Papers on English
Words: 780 - Pages: 3.... the monster resorted to
threats. If the good doctor does create a companion for his first
creation he may be endangering others. "The miserable monster whom I
had created," (pg.152) says Victor upon looking back at his work. If
there is another monster there will be twice the power and possibly
twice the evil, which could hurt or kill his family. When and if
Frankenstein commits the moral sin of creating another monster he may
be rid of both monsters forever. "With the companion you bestow I
will quit the neighbourhood of man,"(pg 142) promises the morally
corrupt monster to the doctor upon the completion .....
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A Rose For Emily
Words: 624 - Pages: 3.... all the young men her father had driven away." Emily learns through her relationship with her father that the only way to love is through power. He dies when Emily is about 30 years old, and, while it gives her freedom, she mourns his death. The power held over her, which Emily interprets as love, is gone.
Emily never experiences a normal relationship. The townspeople do not feel affection for her in the traditional sense. Instead, they regard Emily as "a tradition, a duty, and a care; a sort of hereditary obligation upon the town." Emily is somewhat of a recluse. After her father’s death, she is not seen “for a long time.� .....
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Fate In Macbeth
Words: 735 - Pages: 3.... of belief”( Act 1 scene 3, line 74), which tells the reader that the witches’ prophecies are a far reach from reality. Macbeth begins to think if he ever had the chance to become king that it would be a great honor that he would accept, “If chance will have me King, why, chance may crown me”.(Act 1 scene 3, line 143) The prophecy of Banquo’s son having power in the future effects the actions of Macbeth later in the play too. The thought that Banquo’s child might take over the thrown from Macbeth makes him feel the need to get rid of him. Fleance, Banquo’s son, gets scared as his father is bei .....
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Adults Of The Bell Jar
Words: 1374 - Pages: 5.... says that she was stupid at college and is always described as being surrounded by beautiful things. The beauty that Esther sees as the binary opposite of ugly seems to have been acquired through her “millions and millions of dollars” (38). Jay Cee has “brains, so her plug-ugly looks [don’t] seem to matter” (5). But, Philomena has money so nothing else matters. Mrs. Willard is portrayed as the ultimate wife and mother. We are given the impression that Mrs. Willard embodies sensibility. She is what every little girl is supposed to grow up to be. But Esther sees differently. Mrs. Willard represents the inevitable outcome of .....
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School Ties
Words: 2033 - Pages: 8.... People tease and yell at any Jew they see in the street. There is even a little girl screaming "Goodbye Jews" repeatedly as the line of Jews is moving and kids are throwing dirt at them.
In Krakow the ghetto is overcrowded with Jews. The Jewish people are all gathered together and organized into working groups by the Judenrat (twenty-four elected Jews responsible for the order). Oskar Schindler visits the ghetto. He is a German businessman, who wishes to see Itzhak Stern; a Jew is good at accounting and used to own a pot-making factory. Jews are no longer allowed to own businesses, so Oskar makes a deal with Itzhak, and plans to ta .....
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Earth 2 Puzzle
Words: 2861 - Pages: 11.... She taught her children to always act with decorum. She adored the singing of the birds and the smell of flowers. Her children were expected to behave properly and to please her, always.
Mrs. Hemingway treated Ernest, when he was a small boy, as if he were a female baby doll and she dressed him accordingly. This arrangement was alright until Ernest got to the age when he wanted to be a "gun-toting Pawnee Bill". He began, at that time, to pull away from his mother, and never forgave her for his humiliation.
The town of Oak Park, where Ernest grew up, was very old fashioned and quite religious. The townspeople forbad the word "virgin" fr .....
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Red Badge Of Courage
Words: 750 - Pages: 3.... regiment. Henry started to realize after a few days of marching, that their regiment was just wandering without direction, going in circles. They kept marching on without purpose, direction, or any fighting. Through time Henry started to think about the battles in a different way, a more experienced way, he started to become afraid that he might run from battle when duty calls. He felt like a slave, doing whatever his superiors told him.
When the regiment finally discovers a battle-taking place, Jim gives Henry a little packet in a yellow envelope, telling Henry that this will be his first and last battle. The regiment managed to hol .....
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Through The Tunnel: Third Person Point Of View
Words: 857 - Pages: 4.... This gives us a clear picture of the setting. Additionally, the sentence "He went out fast over the gleaming sand, over a middle region where rocks lay like discolored monsters under the surface, and then he was in the real sea - a warm sea where irregular cold currents from the deep water shocked his limbs" clearly describes the beach where the boy is swimming and how it is seen by him. With the addition of words like "discoloured monsters" and "real sea" we can tell what the boy's feeling are toward his beach which he considers scary but at the same time challenging.
By using the third person omniscient point of view, the narrator is a .....
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OJ Simpson
Words: 974 - Pages: 4.... eyes of many Americans, O.J. had gotten away with murder.
When anyone is accused of a crime, there must be a motive for a person to be suspected. This case is no different; the number of times that police had been called to a domestic dispute between Nicole and O.J. is amazing. There are also countless reports of other problems between the two. It is said that in everything written by Shakespeare, there is a line or scenario for every event after it was written. In William Shakespeare’s Othello, Othello is obsessed with Desdemona. This obsession finally causes Othello’s demise. The jealousy and obsession shown by O.J. almost mirro .....
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Pride And Prejudice
Words: 462 - Pages: 2.... is willing to insult a girl as he is proposing to
her, just to inform her of the what he has to go through in order to
stoop to someone of her level. Regardless of what Darcy thought
his chances were at acceptance, he was still addressing a girl that
barely knows him, and actually dislikes him. That is not a situation
where insults are likely to bring results.
This point is compounded because Elizabeth only gets slightly
insulted by this comment. Her initial refusal of Darcy was based
almost totally on his actions towards Jane and Bingley's relationship,
and his treatment of Mr. Wickham. However, she is .....
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