Papers on English
Iliad As A Dictate Of The Fath
Words: 2272 - Pages: 9.... we see how important the father’s name is in describing the identity of the hero. The same occurs in the lines to follow, “…Atreus’ son the lord of men…” (1, 7). In this line the name Agamemnon is not even mentioned, even though it introduces the hero for the first time. The fact that he is the son of Atreus provides enough information for the audience. Genealogy has the power to cease battle between enemies. Such is the case when Diomedes, challenged by Glaukos on the battlefield, questions him of his descent. After Glaukos has given the full story of his ancestry, Diomedes realizes that their grandfathers have been .....
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Words: 2887 - Pages: 11.... do, he looks into the night and sees his own face.
There is going to be an execution at dawn. All of the executions happened at dawn. The "Movement" always kept their word.
A month earlier there was one of their fighters that had been on a terrorist operation. He was hauled in by the police and they found weapons on him.
They hung the man. By law this is what they were supposed to do. This was the tenth death sentence by the mandatory power in Palestine. The "Old Man" decided that things had gone far enough and now he was not going to allow the English to rule any longer.
The Old Man ordered that a military officer be kidnapped. They kidn .....
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Happiness Found In Literature
Words: 1005 - Pages: 4.... is one goal all people strive for to make them happy. Along with success come wealth, power and maybe even fame. But does money and power truly make a person happy? In the poem "Richard Corey" the author Edwin Arlington Robinson writes how money and wealth does not bring true happiness The poem describes how admired and impressive Richard Corey was to the people. Everyone stared at him when he came to town wishing they could be in his place. But Robinson goes on to show that money alone can not bring happiness. "And Richard Corey, one calm summer night, / Went home and put a bullet through his head (lines 15-16). Richard Corey's suicide is .....
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Of Mice And Men 7
Words: 788 - Pages: 3.... 's married and doesn't pay much attention to@his wife, which uses problems requently- Curley is insecure about his height and hates bigger men. He's all the time picking fights to try and prove whose the t. Crooks is a crippled blackman who envies Lennie and George. He"too/ would like to invest in their farm. The men are always picking on Crooks and Curley's wife threatens to have him hung all the time. The boss is always taking his anger out on him. Curley's wife is young, beautiful and very lonely. She is the only female on the ranch and she teases the men to amuse herself. Her husband considers her nothing more than an object. Her dreams .....
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Swift's "A Modest Proposal"
Words: 2436 - Pages: 9.... the Irish peasantry was not worth living
profoundly disturbed the conscience of one man in particular, that of
Jonathan Swift. How could a person, much less a group of people, be so
consumed by the pain of the sin-filled world that they could not feel any
of the magnificence with which God had created the world? In answering
this question, Swift discovered a series of social vices and injustices
that perpetuated the painful poverty of the Irish peasantry, and due to his
resulting anger felt that it was his God-given job to do something about
them. "'What I do is owing to perfect rage and resentment, and the
mortifying sight of slavery, fo .....
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Androcentricty In Things Fall
Words: 880 - Pages: 4.... it was in many other parts of the world in the eighteen-hundreds.
Okonkwo’s "whole life was dominated by fear, the fear of failure and weakness" (13). The way Achebe described Okonkwo’s family and his tribe showed that in Ibo society, anything strong was related to man, and anything weak was related to woman. As a child, Okonkwo was teased by other kids when they called his father "Agbala". "Agbala" is a Ibo word used in reference to a man who had taken no title or simply "woman". Unoka, Okonkwo’s father, was the exact epitome of failure and weakness to Okonkwo. Because of this "Okonkwo was ruled by one passion- to hate anything his .....
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The Lords Of Discipline
Words: 425 - Pages: 2.... during the Vietnam War. But behind the clean walls of the school and the stern faces of the upperclassmen is a horrifying secret. The Lords Of Dicipline is a book about four young men, Will, Pig, Mark and Tradd, who are trying to recieve an education in this twisted military school. It's a school where "the system" rules instead of the teachers. The "system" is run by upperclassmen, obsessed with upholding the school's reputation for turning out the finest men the country has to offer to the war. Will watches as the boys in his class are dismantled and reassembled to become military men. He watches as boys are tortured because of t .....
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Great Expectations 8
Words: 1197 - Pages: 5.... it. Infatuation is an experience that one can learn from and a desire that one wishes to acquire.
In a village cemetery, a small boy, Pip, is approached by a runaway convict who
demands food and a file to saw off his leg iron. Terrified, Pip steals the requested items from the home where he has been living with his sister and her husband Joe since his parents died. Later on, Pip falls in love with Estella and becomes self-conscious about his low social status and raw manners. Estella is the girl that Pip is in love with and bases his standards around her. From then on, his loyal dream is to become a gentleman in order to be with Est .....
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As Night And Day And The Heir
Words: 637 - Pages: 3.... the dead body of someone virtually killed by him.” (Kiwon 493) as Sogun thought while running to his room to pack. He could not help feeling the guilt of virtually killing Sokpae so he left the family. Sogun had thought that running away would make him lead a guilt free life. While leaving the house the voice of his grandfather stayed in his mind. He remembered his grandfather saying: “Everything in here is yours.” (Kiwon 494) Sogun knew what he did was wrong and what he did wrong led to Sokpae’s death. And for this he left so that he could not cause anymore problems or troubles to his grandfather and his uncle. H .....
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Heart Of Darkness 6
Words: 1293 - Pages: 5.... felt he had been ripped off in the deal. Marlow describes Fresleven as "…the gentlest, quietest creature that ever walked on two legs."(p. 13 Conrad) However, later in the same paragraph Marlow says,"…he probably felt the need at last of asserting his self-respect in some way. Therefore he whacked the old nigger mercilessly."(p. 13 Conrad) Soldiers in combat are forced to bring the evil within themselves out every time they go into battle. The scene in Apocalypse Now where Captain Willard first meets Lt. Colonel Kilgore exhibits the power combat has in bringing out the dark side in humans. The attitude the soldiers have towards .....
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