Papers on English
Roaring Camp
Words: 730 - Pages: 3.... what to
do or how to act. "The assemblage numbered about one hundred men. One
or two of these were actual fugitives from justice, some were criminal, and all
were reckless"(2). The men of Roaring Camp were unruly and all it takes is
the love of an infant to change the rude into responsible. Roaring Camp will
go through a regeneration of a lifetime. All of the men at the mining camp
will strive to make Roaring Camp a suitable place for a baby to live. The
very first signs that the men are in the process of change is when they went to
see the baby for the first time. They walked in a single file line and in an
orde .....
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“Bartleby The Self-Reliant Scrivener”
Words: 1223 - Pages: 5.... rather his own set of rules, where he only does what he feels he should do. Bartleby is unaffected by other people and their ways, he is unaffected by society and so called, normal life. He doesn’t do what he is expected by society, but rather what he expects of himself. After reading this Bartleby seems less abnormal, and begins to fit many of the characteristics Emerson uses to describe “self reliance”.
In “self reliance” Emerson says, “Society is a joint stock company, in which the members agree, for the better securing of his bread to each shareholder, to surrender the liberty and culture of the eater. The virtue in .....
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The Hobbit
Words: 1530 - Pages: 6.... The archer who killed Smaug. He shot the dragon in the one spot it had no protection. The towns people later considered him a hero. What the people didn't know it was Bilbo who discovered the weak spot in the dragon's iron scales.
BEORN: An enemy of orcs, he becomes friends with Bilbo and Gandalf. He has th e ability to change forms from human to bear. It is he who determines the outco me of the battle of five Armies.
The book begins with Bilbo Baggins enjoying a pipe after breakfast. Th is is one of his favorite pleasures and he feels quite content in doing so. He is middle-aged, and resides in a clean warm burrow in the .....
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Catcher In The Rye Book Review
Words: 1246 - Pages: 5.... it was some perverty bum that'd sneaked in the school late at night to take a leak or something and then wrote it on the wall. I kept picturing myself catching him at it, and how I'd smash his head on the stone steps till hew as good and goddam dead and bloody." (201) His deep concern with impeccability caused him to create stereotypes of a hooligan that would try to corrupt the children of an elementary school. Holden believed that children were innocent because they viewed the world and society without any bias. When Phoebe asked him to name something that he would like to be when he grew up, the only thing he would have liked to be w .....
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A Rose For Emily
Words: 644 - Pages: 3.... himself, inside the house, and alone until his death. In his own way, Emily's father shows her how to love. Through a forced obligation to love only him, as he drives off young male callers, he teaches his daughter lessons of love. It is this dysfunctional love that resurfaces later, because it is the only way Emily knows how to love.
When Homer Baron, a construction worker, comes into Emily's life he sheds hope into her life. He offers Emily a chance to feel love and to receive the affection she has previously only dreamed of. Together they take Sunday carriage rides, and for awhile, the town's people seem to think that Emily will finally w .....
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Discussing Literary Genre
Words: 946 - Pages: 4.... there is considerable theoretical debate about the definition of specific genres, the conventional definition tends to be based on the idea that texts within a genre share particular conventions of content and form, such as themes, settings, structure and style. However, the nature of genre leads to several problems inherent in the defining of genres. Certain genres are looser and more open ended in their conventions than other genres and some genres have many conventions while others have very few. Furthermore, literary texts that overlap and mix genres blur the distinction between them. Genres are not discrete systems consis .....
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A Separate Peace - A Journey To Maturity
Words: 561 - Pages: 3.... athlete and schoolwork was not his top priority. Their friendship perplexed the boys and the readers as no one could entirely understand what the attraction was. Even though it seemed like a strange and complicated friendship,
Finny and Gene developed a strong bond. Unfortunately a strong bond could not withstand Gene's insecurities, as he faltered in Finny's unknown pressures of conforming.
Another important theme is conformity. Conformity refers to the choices young people make regarding going along with the crowd and pursuing their own paths. They can either give in to peer pressure or be secure with their own individuali .....
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Bernice Bobs Her Hair (F. Scot
Words: 259 - Pages: 1.... and the hangman was the first barber." The contrast between Marjorie's delicate appearance and her vicious nature was described in similes. Marjorie, braiding her hair, "looked like a delicate painting of some Saxon princess." Her braids "moving under the supple fingers like restive snakes" suggest her treachery. Fitzgerald also uses foreshadowing when Marjorie called Bernice's bluff about wanting to leave. Later Marjorie called her bluff about bobbing her hair. As Bernice's hair was being cut, "there was a curious narrowing of her eyes" that foreshadowed her expression when she got the idea to bob Marjorie's hair. "Suddenly she .....
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Romeo And Juliet
Words: 1065 - Pages: 4.... ends up killing him and thus gets exiled as the Prince promised earlier in the play. Romeo getting exiled means that when Friar Laurence and Juliet plans their devious scheme, Romeo is not able to hear about it straight away. In fact, he never hears about it, so assumes Juliet is truly dead.
Paris seems to keep everything does very hasty as he wishes to marry Juliet in two days. This means that Juliet drinks the potion that night, where she speaks her monologue in her bed. If Paris wasn’t going to marry her in two days time, then she would have waited for a reply letter from Romeo. None of the confusion would have arisen. Paris doesn’ .....
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Ethan Frome- Charachter Analys
Words: 300 - Pages: 2.... who he is in love with. This says a lot about Ethan’s character. Not only is he very loyal, caring, and honest, but his morals and standards are something for everybody to admire.
After reading this story, one might get the impression that Ethan got what he deserved for trying to leave Zeena. However, on closer examination, we can see that although he wanted to leave Zeena, not in a physical way but by death, he still couldn’t. His loyalty to his wife forbade him. We can see this when Wharton writes, “ But suddenly his wife’s face, with twisted monstrous lineaments, thrust itself between him and his goal, an .....
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