Papers on English
Julius Caesar As A Tragic Hero
Words: 1030 - Pages: 4.... hero is the fact that a tragic hero must be a high-standing individual in society. The tragic hero must not deserve his punishment for the play to be a tragedy. Also, a tragedy happening to someone in high authority, will affect not only the single person but also society as a whole. Another reason for the tragic hero to be in high authority is to display that if a tragedy may happen to someone such as a king, it may just as easily happen to any other person. Julius Caesar fits the role of a tragic hero. Julius Caesar is a high standing senator that possesses hamartia, failings of human nature. Julius Caesar’s imperfections may be seen .....
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1984 Short Essay On Freedom
Words: 510 - Pages: 2.... government tells or allows him or her to think. If they are ever caught with thoughtcrime, he or she would be vapourized.
Freedom of speech is limited due to the fact that thought can lead to the destruction of the government. Speech is also restricted due the Newspeak. Newspeak limits the words one can use to eliminate thoughtcrime. Without words, one cannot fully express themselves.
The people of Oceania do not have the freedom of expression like we do. Without thought, there is no expressions of any kind, which makes him or her a goodthinker. A goodthinker is one that knows naturally, without thought, how to behave or act accordi .....
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Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night
Words: 580 - Pages: 3.... The final stanza combines the last lines from the odd and even-numbered stanzas for an additional line. This portrays the ongoing war between life and death. The old man went back and forth between life and death as the stanzas’ last lines switched back and forth. In the end, the two last lines join together as the old man and his son accept that death is a part of life.
Next, the references to "good men," "wild men," and "grave men" display the three basic stages of life: birth, life, and death. In stanza three, the stanza pertaining to "good men," the portion "the last wave by&q .....
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Young Goodman Brown 5
Words: 1042 - Pages: 4.... Brown, as the wind, an unforgiving element of nature, fondles her pink ribbons, sets up the dynamic relationship between nature and the home symbolically. Nature, specifically the wind, the forest, and the darkness symbolize evil and sinfulness. As Brown enters the woods he comments on the gloominess, loneliness, and mystery of the forest (pg. 75). The home, namely Faith and her ribbons, symbolizes the perceived safety and certainty of the Puritan community. Brown intends on "making more haste on his present evil purpose" (pg. 75) so he can return quickly to the village. The community is seen as a safe haven from the sin of the res .....
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The Great Gatsby
Words: 575 - Pages: 3.... page 79. In
this flashback, Jordan explains to Nick how she first met Gatsby. She explains to Nick
that when the girls were eighteen, he was with Daisy Fay in her “little white roadster.”
This flashback is effective because it gives us an idea of how Daisy and Gatsby’s
relationship was purely based on beauty and not friendship. The placement of the above
quote was essential because it allows us to experience early in the novel how Gatsby had a
relationship with Daisy. This first example of flashback by Fitzgerald proves to be
effective and its placement essential because of the way it is used in the play.
A second example of flas .....
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The Sun Also Rises By Ernest H
Words: 384 - Pages: 2.... happen around him, but without his participation. I read that Hemingway had purposely re-written the book in first person and this was probably to spell out that Jake was an observer and was thus aware of what was written on the pages. There is a scene towards the end of the book where Jake finds all of his friends eating at a restaurant and thinks to himself that he is too far behind to catch up. Jake always seems behind, or at least only a marginal player put so in his position because of his injury. He must have had relations with Brett before the injury and was a "player" before it, so this leads to the assumption that Jake purposely r .....
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Stoic Death Themes Of In The N
Words: 929 - Pages: 4.... as Tolstoy puts it, among an aristocratic society. He moved up in rank and earned a raise in salary. This new power, although not taken advantage of, was accessible in Ilyitch's eyes, and hence the mere thought of corruption existed as a tool for possible future use. He married, not because of love, but because he felt it would be an asset to him. This lack of self value is an example of ignorance that produces a person with no meaning in life.
He had some children, and during his wife's pregnancy there were times that she grew irritable. Ivan couldn't deal with these times and instead of finding why she was in such a state he withd .....
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Jane Eyre Self-awarness
Words: 2053 - Pages: 8.... According to Berg the effect of these accounts drew attention to her self-dramatization. From the very moment Jane was able to read she was constantly attracted by the disguised portraits that she make for herself in books, ballads, and dolls. The recurring theme of self-awareness I saw in Jane Eyre started from the first time Jane saw herself in the mirror which consequentially gave her a fresh awareness of her own identity. When John "throws the book" at Jane Charlotte Bronte's attempt was to both literally and metaphorically symbolize the deprivation he was instigating of any sense of herself and her rights.
According to Jacques Lac .....
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Macbeth - Charting His Downfall
Words: 1349 - Pages: 5.... Fears // Are less than horrible imagining."
"Whose (Duncan) murder is yet but fantastical."
We can see that his mind is confused and distorted, because of what has happened and what may happen, and here we see the first signs of ambition, even though it is dismissed.
"My thought ……. // Shakes so my single state of man."
The second soliloquy is in Act I, Scene IV, when the Thane of Cawdor has been killed. Duncan describes him as ‘a man on whom I built an absolute trust’. This parallels Macbeth, who he trusts, when he betrays him. Duncan pronounces his son as the prince of Cumberland and the .....
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Granite - 2
Words: 461 - Pages: 2.... it.
The girl, innocent and full of rage, dropped to her knees at her deceased brother’s headstone. The only way she’ll ever see him. Only one tear fell the whole night, though. She wasn’t as mad as she was blown away at the whole idea that, even though he was her older sibling, he’d always be preserved in time, like the granite above him, as a four-day-old infant. She considered this while shifting her vision to the huge slab of white stone near the left road.
This was the children’s saint, with most of the children buried around it. When her family came to the grave when she was in grade school, she used .....
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