Papers on English
Essay On Two Poems Of Carol An
Words: 618 - Pages: 3.... ‘ a mind as cold as the slice of ice within my own brain’.
The poet has a conversational tone such as asking questions. We are hearing only part of the conversation. The poem is set on a cold chilly night.
The poet is more cynical and formal when she is talking about the snowman.
The phrase ‘an idle mind is a devil’s workshop’ is very applicable here since the thief has nothing to do, so to keep himself busy he breaks into people’s homes. He has a rather ruthless philosophy of life that ‘better of dead than giving in, not taking what you want’. He steals not for money but for the pleasure. He .....
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A Bird In The House
Words: 1406 - Pages: 6.... He always had a strong control over the people that lived with him. He was a perfectionist and was very proud of what he had accomplished and at no cost would he let his reputation be scarred. After her fathers death Vanessa moved into the Brick House with Grandfather Conner, this is when she noticed the trapped conditions that aunt Edna was living in and her mother was going to have to live in again. Vanessa always tried to free herself of the things that went on around her by writing exaggerated adventure stories. When Vanessa wrote, it was her chance to get away from the things that made her feel trapped. Vanessa is freed of Grandfa .....
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The Story Of The Flood, How Ut
Words: 780 - Pages: 3.... "The Story of the Flood" during his mission he comes across 2 gods who tell him that he is not going to achieve immortal life. The first god (Shamash) who he bumps into and he tells him, that he will not find the life for which you are searching for." (34) After Shamash confronts him, Gilgamesh then runs into the god Siduri. Siduri basically tells him the same answer, saying, "You will never find the life for which you are looking for. When the gods created man they allotted to him death, but life they retained in their own keeping." (35) Gilgamesh still in a conquest to achieve everlasting life, does not believe any of the previous gods, a .....
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Things Fall Apart
Words: 950 - Pages: 4.... diatribes, Shakespeare immediately identifies Shylock as a villain. Establishing Shylock's personality through his description that "hath not a Jew hands, … affections, passions" shows that Shylock becomes limited by those descriptions (MV 3.1.56-8). Hence, Shylock conforms "no more than an opportunity for bringing him to life" because Shylock like the other characters, once created, determines the plot and the plot determines them (Palmer 114). With a great importance of first impression or lines of a character in Shakespeare's plays, Shakespeare reveals Shylock's personality through his economy of works and actions. Living .....
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Oliver Twist
Words: 1362 - Pages: 5.... Oliver is apprenticed to an undertaker, where he is treated so cruelly that he makes his way to far off London, instead of returning to his workhouse. Not knowing where to go, he is "rescued" by the Artful Dodger, who tells him "I knows a respectable old gentleman as lives there wot'll give you lodging for nothink." (51). The "respectable old gentleman" is none other than Fagin, a crafty, old, shriveled scoundrel who enriches himself by teaching outcast boys how to steal. It's unsettling to witness the calculated manipulation of the trusting and impressionable Oliver into the world of petty crime. And, it isn't only Fagin who spreads .....
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Thornton Wilder's Our Town
Words: 418 - Pages: 2.... the language of any small town. (The playwright wrote "hull" instead of "whole") Central theme: We don't understand life until it is over with. I'm not good at symbolism. It wasn't boring. To me that is a sign of an above average book. The end was a interesting how the portrayed the dead.
Wilder, Isabel. The foreword in The Alcestiad by Thornton Wilder. New York
City. N.Y.: Harper and Row, Publishers, 1955.
This Essay has a lot about the life of Thornton Wilder, and about some of his works. Wilder had three Pulitzer Prize winning plays and they all came around World War II times. In Our Town there is one comment about a boy .....
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“A Christmas Memory”: Truman Capote
Words: 638 - Pages: 3.... brushed off by adults and has never outgrown her childish ways.
As the narrator, Capote recounts memories of good times; the times before his family members decided that home was not where he belonged. Overall, the story is bittersweet because there is joy to be found in the simplicity of the three friends’ happiness. However, after this specific Christmas, Capote is forced to move out of his house and to leave his innocence behind.
The story is not purely self-serving because Capote uses this piece not only to revisit his memories of happier times, but to also evoke the memories of the readers. The theme of a loss of childhood innocence i .....
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The Gilded Six Bits Critique
Words: 537 - Pages: 2.... angered by her representations of blacks, which was not directly associated with the advancement of the race.
Richard Wright began his career in the early thirties publishing poetry and short stories in such magazines as Left Front, Anvil, and New Masses. Unlike Hurston, Wright was propelled to international fame while still in the prime of his career. His works were acclaimed by numerous noted individuals; often comparing him to the likes of Theodore Drieser and John Steinbeck.
Zora Neale Hurston’s “The Gilded Six-Bits” dialogue is written in heavy dialect. Its purpose is to excite the reader about a foreign cultur .....
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Words: 417 - Pages: 2.... it, and only they are responsible for the end result. Both John and Lorraine had unloving parents. John drinks and smokes excessively, most likely avoid becoming his father, he also had very little respect for authority. Most of the problems in his life he blamed his father for, whom he referred to as the "bore." Yet when Mr. Pignati died John realized that he was the one to blame for abusing his trust, and that he could no longer hide from his problems. Lorraine's mother constantly put her down and left her with very little self-confidence. As a result Lorraine was very shy, too shy to stop John from throwing a big party in the (Mr. .....
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For Whom The Bell Tolls
Words: 841 - Pages: 4.... The setting of this book can be analyzed here; the Spanish Civil War in the 1920-30 time period is the setting for the book, on the battlefields in the Spanish countryside. The whole fascist/communist aspect is brought up since both sides are against one another. Here again, Hemingway doesn’t idealize either side, not referring to their political beliefs but to the fact that each side is very much the same. Both sides consist of sad, depressed fools who have been shipped off to war, content to live in peace and harmony with each other. It is here that Hemingway’s first satirical punch at war comes in, when he makes it clear .....
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