Papers on English
Mastering The Short Story
Words: 415 - Pages: 2.... stringing random sentences together.
Each sentence should be aimed towards a specific goal. The sum total of these
sentences is your story. Boles' views a sentence as a factor in a mathematical
equation. He also gets almost romantic about the sentence as a living, sentient
being. Once you shovel the pop-lit drivel where it belongs, you are free to
apply his suggestions to your own work.
It is a good idea to check your story for too much obvious meaning. Not
only will this make the story shorter and clearer, the hidden meanings imbedded
in the story will have a chance to be probed and discovered. As well, avoid
"signpost" sentences that c .....
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Madness In Macbeth And Hamlet
Words: 915 - Pages: 4.... of Hamlet and Macbeth.
It is evident that in both Hamlet and Macbeth, there is proof of madness in some of the minor characters. The issue of madness in any form of writing shows the reader that there must be something plaguing the characters to make them act so foolishly. In Hamlet, this foolish person would be the daughter of Polonius, Ophilia. She puts on quite a display for
the reader when she comes into the castle and appears very upset and as
many would say, "mad". She enters into the room and begins to sing and respond to everyone with a different verse. Then she sings, "You must sing "A-down a-down, and you call him a-down- .....
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Jane Eyres Struggle For Love
Words: 997 - Pages: 4.... it
becomes apparent that Jane is terrifically self-willed and possessive of a fiery temper. An example
of this is when Jane stands up to her aunt saying, "You think I have no feelings, and that I can do
without one bit of love or kindness, but I cannot live so: and you have no pity" (Bronte, 68). Here,
Jane makes her first declaration of independence, contending that she will no longer be a secondary
member in the Reed household.
At Lowood, Jane is repulsed by Mr. Blocklehurst and his "two-faced" character and coarseness.
However, while at Lowood, Jane finds her first true friend in th .....
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The Queen Of Spades, Pushkin
Words: 1642 - Pages: 6.... as "The Queen of Spades," upon which Tchaikovsky based his great opera "Pique Dame"--are the first great works of prose fiction in Russian to stand the test of time unshakably. His most widely read masterpiece, the verse novel EUGENE ONEGIN, is the source for another magnificent Tchaikovsky opera by the same name, as well as several ballets. Sections of this epic Romantic poem in novel form are still memorized by Russian and other Eastern European school children as reverently as if they were verses from the Bible.
Pushkin was the first giant to achieve a truly international status while working in the Russian language, although, ir .....
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Amazing Quran
Words: 10506 - Pages: 39.... describes the desert; but it also talks about the sea - what it's like to be in a storm on the sea.
Some years ago, the story came to us in Toronto about a man who was in the merchant marine and made his living on the sea. A Muslim gave him a translation of the Qur'an to read. The merchant marine knew nothing about the history of Islam but was interested in reading the Qur'an. When he finished reading it, he brought it back to the Muslim and asked, "This Muhammed, was he a sailor?" He was impressed at how accurately the Qur'an describes a storm on a sea. When he was told, "No as a matter of fact, Muhammed lived in the desert," that w .....
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Hamlets Madness
Words: 742 - Pages: 3.... Hamlet tells his mother that he is not mad, "but mad in craft." [Act III, Scene iv, lines 188-199] Hamlet believes in his sanity at all times. He never doubts his control over psyche.
Hamlet's Sanity Supported Through His Relation to Ophelia and Edgar's Relation to Lear In both Hamlet and King Lear, Shakespeare incorporates a theme of madness with two characters: one truly mad, and one only acting mad to serve a motive. The madness of Hamlet is frequently disputed. This paper argues that the contrapuntal character in each play, namely Ophelia in Hamlet and Edgar in King Lear, acts as a balancing argument to the other character's madness o .....
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Kurt Vonnegut And Slaughter-Ho
Words: 3915 - Pages: 15.... combined. After the bombing, the soldier wrote his father, "we were put to work carrying corpses from Air-Raid shelters; women, children, old men; dead from concussion, fire or suffocation. Civilians cursed us and threw rocks as we carried bodies to huge funeral pyres in the city."
Freed from his captivity by the Red Army's final onslaught against Nazi Germany and returned to America, the soldier - Kurt Vonnegut Jr. - tried for many years to put into words what he had experienced during that horrific event. At first, it seemed to be a simple task. "I thought it would be easy for me to write about the destruction of Dresden, since all I woul .....
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A Critical Appraisal Of: Beowulf And Gilgamesh
Words: 1618 - Pages: 6.... Enkidu, to challenge Gilgamesh to a wrestling match. When the
contest ends with neither as a clear victor, Gilgamesh and Enkidu become close
friends. They journey together and share many adventures. Accounts of their
heroism and bravery in slaying dangerous beasts spread to many lands.
When the two travelers return to Uruk, Ishtar (guardian deity of the
city) proclaims her love for the heroic Gilgamesh. When he rejects her, she
sends the Bull of Heaven to destroy the city. Gilgamesh and Enkidu kill the bull,
and, as punishment for his participation, the gods doom Enkidu to die. After
Enkidu's death, Gilgamesh seeks out the wise man .....
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Conventions Of Drama
Words: 1932 - Pages: 8.... At these festivals, where the plays were performed competitively, the main focus of theme was about the Gods. These Gods were superior to everyone and represented wealth and power. The fact that they were immortal signified their importance and dominance. Greek drama was also based on the aspects of tragedy and dramatic irony. The tragedy meant that the play often ended with a noble person being destroyed by the Gods. The noble person was led by his own downfalls or flaws which often resulted in his death. This is evident in the story of “Oedipus the King” where Oedipus tries to outwit the prophecy which the Gods predicted, but f .....
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Through The Tunnel
Words: 524 - Pages: 2.... emerge in a totally different country with different customs and beliefs. In the story, the boy begins on one side of the tunnel with all of his fears and beliefs of a child. However, as he improves his swimming skills, he develops the confidence to swim . He exits this tunnel with new beliefs. He is now a man.
The story uses the tunnel to represent burdens or challenges needed to achieve some goal. In the story, it was necessary to make safe passage . The young boy had to control his breathing. He had to hold his breath. He had to adjust to the water's pressure. Most of all, he had to control his fear with a sense of confidence. W .....
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