Papers on English
In Our Time By Ernest Hemingwa
Words: 375 - Pages: 2.... careful not to let the hook bite into his finger" convey so much meaning to anyone who has ever tried to tighten a fishing hook on a line that you can only help but nod your head in agreement. I must admit that despite not being at the center of your course I could not help but think of how much Hemingway's content was influenced by his life. Many of the stories like "The Doctor and the Doctor's Wife" were based directly on personal experiences of Hemingway's life. Since it is not the focus of your course, I am trying to just accepted the content and concentrate more on writing style and the way Hemingway writes something. I have found it .....
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Relationship Between Odysseus
Words: 636 - Pages: 3.... the suitors either. His sorrow and anger from the loss of his father and his mother constantly being attacked and proposed to by suitors were also driving forces towards his journey. Some of these are brought out in different situations, both positive and negative, such as Menalaus's mention of his father, which caused a sudden out-burst of tears, and the proud and accomplished feeling he received from leaving Sparta.
Odysseus's situation was only slightly different. He, like Telemachus had his worries about family-life, and his kingdom at stake, but also had concerns about his wife, possibly triggered by the mention of Agamemnon's b .....
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A Rose For Emily - In Memory Of Emily Grierson
Words: 1198 - Pages: 5.... the past is reflected in the structure of the story. Unlike most stories, the narrator does not continue the plot with the next chronological event rather presents one that happened two years earlier. This switch once again mirrors Miss Emily¡¦s unclear state of mind. The story¡¦s disjointed time frame not only reflects a puzzled memory but it also suggests Miss Emily¡¦s unwillingness to move along with time. While the reader reads through time and expects the story to be in sequence, Faulkner deliberately switches the time back and forth to emphasize Miss Emily¡¦s desire to stay in past.
After the author introduces the .....
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How Is Tension Built Up In “The Monkey’s Paw” And “The Red Room”?
Words: 686 - Pages: 3.... I warn you of the consequences.” Clearly here however innocent the wish, Morris knows it will end badly. “ Don’t blame me for what happens.”
- The major coincidence centred on the £200. “How could £200 hurt you.” She will soon find out. There are two climaxes in the story. The first is how they get the £200 (the fact that Hubert did not only die but the way he died, a horrible mutilated death) and the second the tension associated with the knocking at the door.
- Hubert the son is himself the focus in what happens to him of some tragic irony. He refers to the money and uses the words “before I come back” and he never .....
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The North And The South: Rivals Or Friends?
Words: 1006 - Pages: 4.... offer many variations for things to do, the people are different in their mannerisms and the money is spread out in a different way. However, there are many things that are alike including the colleges in the areas , government, and the basic way of life.
If you were to take a drive from Michigan to North Carolina there would be a noticable difference in the way that the people talk and the mannerisms that they have. For example, the people from the south talk in slow, sweet, tangy voice that seems to draw out with every word that they say. The people from the north talk as though they are talking through their nose, very nasaly .....
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Social Criticism In Literature
Words: 1500 - Pages: 6.... A Tale of Two Cities also typifies this kind of
literature. Besides the central theme of love, is another prevalent
theme, that of a revolution gone bad. He shows us that, unfortunately,
human nature causes us to be vengeful and, for some of us, overly
ambitious. Both these books are similar in that both describe how,
even with the best of intentions, our ambitions get the best of
us. Both authors also demonstrate that violence and the Machiavellian
attitude of "the ends justifying the means" are deplorable.
George Orwell wrote Animal Farm, ". . . to discredit the Soviet
system by showing its inhumanity and i .....
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A Deeper Look At Gimple The Fo
Words: 888 - Pages: 4.... easy to take in" (Singer 1071). He says this meaning that anything that someone says to him he believes to be the truth, no matter how outlandish it may be. His life was full of lies that people told him and it made no difference how many times he was made a fool, he still let on that he believed them. One example, and the one where he vows never to be taken in again, is when a student came by his bakery and yelled to him that the Messiah has come. They claimed his parents were standing at their graves waiting for him to come and Gimpel, although not believing a bit of it, put on his wool vest and went to see for himself. The only thi .....
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Fallen Angels
Words: 852 - Pages: 4.... stuff, the basketball, the Harlem streets, and the find the man I would
In the beginning of the book Perry is very different than he is at the end. In the beginningof the book Perry goes into the war a little scared, because he doesn’t know what to expect. After
Perry is wounded and sent back to war he becomes horrified by the thought of going back to war, and throws up. Another difference between Perry before an after the war is the fact that before
the war he had never killed anyone or had been around death that much. After the war you know that he will never forget these tragedies, because these are very traumatiz .....
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Biting The Apple
Words: 532 - Pages: 2.... fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it." After both Adam and Eve eat the fruit, God curses them and banishes them from the Garden of Eden. After their expulsion, Adam and Eve face the hardships that God places upon them. Since Adam and Eve know good from evil, they can understand things which they never imagined. In Anthem, Prometheus and Gaea submit to the power of the Council. However, after Prometheus stumbles on to a cave that holds the secret to the "Unmentionable Times," he changes. Along with Gaea, Prometheus commits the unpardonable sin: stand .....
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The Odyssey Report
Words: 1354 - Pages: 5.... can be a good host and gives Telemachos food and shelter even when there is a
wedding going on. He says "go and take out their horses, and bring the men in
to share our feast". This shows that menelaos must be a good guest especially to
give them shelter during a wedding. Menelaos also does not pressure Telemachos
into answering any questions before he eats and enjoys the festivities; nor does
he give any indication that he wants Telemachos to leave. He says "stay here in
my mansion for ten or twelve days and then I will give you a good send off and a
handsome gift, three horses and a chariot: I will give you a fine chalice too,
that w .....
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