Papers on English
Paradise Lost
Words: 4760 - Pages: 18.... the air, the fire all things of either, are within the comprehension of the mind. It has an influence on them all, whence it lakes all that may be useful, all that may be helpful in government. No limitation is prescribed to it, no restriction is upon it, but in a free scope it has a liberty upon all. And in this liberty is the excellence of the mind; in this power and composition of the mind is perfection of a man... Man is an absolute master of himself; his own safety, and tranquillity by God... are made dependent on himself.'1
In this short example of Puritanism text as it stands, alone contains a number of various references to th .....
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The Birds
Words: 1112 - Pages: 5.... and try to correct it. Satire “seeks to use laughter, not just to remind us of our common often ridiculous humanity, but rather to expose those moral excesses, those correctable sorts of behavior which transgress what the writer sees as the limits of acceptable moral behavior” (Johnston, 5). In exposing these foibles, one could discover not to behave in such a manner by realizing his or her mistakes.
When setting up a satire, one must do so in a few steps. The first step is setting up a target which will symbolize the conduct that the satirist wishes to attack. In , the target is the average Athenian citizen, seeking p .....
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Don Juan As Byron Introspective
Words: 1228 - Pages: 5.... it is important to examine Byron’s heritage and his upbringing. Young George Gordon inherited the title of Lord Byron at the age of six. This him a rank in society and a bit of wealth to go along with it. Byron’s heritage is a colorful one. His paternal line includes the "Wicked Lord", "Mad Jack and "Foul Weather Jack (Grosskurth 6)." The family propensity for eccentric behavior was acerbated by young George Gordon’s upbringing.
When Byron was just three his financially irresponsible father died, leaving the family with a heavy burden of debt. Byron’s mother then proudly moved from the meager lodging in Abe .....
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Julius Ceasar
Words: 750 - Pages: 3.... to appeal to the Romans (or the people). However, the way in which each man went about it differs drastically. Not only did it influence the outcome, but each speech also offers a unique insight on each of the speakers.
Brutus' speech becomes one of strict vindication, not only for the people of Rome, but for Brutus himself. He uses his "honor and nobility" as a shield to defend and justify his actions to the crowd. Brutus states that he has carried out this heinous act because of his love for Rome, and for the good of the people. (This is my answer, not that I have loved Caesar less, but that I love Rome more..." 3.2.21-22) In his .....
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King Lear, William Shakespeare
Words: 1416 - Pages: 6.... can never identify them for who they truly are. When Lear is
angered by Cordelia, Kent tries to reason with Lear, who is too
stubborn to remain open-minded. Lear responds to Kent's opposition
with, "Out of my sight!," to which Kent responds, "See better, Lear,
and let me still remain" (I.i.160). Here, Lear is saying he never
wants to see Kent again, but he could never truly see him for who he
was. Kent was only trying to do what was best for Lear, but Lear could
not see that. Kent's vision is not clouded, as is Lear's, and he knows
that he can remain near Lear as long as he is in disguise. Later,
Lear's vision is so superfi .....
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Twelfth Night 3
Words: 832 - Pages: 4.... seriously."What a plague means my niece to take the death of her brother thus?"(1.2) He wants his friend, Sir Aguecheek, to woe her. This is out of the question, however. The main plight of Sir Belch is to get rid of Malvolio, Olivia's pompass steward. Toby hates him and is sick of his tattling and pretentious nature. So being the gangleader of the other four, he gets everyone involved in his plan.
Sir Andrew Aguecheek is a companion of Belch. he is not very intellegent and often times quite ludicrous. He is definitely not someone to Olivia's liking, and his hopeless pursuit of her, subjects him to many indignities. Becuae of his nature, S .....
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Diamonds Are My Best Friend
Words: 1532 - Pages: 6.... in the early 1980’s. We had a birdfeeder in our backyard, and every morning, the same cardinal would stop for his breakfast. I named him Tommy Herr, after the Cardinals second baseman at the time. Tommy has long since retired, but I will always remember the little bird flying in my backyard.
It is difficult for one to approach this subject without a sense of heroism and romanticism of it’s rich history. One of my favorite parts of going to the ballpark is listening to the fascinating stories of old timers, the men who have loved the game since childhood. They remember Musial, Maris, and Mantle. They can tell you stories of .....
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Death Of A Salesman - Biff Character Profile
Words: 720 - Pages: 3.... goods store.
Biff is an interesting character. He seems to adore his father, but he really doesn't. He finds out that his father has an affaire, and he looses all respect for him. He ends up forgetting everything Willy said, and steals something from every job that makes him loose it. He wants to change his father, and will do this by shockingly awakening him to the reality that something is wrong with him, and Biff tries to get his father to stop trying to kill himself. He wants his father to love him like he loves his father, but he will not, because of his mood swings, and the fact that sometimes he just hates Biff.
Biff is a no n .....
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Mark Antony
Words: 1007 - Pages: 4.... and to work upon those personal qualities of Brutus which represent
his fundamental weaknesses. Antony then comes to the Capitol where he
further flatters the conspirators by shaking their hands and saying, “Friends
am I with you all, and love you all...” (III i 220). This act symbolizes that
Antony has made a new friendship with the conspirators, but in reality, he is
plotting to seek revenge so he can take over Rome. Antony is also able to
flatter the vast angry crowd in order to get his way. He is first able to get the
crowd to feel sorry for him. This feeling is evident when the second plebeian
says, “Poor soul, hi .....
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How Shakespeare And Ibsen Trea
Words: 768 - Pages: 3.... Due to Kate’s wild behavior, the suitors were afraid of her. Along came a man named Petruccio, who was determined to marry her and get the money that would be given to the man who marries her. Through Petruccio, Shakespeare exploited women.
With all of the male characters changing their identities, Shakespeare tried to portray the women as being ignorant and not realizing what was going on. With at least two major characters changing parts to get closer to their loved ones, the women seemed to be clueless. Shakespeare portrayed these women as being easily tricked. While it seemed like all the men were trying to suit Bianca, Pet .....
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