Papers on English
The Hobbit
Words: 453 - Pages: 2.... found out that the ring made him invisible. In the lake also lived a creature named Gollum. Gollum was a creature that ate other people. Gollum approached Bilbo and Bilbo told him he desired to find a way out. They then played a riddle game and if Bilbo won, he lived and if he lost, he would die. Bilbo won the riddle game but Gollum still wanted to eat him, But then Bilbo accidentally slipped the ring on his finger and became invisible, so he escaped.
He met with the group again and walked with them for a few days. Gandolf left the group a few days later. The ring Bilbo had helped the group through two more circumstances along the journey. .....
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Of Mice And Men
Words: 996 - Pages: 4.... he is black, segregation is the ultimate reason why no one tries to like or befriend Crooks. Lennie, who, as an innocent person, has no bigotry in him, visits Crooks one night when everyone else is in town. Even thought Crooks does not show it, he enjoys Lennie’s company, and it seems that he and Lennie form a small friendship that would had developed more has the book been longer. Another soul not included with the ranch clique, Curley’s wife, whose name is not mentioned in the book, is new to the ranch as well. She married Curley just weeks before Lennie and George arrived. The ranch hands do not accept this lonely soul into their .....
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Robert Frost - Ideas
Words: 591 - Pages: 3.... Tuft of Flowers,² the speaker has gone out to turn the grass.
Whoever did the mowing is already gone, for there are no signs of his
presence. The speaker is alone. Then, a butterfly catches the speaker¹s
attention, and leads his gaze to a tuft of flowers, which the mower
chose to leave intact. The patch of beauty left by his fellow worker
causes the speaker to feel that he is no longer alone. There is a sense
of understanding between the speaker and the mower, because an
appreciation of beauty unites them.
Frost uses peaceful images to relate the feeling of his poem. The
setting is in a grassy field with a broo .....
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A Farewell To Arms By Ernest H
Words: 298 - Pages: 2.... by his position until he deserts the army. Floating down the river with barely a hold on a piece of wood his life, he abandons everything except Catherine and lets the river take him to a new life that becomes increasing difficult to understand. The escape to Switzerland seemed too perfect for a book that set a tone of ugliness in the world that was only dotted with pure love like Henry's and Cat's and I knew the story couldn't end with bliss in the slopes of Montreux. In a world where the abstracts of glory, honor, and sacrifice meant little to Frederick, his physical association with Catherine was the only thing he had and it was taken awa .....
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Great Expectations - Compositi
Words: 609 - Pages: 3.... politely. An example of how Joe treats people, i s at the beginning of the story, when Pip's criminal is apprehended. When the criminal says that he is sorry for eatin g the pie, Joe says, "God knows you're welcome to it-so far as it was ever mine!"(Pg. 573) Joe helps Pip with anything, he is always with Pip when needed. Joe is one of the characters in this story, that Pip will always recollect.
Estella is lady who is ashamed of her background and the life that she is living. She has been instructed, by Miss Havisham, to hurt all of the male race. Estella says that her heart is cold. She is infatuated by beauty, and is loyal for a time .....
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The Medea
Words: 669 - Pages: 3.... a new bride. She feels empty and guilty and often "moans to herself, calling out her fathers name, and her land, and her home betrayed when she came away with a man who is now determined to dishonor her" (60). She has only hatred towards Jason, which leads to her miserable being.
Jason has a new bride now, "so Jason neglects his children" (62). This causes only more pain for Medea. Jason decided that he wanted to divorce Medea and marry the princess of Corinth, casting Medea aside as if they had never been married. Not only is Medea paying for the divorce, the two children are also effected by it. This sort of activity was acceptable .....
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The Crucible
Words: 607 - Pages: 3.... led into it all by the other girls.
Anyway, now the stage is set for a variety of unexpected accusations,
scandals and tribulations.
Abigail's performance stood out to me, as I enjoyed how she could
change from that little sweet. innocent girl, to a fierce, roaring woman.
Her costume fitted the time period, and was quite appropriate for the
scenes, when coupled with her movement, and manner. It was very noticeable
the way she could change the attributes of her character, as I mentioned
before (a girl to a tiger), just by the subtle change of various bodily
actions. This was accomplished by vocal changes, and different method of
walk, .....
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King Lear
Words: 419 - Pages: 2.... the wrong he has done to Edgar, yet joyful he is alive, dies. Edgar joins
Albany in ruling the country.
So skillfully has Shakespeare intertwined the two plots, beginning in Act II at Gloucester's castle and ending in the alliance
of Edgar and Albany, that is is difficult to separate them. Gloucester, like Lear, suffers from filial ingratitude. It is in his
castle that Lear is humiliated by his daughters and flees into the storm. Gloucester's sympathy helps Lear to Dover to meet
Cordelia, yet leads to his own blindness and his going to Dover for suicide.
Edgar becomes embroiled in the main plot when, disguised as a madman, he m .....
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All Quite On The Western Front
Words: 1072 - Pages: 4.... to lay barbed wire
on the front line, and a sudden shelling resulted in the severe wounding of a recruit that Paul had
comforted earlier. Paul and Kat again strongly questioned the War. After Paul's company were returned
to the huts behind the lines, Himmelstoss appeared and was insulted by some of the members of Paul's unit, who were then only mildly punished. During a bloody battle, 120 of the men in Paul's unit were killed. Paul was given leave and returned home only to find himself very distant from his family as a
result of the war. He left in agony knowing that his youth was lost forever. Before returning to his unit, Paul spen .....
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