Papers on English
Hamlet (william Shakespeare).
Words: 1742 - Pages: 7.... His public face is one of insanity but, in his private moments of soliloquy, through his confidences to Horatio, and in his careful plans of action, we see that his madness is assumed.
After the Ghost's first appearance to Hamlet, Hamlet decides that when he finds it suitable or advantageous to him, he will put on a mask of madness. He confides to Horatio that when he finds the occasion appropriate, he will "put an antic disposition on" (I.v.173). This strategy gives Hamlet a chance to find proof of Claudius's guilt and to contemplate his revenge tactic. Although he has sworn to avenge his father's murder, he is not sure of the G .....
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The Tell Tale Heart: The Labovian Theory
Words: 1223 - Pages: 5.... bring the story to a close. Edgar Allan Poe's
short story of a passionless crime undone by the heart incorporates the
Labovian components. "The Tell-Tale Heart" is a masterly written
narrative, full of subtle nuances quick to deceive the senses. Poe sends
the reader spinning into a world of symbolism, questioning the art of
madness, and fearing the depravity of reason.
The "The Tell-Tale Heart" is, at a glance, seemingly about a man
plotting to kill another man in cold blood. Looking further into the words,
the reader can find a story of a man obsessed with senses and the ability
to have complete control over them. The narrator uses .....
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The Odyssey: Virtues And Vices
Words: 432 - Pages: 2.... men go and when Polyphemus eats a few of Odysseus' men. This act was repulsive considering he was eating men almost the same race as himself. Since the Cyclops didn't treat his guests with respect and hospitality, it led to him being blind for the rest of his life. In every case, story or real life, if hospitality is not practiced bad things will happen.
Also a theme found in the Odyssey is revenge. One case of revenge is where Odysseus blinds the Cyclops in order for his crew and himself to escape and at the same time obtain revenge for the deaths of his men. Polyphemus deserved his fate because of his cruelness. Even after being bl .....
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Ballad Of Birmingham
Words: 442 - Pages: 2.... and finding her child's shoe.
The poem also focuses on what life was like in the sixties. It tells of black freedom marches in the South how they effected one family. It told of how our peace officers reacted to marches with clubs, hoses, guns, and jail. They were fierce and wild and a black child would be no match for them. The mother refused to let her child march in the wild streets of Birmingham and sent her to the safest place that no harm would become of her daughter.
Going to church in the ghetto in Birmingham was probably the safest place a mother could send her child. But this is where the irony takes place. The irony ma .....
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Things Fall Apart By Chinua Ac
Words: 488 - Pages: 2.... had a long-term effect on Okonkwo. From then on his family would look at him as if it were his fault that Ikemefuma is dead. This episode can be seen as an event where Okonkwo looses some faith from his family. This corresponds to Okonkwo loosing faith in his father.
Another important occurrence where one can see that Okonkwo’s life falls apart was when he was thrown out of the clan for a few years. From this episode one can see that Okonkwo’s hopes dreams have begun to fall apart. His hopes of being a rich and popular individual had drifted away with this upsetting incident. Okonkwo had no longer had his farm or animals. Also O .....
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A Crime In The Neighborhood
Words: 1339 - Pages: 5.... the neighborhood’s paranoid response to the murder and even the
country’s disorientation over the unfolding Watergate scandal. The tension proves too great when
the Eberhardts’ shy bachelor neighbor, Mr. Green, takes interest in Marsha’s mother. Though
murder is the most visible crime in Marsha’s neighborhood, it is by no means the only one,
Marsha’s father and aunt run off together and Marsha wrongly accusses Mr. Green for the death
of Boyd Ellison.
Marsha’s father had left before the summer Boyd Ellison was killed. The divorce had a
tremendous impact on the whole family. Marsha’s twin brother and sister sp .....
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Pride And Prejudice: 5 Married Couples
Words: 1139 - Pages: 5.... it is stated, ‘What a delightful library you have at Pemberly,…’ p34. This illustrates to the readers that the two share the same interest of reading. Having the interest reading portrayed to the readers as an interest, reveals that Elizabeth and Darcy may be suitable match for one another. It clearly shows how common interests can increase the chance of marriage as it makes the bond for one another stronger. Thereby demonstrating that the love between Elizabeth and Darcy reflects on their interest shared by each other.
The marriage of Elizabeth and Darcy was also pure love for one another. Though this is not established until t .....
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Dead Man Walking
Words: 1052 - Pages: 4.... innocently relaxed on the cold tiled floor. What I did not know was that my life would be altered forever and that my outlook on the world would seemingly change. My eyes fixated on the movie screen, while my heart, soul, and mind slowly began to wander into the life of a murderer, but more importantly, a human-being.
truly captivated my conscience and made me think about the controversial standing of Capital Punishment. The movie appropriately portrayed two sides of the coin. Not only were we enlightened by Sr. Helen's compassion for Matthew, but we were also witnesses to the overwhelming feelings of grief and despair experienced .....
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Young Goodman Brown 7
Words: 704 - Pages: 3.... and is referring to himself as losing his faith in God.
Also, Goodman Brown’s “errand” symbolizes the Puritan voyage where they were to find the plan that God has set for them and let faith be their guidance. As Goodman Brown continues his “errand” and thing begin to go array he grows weak and falls to the ground. He "begins to doubt whether there really was a Heaven above him" and this is a key point when Goodman Brown's faith begins to wain. Goodman Brown in panic declares that "With Heaven above, and Faith below, I will yet stand firm against the devil!" This is similar to a Puritan putting his faith in .....
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Beowulf - Christianity Vs. Paganism
Words: 1166 - Pages: 5.... During the fight, Beowulf's strength takes over, and Beowulf wrestles with Grendel until he is able to rip one of the monster's arms out of its socket. Superhuman feats also appear in the fight with Grendel's mother. When Beowulf enters the water, he swims, without the use of oxygen, downward for an entire day before he sees the bottom. During the battle with Grendel's mother, Beowulf realizes that Unferth's sword is useless against the monster’s thick skin. He grabs an enormous sword made by giants, almost too heavy to hold, and slashes through the monster's body. This superhero strength continues into the battle with the dragon. By t .....
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