Papers on Computers & Technology
Identity Theft
Words: 696 - Pages: 3.... like candy on halloween. We
use our social security numbers as identification numbers Credit card numbers
are printed on every receipt. And our liscense number is used on a daily basis.
Despite this there are ways to prevent yourself from falling victem to identity
theft. you see a criminal likes easy prey. They don't want to have to work for
it. It's like locking your car at the mall, sure someone might break in anyway,
but chance are if your doors are lock the will probably move on to another car.
First off... Never give your credit card number online out unless you are
positive that the company you are dealing with is legitima .....
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Usage Of The Internet
Words: 819 - Pages: 3.... the business value of
the Internet is in promoting products, not in sales. (Associated
Press, March 13, 1997)
According to survey results released by DeWitt Media in
February 1997, almost two-thirds of all marketers have advertised
on the Internet. 54% of those surveyed plan to increase their
online advertising budgets in 1997. (Online Marketing Growing
Strong, January 21, 1997) In addition, Advertising Age reported,
"of the 100 Leading National Advertisers, 46 have purchased Web
advertising" through July 1996, and nearly all have corporate Web
sites. Many plan to make online advertising a line-item in their
budgets f .....
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Quantum Computers Fact -or- Fantasy?
Words: 1636 - Pages: 6.... a large office building and you had to retrieve a briefcase left on a desk picked at random in one of hundreds of offices. In the same way that you would have to walk through the building, opening doors one at a time to find the briefcase, an ordinary computer has to make it way through long strings of 1’s and 0’s until it arrives at the answer. But what if instead of having to search by yourself, you could instantly create as many copies of yourself as there were rooms in the building all the copies could simultaneously peek in all the offices, and the one that finds the briefcase becomes the real you, the rest just disappear. – ( .....
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Fiber Optics
Words: 864 - Pages: 4.... signal in the headend for more efficient transmission. The use in the headend of these devices has been important in reducing the cost of fiber systems by allowing a single laser to be shared among multiple receivers.
The smallest, final span of cable, called the drop, is the portion of the network that runs between the last place where the signal is split to the home of the subscriber. at this time, the drop portion of the network is exclusively coaxial cable; however, cable operators and equipment vendors alike are exploring ways to make fiber an economic alternative to coax.
Cable TV operators are evaluating a variety of new se .....
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Words: 467 - Pages: 2.... baud than 1200 and so on. The fastest modem made today is a 56k which is very fast. Not as fast as ISDN (The Wave offered through Rogers cable) or even as advanced as Satellite modem. Most people now have 14.4 or 28.8 baud (Baud is "Slang" for Baud Rate Per Second) the reason for the increase in 14.4 and 28.8’s is that they are cheap and fairly recent and haven’t gone out of date yet.
There are two types of modem external and external internal plugs into a 16 bit port inside your computer and external connects through either a serial (mouse)port or a parallel (printer)port most people like the external because they don’t take up a .....
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The Evolution Of The Saw
Words: 698 - Pages: 3.... cut a kerf in a small piece of wood. They later replaced the copper with bronze, and the bronze with iron.
This new saw was effective, but was not very specialized. It would react differently under different conditions. Eventually more complex designs were discovered. These new designs allowed for the precision cutting of hardwood, softwood, with the grain, against the grain, and even raked out the unwanted sawdust. These saws differed in the layout of the teeth. Instead of the jawbone patter the teeth were placed in a "left-right-angled" pattern, to rake the sawdust, and were placed at different distances depending on the substanc .....
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Words: 2257 - Pages: 9.... agony to produce only seconds of animated film.
Before an animator goes about creating an animation he or she must have
the knowledge of several rules of animation, which animators around the world
follow. The first rule of animation is that an animator must hold the
understanding of the techniques used to produce single cells of animation.
Second rule, and one of the most important ones is that, the animator must have
great patience, so that his or her piece of artwork is not rushed, to prevent
the animation from looking choppy and not as smooth as it should look. Finally
what is required from an animator is "it takes commitment and effo .....
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Technology And Progress
Words: 1133 - Pages: 5.... my pet dog Barney. Barney was a kind natured dog who put up with far more than he should have from me. Still unable to understand that my actions could cause annoyance or pain to another, I often would often tease my dog for my own entertainment. Usually the teasing would consist of things like chasing my dog with the garden hose, or stealing his food and running with it, but one time I took my games too far. For some reason I came in contact with the idea that pain was humorous, maybe from TV, or schoolmates, or even my older siblings. Despite where the idea originated I still was taken with this new form of humor. My dog Barney un .....
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Victims In Progress Of Technology
Words: 301 - Pages: 2.... Industrialization societies are portrayed as being able to support
all of their citizens and more, when in fact, nothing could be further from
the truth. The reason that societies aid "undeveloped" countries is to
gain access to their resources. Technological cultures are ones of mass
consumption. As we have learned over the past few decades, are resources
are limited and must be conserved properly. Tribal societies are a shining
example of how to manage these resources, because they only use and eat
what they need without wasting valuable resources. To demonstrate let us
examine Bodley's study of the Maori tribe. The Maori tribe, s .....
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Technological Literacy
Words: 10060 - Pages: 37.... confined exclusively to pedagogical and curriculum issues. It seems that what is on everyone's mind are questions of significant and permanent social change seeping into every crevasse of our everyday work and private lives. Many of the issues that are being raised today, and which I will sketch out here, deal with abstract notions about the virtual and `real', about time and space, about `body-less' interactions and communities of learners, and so forth. I hope, however, that I have brought together the diversity of research, current debates and issues in a concrete way that helps adult literacy professionals to get a baseline familiarity w .....
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