and jump off the tree.
Another example of Phineas' power is his character establishing scene of
disrespect to the school by wearing his pink shirt and the Devon School tie
as his belt. We here, again, see him as the spontaneous individual who "can
get away with anything" (p.1 .....
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