Papers on English
Macbeth Blood Will Have Blood
Words: 726 - Pages: 3.... all kept inside, these feelings might make the person totally breakdown.
“Is this a dagger which I see before me, / The handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee.”(II, i, 33-34) The first image Macbeth sees is right before he kills Duncan. This image is not really there, yet it makes Macbeth worried. A second later, “and on thy blade and dudgeon gouts of blood /Which was not so before. (II,i, 46-47), there was blood on that imaginary dagger. Macbeth probably appeared very serious and very worried at this time. A dark and lonely setting helped to make Macbeth’s fears even greater. This vision was the first o .....
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The Sanity Of Hamlet
Words: 728 - Pages: 3.... he is eaten. If your messenger find him not there, seek him I' th' other place yourself. But, indeed, if you find him not within this month, you shall nose him as you go up the stairs into the lobby."
Hamlet's behavior throughout the play, especially towards Ophelia is inconsistent. He jumps into Ophelia's grave, and fights with Laertes in her grave. He professes, "I loved Ophelia, Forty thousand brothers could not, with all their quantity of love" during the fight with Laertes in Ophelia's grave, but he tells her that he never loved her, when she returns his letters and gifts, while she was still alive. Hamlet subtly hints his awarenes .....
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The Princess Bride -x
Words: 639 - Pages: 3.... less you think, the happier I’ll be,” The Scilian answered”. (Page 83)
And later on the same page:
“…the Turk mumbled. “people are always thinking that I’m so stupid because I’m big and strong and sometimes drool a little when I get excited.””
““The reason people think you’re so stupid,” the Scilian said, “is because you are so stupid. It has nothing to do with your drooling.”” Vizzini manages, with his constant verbal attacks on Fezzik to destroy any shred of confidence that Fezzik may have had before. Vizzini’s ego is gettin .....
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Words: 631 - Pages: 3.... the first time to save Rufus from drowning in the river. "I reacted to the child in trouble" (Pg. 13). Also, Rufus depended on her to be his companion. Even more, when Alice killed herself and Dana came back to the past the last time and saw what happened Rufus told her "don’t leave, Dana" (Pg. 256). As Rufus grew older he never really learned to take good care of himself.
Rufus is a man of his time. To begin with he treats his slaves the way any man would do in his period of time. Like the time when his father died and then he started to buy and sell slaves like any other slaveholder would do. Like Alice said "He’s all grown up .....
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A Dream Deferred
Words: 1128 - Pages: 5.... and unfulfilling life.
Early in Nel's life during a trip to New Orleans, she watches as her mother is humiliated by a train's white, racist conductor; she watches the indignity of her mother's having to squat in an open field to urinate while white train passengers gaze; and she watches her mother's shame at her own Creole mother's libidinous lifestyle. Her mother's submissiveness and humiliation evokes a fear, an anger, and an energy in Nel. Her emotions intensify as she makes a declaration to never be her mother, to never compromise her individuality, "I'm me. I'm not their daughter. I'm not Nel. I'm me. Me"(28). Figuring that her "me-ne .....
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Lesson Before Dying
Words: 803 - Pages: 3.... in the electric chair" (683). Directed the jury, Jefferson's attorney states, "What you see here is a thing that acts on command... Why, I would just as soon put a hog in the electric chair as this" (Gaines 7-8). At one point in the novel, Jefferson smashes his face into his food and begins eating it as if he were a hog. He does this, because of the attorney's rash, insensitive and cruel remarks. This event marks the beginning of Jefferson's decline of self-respect and gradually decreases his belief in heaven and God. With the help of Grant, his beliefs are slowly altered and his self-worth is steadily improved.
"For the Reverend Ambro .....
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The Adventures Of Huckleberry
Words: 622 - Pages: 3.... South. If Jim was caught, he would be in big trouble. If Huck didn’t turn Jim in, he would also be in big trouble. Huck found himself battling with his conscience, when he realized how close Jim was to his freedom, "…I begun to get it through my head that he was most free—and who was to blame for it? Why, me. I couldn’t get that out of my conscience, no how nor no way." (pg.85) Turning Jim in would be difficult, since he was a benevolent and amiable man. It was not righteous that he should be hurt, but if Huck helped Jim run away, he would have to turn his back on his own people. He would be saying slavery .....
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Jonathan's Swift's Real Argument
Words: 1190 - Pages: 5.... which are
common knowledge in his time, if applied to Christianity in Swift's time would
be quite dangerous allegations. Indeed, the reasons that Swift gives for the
preservation of the fictitious Christianity are exactly what he sees wrong with
the Christianity practiced in his time. By applying Swift's satirical argument
for the preservation of this fictitious religion to that which was currently
practiced, Swift asserts that their Christianity served ulterior motives, both
for the government and for the people.
If we are to prove that the government was using religion for selfish
purposes, we must be sure that it was not serving its .....
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The Dark Room
Words: 780 - Pages: 3.... she can’t help but think of her husband and their children. What would happen to them?
After doing a lot of thinking, she finally decides to go back home. In the end, Ramani has finally stopped seeing Shanta Bai, the other woman, and I guess you could say it’s a happy ending. It’s now up to you to go and guess the rest.
Savitri is very much real. She is basically quite like most people. They treat problems like that. They find ways to escape it. Like booze, drugs, suicide, etc. In Savitri’s case, she stays in , and finally, leaves her family.
As I was reading “The Dark Room”, I felt compas .....
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Gatsbys Pursuit Of The America
Words: 544 - Pages: 2.... to reach her economic standards. Once he acquires this wealth, he moves near to Daisy, "Gatsby bought that house so that Daisy would be just across the bay (83)," and throws extravagant parties, hoping by chance she might show up at one of them. He, himself, does not attend his parties but watches them from a distance. When this dream doesn't happen, he asks around casually if anyone knows her. Soon he meets Nick Carraway, a cousin of Daisy, who agrees to set up a meeting, "He wants to know...if you'll invite Daisy to your house some afternoon and then let him come over (83)." Gatsby's personal dream symbolizes the larger American Dream whe .....
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