Papers on English
Great Expectations By Charles
Words: 1282 - Pages: 5.... man." However, this sets the tone for a story which is at times funny, but equally sinister and often harrowing.
One of the most striking things one encounters while reading the book, are the changes Pip goes through once he has moved to London to be raised a gentleman. He hardly writes to Joe or Biddy, the only two characters in the book who expressed their love for him, and also he only seems to care for money and status. I refuse to believe that this malice is inherent to Pip's character. As this story only focuses on Pip, I would like to think that something happened to him which made him in act in such a manner.
This essay doesn't .....
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The Chosen By Chaim Potok
Words: 883 - Pages: 4.... to his son. Reuven finds out that Danny must become a rabbi and cannot become a psychologist like he wants.
Reuven and Danny grow older and they get into the same college. Due to Reuven's father support for the creation of a Jewish state, Danny's father, who thinks a Jewish state can only be created when the Messiah comes, forbids Danny to speak to Reuven. This goes on for a while before Danny's father accepts that a Jewish states is in the best interest of Jews everywhere and allows them to be friends again.
In an emotional lecture, Danny's father finally acknowledges Danny's dream and allows him to pursue a career .....
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J.D. Salinger
Words: 1913 - Pages: 7.... comfort. In Salinger’s Nine Stories Franny Glass keeps reciting the "Jesus Prayer" to cope with the suicide of her brother Seymour (Bloom in Bryfonski and Senick 69). Salinger is able to use this prayer as a means of comfort for Franny. The prayer stands for the last hope for Franny in this situation. Franny would be lost if their was no prayer. (Bryfonski and Senick 71). Salinger shows us comfort in Catcher in the Rye. Holden Caufield, the protagonist, is very much in despair for losing his girlfriend, so Caufield reads a passage in the Bible. This helps Holden change his outlook on life (Salzberg 75). Holden was all alone at this po .....
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Summary Of The Great Gatsby
Words: 476 - Pages: 2.... a place called West Egg. That was on Long
He made contact with his neighbor living closest to
him, Jay Gatsby. Jay Gatsby was a very rich man with an
enormous property. His house had a big lawn, a swimming pool
and an exclusive garden. Despite all his money, he wasn’t a
very happy man. There was no woman in his life, just
servants. His way of getting in touch with people was
through his parties. He had parties in his home all the
time. The house always got messed up, so the servants had a
lot to do the day after the party.
Nick got to know a lot of people, some better than
others. One of the people he met was a m .....
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Master Harold... And The Boys
Words: 936 - Pages: 4.... and what it all means" (1301). Sam totally disagrees with Darwin's "Theory of Evolution" (1301) because evolution is in contrast to the Bible's teaching on Creationism, and he says that just because it is in a book it "does not mean [he's] got to believe it" (1301). Sam believes that "Jesus Christ" (1302) was "a man of magnitude" (1300). Hally is obviously against Sam's suggestion of Jesus Christ, because Hally makes it clear that he is "an atheist" (1303). This disagreement between Sam and Hally is really just an example of the religious tensions in South Africa during Fugard's lifetime between the "Theory of Evolution," (1301) which was .....
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Revenge In The Odyssey
Words: 687 - Pages: 3.... the host and visitor discuss the lineage of the visitor. This is done with the fear of Zeus and those who don’t follow the practice are dealt with. Those who don’t follow this practice are considered barbarians. Homer gives a clue into the extent of the fear when he writes that Telemakhos was “irked with himself / to think a visitor had been kept their waiting…” (5). One example in The Odyssey is when Odysseus comes to the home of the Kyklops. Odysseus states:
“We will entreat you, great Sir, have a care
for the gods’ courtesy; Zeus will avenge
the unoffending guest” (153).
Kyklops just .....
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Pragmatism Vs. Idealism (a Man
Words: 1562 - Pages: 6.... to the King and protecting himself. On Chapuys’ second arrival, he offers More a letter from the King of Spain, he doesn’t lay a finger on it, for then he
will be allying with the enemy. He further goes on to show it to Alice and everyone else that the seal has not been broken, thus showing that he has not read the letter. Even in the case of the
Maid of Kent, More writes to her “advising her to abstain from meddling with the affairs of Princes and the State” (Bolt, p. 67). As a precaution, More gets it notarized and thus it is evidence in favor of him, not against him. Other then refusing every possible way of being disloya .....
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Life Of Ma Parker
Words: 1525 - Pages: 6.... infant mortality fell victim to other ills of the late-Victorian underclass: emigration, prostitution, poor health, worse luck" (Lohafer 475). At the present point in the story, Ma Parker arrives to work in the house of the literary gentleman after she buried the previous day her loving grandson, Lennie, who was the only ray of light in her dreary life. According to Irigaray, "all the systems of exchange that organize patriarchal societies and all the modalities of productive work that are recognized, values, and rewarded in these societies are men’s business….[t]he work force is this always assumed to be masculine, and ‘pro .....
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The Tragic Character In Oedipu
Words: 391 - Pages: 2.... For example when oedipus found out that his people neede him to save the city of thebes. Oedipous listens to what his people needs are and tries to solve them the best way he can.
Oedipus is a powerful person who has the authority to do anything he wants or desires and has the support of his people. For example when the chorus chooses to support Oedipus to save the city for the thebes, he has power to send Creon to Delphi to save the city from the plague. Also, he has the power to solve the mystery of killing the old king named Laius by issuing a policy statement to help find the killer in the first episode in the book. "So, Oedipus, .....
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Green Grass Running Water
Words: 1536 - Pages: 6.... group of "white" students at the University of Calgary. This Native American woman is lecturing on the "destruction aimed at . . . reservations," a topic integral to her life, and one from which a great deal of passion should be generated. However, her uninspiring and spiritless lesson causes "certain individuals" to "fall asleep," sit "virtually in each other's laps," and enter into a private "conversation." Indirectly her lecture touches upon an important religious celebration of the Native American culture, the Sun Dance. She depicts the Sun Dance, which celebrates the creation of earth and all of its components, as a trivial and me .....
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