Papers on English
King Lear
Words: 653 - Pages: 3.... nor shall ever see that face of her again. Therefore be gone without our grace, our love, our benison.” (Act I, Sc. I)
Lear’s blindness also caused him to banish Kent. Kent was able to see Cordelia’s love for her father and tried to make Lear see the same thing. But instead he got punished for it.
As the play progressed, Lear slowly came to clear vision. he realized that that his two eldest daughter did not truly love him after they locked him out of the castle during a tremendous storm. He also finally saw through that Cordelia’s love for him was so tremendous that she was not able to put it in words. Unfortunately, his blindness c .....
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A Farewell To Arms 2
Words: 748 - Pages: 3.... also just as alone as Henry and with nowhere to go. The entire work was aware of where it was going and what was going to happen next, and then to stop the way it did was unfair. Now, I've read enough essays while deciding which would be the topic for my class presentation that I know many people see that the unfairness of life and the insignificance of our free will are apparently the most important themes in the book, but I don't agree. I also don't agree that it is a war story or a love story. Exactly what it is, though, is not clear to me. Can't art exist without being anything? "There isn't always an explanation for everything." War and .....
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Scarlet Letter Thesis
Words: 669 - Pages: 3.... strong woman to be able to hold up so well, against what she must face. Many would have fled Boston, and sought a place where no one knew of her great sin. Hester chose to stay though, which showed a lot of strength and integrity. Any woman with enough nerve to hold up against a town which despised her very existence, and to stay in a place where her daughter is referred to as a "devil child," either has some sort of psychological problem, or is a very tough woman.
The second meaning that the letter "A" took was "able." The townspeople who once condemned her now believed her scarlet "A" to stand for her ability to create beautiful needlewor .....
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Cry. The Beloved Country
Words: 1217 - Pages: 5.... polluted, very unkind, and rushed city. The setting is more of
a emotional setting than a physical setting. As I stated it takes
place in South Africa, 1946. This is a time where racial
discrimination is at an all time high. The black community of this
land is trying to break free from the white people, but having little
success. It is this so called racism that is essential to the setting
of the story. Without it, the book would not have as much of an impact
as it does.
The story begins, as many great stories have begun, with a
solitary man taking a long and dangerous journey to a distant land.
The man .....
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The Short Story Theories Of Ed
Words: 659 - Pages: 3.... in his explanation of the differing styles of short fiction and those of novels. The novel is based off a history, or of travels, while the short story, which is generally more fundamental in form, is based off folklore and anecdotes. The short story must be written on the basis of a contradiction or contrast, and carries the weight of the story at the ending. The action of a novel falls before the ending, with a falling action following.
Poe speaks of unity of effect, and how it is not appreciated or understood by the common mind, but also how it is important to the story for the central effect to gravitate toward the end. This finale mu .....
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The Cathedral
Words: 1275 - Pages: 5.... involves one person’s inability to look past a superficial quality. If someone judges a person based on such a characteristic, they are only seeing the aspect of the person which makes them uncomfortable. The narrator has unconsciously placed Robert in a
category that he labels abnormal, which stops him from seeing the blind man as an individual.
The narrator’s reaction to Robert’s individuality shows his stereotypical views. The narrator assumed Robert did not do certain things, just because he was blind. When he first saw Robert his reaction was simple: “This blind man, feature this, he was wearing a full .....
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Antigone 4
Words: 879 - Pages: 4.... it was against her uncle’s orders to bury Polynices but she refused to listen. Since she had so much respect for her brother, she didn’t care what her uncle’s orders were. Therefore, she was going to do anything she could to bury him, even if it meant that she had to sacrifice her life. She knew it was the right thing to do. As she says here, “I know my duty, where true duty lies,” (1.1.78).
Ismene was the other sister of Antigone and Polynices. She however, did not think that her family was important to her. Antigone told Ismene, “is he not my brother, and yours, whether you like it or not?, I s .....
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A Story From America
Words: 1247 - Pages: 5.... investigating Mrs Alpher’s apartment ?”. “Yes, what is it ?” I say, trying to find out what’s on her mind. “You see, until now we haven’t found anyone that possibly could have gone into Mrs Alpher’s apartment, without anyone noticing him or her”. “You’ve got a point there”, I responded, what was on her mind ? That blue dress certainly showed her fine curves, actually I coundn’t get her of my mind most of the time. “Well, her apartment lies on the corner of Main Street and Baker Street, there’re three windows, one on Baker St. and one Main St. plus one in the middle. That night Mrs Alpher was shot, it was very .....
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Pride And Prejudice - Jane Aus
Words: 8644 - Pages: 32.... proud man and a woman that has too many prejudices.
It isn’t before they both see that they are wrong that they can love each other.
Pride and Prejudice is a romantic novel in which manners are very important. It’s been first published in 1813.
My version: Blackbirds 1992
Idea’s and manners can be changed. I don’t know what else to make of it. It’s the only lesson I can find in the novel. I read because I enjoy it, not because I want to be taught life visions.
Title: Pride and Prejudice
Author: Jane Austin
[Chapter 1]
Mrs. Bennet tells her husband, Mr. Bennet, to visit th .....
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Words: 735 - Pages: 3.... cited chants passed down from other generations. They are perfect practicing physicians(l. 432), given that they know the cause of every malady and infliction the body can withstand(ll. 429,430). They appear to many as one to provide an extended hand to anyone in need. But there is a price to be paid for their services, and their eyes cannot oversee the wealth that is due to them. The Doctor then is the same as a witch doctor now, with their appearances different, but their intentions and thoughts the same. Stereotypes are seen only in the imagination. And it is in the imagination from which a television evangelist is characteristically s .....
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