Papers on English
Thomas Paine - Common Sense
Words: 1088 - Pages: 4.... that there is “a long habit of not thinking a thing wrong” which “gives it a superficial appearance of being right” (693). He is alluding to the relationship, also calling it a “violent abuse of power” (693). This choice of words is similar to those of Jefferson, who asserts that the king had established an “absolute tyranny” over the states. Both men set an immediate understanding about their feelings towards the rule of Great Britain over the States. However, where Common Sense seems to be an opinionated essay, Thomas Jefferson writes somewhat of a call to battle. Paine generally seems .....
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Julius Caesar
Words: 423 - Pages: 2.... loyalty to the Roman Empire. If he would have loved Caesar more than Rome's people he never would have killed Caesar for the Roman people.
Cassius is the most significant character for his ability to perceive the true motives of the characters. Cassius thinks the nobility of Rome is responsible for the government of Rome. Cassius strongly dislikes Caesar personally. He sees Brutus as the person that will unite the nobles in the conspiracy. Cassius tries to use Brutus to achieve his goal. His main goal is to remove Caesar from power by using his persuasive speaking.
Antony first appears in the play as a devoted follower of Caesar. He is als .....
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Macbeth -Schizophrenia In MacBeth
Words: 951 - Pages: 4.... not really there. Some people diagnosed with the illness may speak with disjointed conversations. They often utter vague statements that are strung together in an incoherent way. Lastly, some schizophrenics withdraw emotionally, for example, their outlook on life is deadened and they show little or no warmth, and also physically, such as their movements become jerky and robot-like.
What causes people to become schizophrenic? One possibility, in Macbeth and his wife’s case is guilt. Macbeth, in trying to become king, kills some people he knew very well and was loyal to at one time. He really did not want to have to Banquo, but he felt he h .....
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Hemingway And Alcohol
Words: 2664 - Pages: 10.... written early in his career, Hemingway’s characters experience a fear of the future. The fear does not necessarily stem from commonly expected sources, such as “the unknown,” but rather, it seems to grow from a fear of failure, a fear of being unable to fulfill potential. A number of stories and vignettes from In Our Time reflect these trepidations, and throughout, the presence of alcohol surfaces as a reminder of the desperation felt by the characters as they confront or avoid the circumstances surrounding their fears. It should be clarified, however, that “desperation” here does not insinuate the many nuances .....
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Lean On Me
Words: 440 - Pages: 2.... He walks around the school with a baseball bat, rather than a clipboard or briefcase. The fear that he "earns" is more prevalent than the respect that the students and teachers have for him. He likes to be known as "HNIC" – the "head nigger in charge." His absurd manners are strongly disliked by his fellow colleagues. He insults teachers in front of students and fires them when they do not comply with his harsh rules. The first disturbing aspect of this movie is Joe Clark’s personality; although he changes around the school, he does it in a bizarre and vicious manner.
Another bizarre aspect .....
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Analysis Of A Worn Path
Words: 448 - Pages: 2.... bushes, across creeks, and under a barbed-wire fence, she never lets the rugged trail get to her. In her persistence, Phoenix demonstrates extreme strength and bravery. She knows her mission is to get to town, and she does not let anything discourage her.
As Phoenix arrives in town, she realizes that her eyesight alone is not good enough to lead her through the streets. Instead of giving up and turning back, however, she decides to rely on her feet to get her where she needs to go. Before she starts on her walk through town, Phoenix discovers that her shoe lace is untied and politely asks a lady on the street if she could tie it for .....
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Remains Of The Day
Words: 2953 - Pages: 11.... work possesses meaning far beyond an examination of one emotionally-repressed servant.
Ishiguro illustrates Stevens, and all of the old English butlers, as characters who basically amount to machines, unable to think for themselves. They see loyalty to the master as the only thing that matters in the world. Every time Stevens ends his lines with "sir," he is repressing his true identity. Ishiguro makes the reader wonder how on earth a person could get to be like this, for the sole reward of having the best silver in the house or the best-starched suits.
The old service culture of butlers in England was destined to change .....
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Planet Of The Apes Satire
Words: 750 - Pages: 3.... by the fact that apes are running the planet and have locked him up. In the movie Taylor is a misanthrope who is hot-tempered and not respectful to the apes. He calls them "Bloody Baboons!" Taylor left Earth to find a better place and ended up where he started. In the book, Ulysee is kind and respectful towards the apes, and he was granted citizenship to their civilization and begins to assign apes human features. Ulysee was granted citizenship because of the speech he made before them. He gave that speech with respect and loyalty towards the apes for acceptance. The tones in the book and the movie are different, the tone in the movie is u .....
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Beowulf And Norse Mythology
Words: 1508 - Pages: 6.... strength and guile.” (Cohat, 105). Inevitably the whole religion as well as the people who practiced it are doomed to destruction.
The gods were created by their worshipers, and were therefore very much like the Norsemen. The gods and humans had very close relations and were even thought of as companions (Cohat 10). No one had complete control over the other. If a god did not perform to a worshipers expectation, then the human would not hold back, but turn away from the god, abuse him, or even kill the priest involved! This made the gods even more like the humans; they had to worry about pleasing the people who worshiped them, a .....
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Frederick Douglass
Words: 2095 - Pages: 8.... northern whites because they were the only group who could change the status quo. Illiterate northern whites and free northern blacks could not vote while white southerners would not vote because they did not want change. Therefore, Douglass used his life story as a tool to promote abolition among literate northern whites. used family relationships, starting with his birth to tug at the heartstrings of his targeted audience. He never knew the true identity of his father, but it was "whispered" (2) that it was his master. Douglass mentioned this to show how the "slave holder in (many) cases, sustains to his slaves the double .....
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