Papers on English
Paradise Lost
Words: 975 - Pages: 4.... he is about to do (his completely setting himself against God). He is able to recognize that God’s forgiving nature extends even to himself, "I could repent and could obtain By Act of Grace, my former state", and is if only for a moment, unsure as to "which way I shall fly"? However, Satan knowingly chooses to cling to his foolish pride, and is unwilling to ask and receive the forgiveness of God, "is there no place left for repentance… none left… disdain forbids me". It is important to understand that Satan fully comprehends the sin he is about to commit as he is well aware of the consequences for h .....
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Fools And Kings In King Lear
Words: 1109 - Pages: 5.... make guilty of our disasters
the sun, the moon, and stars, as if we were villains
on necessity; fools by heavenly compulsion." (I. ii. 32)
for the sole purpose of illustrating his wickedness. Edmund realizes that his evil is self-taught. This soliloquy shows the audience Edgar's foolishness in his belief that malevolence is the force that drives one to greatness or prosperity. It also illustrates the bastard's mistaken belief that by fooling his father, he might be able to eliminate Edgar, the competition for Gloucester's title, and possibly rid himself of his father in the same
act. This is a prime example of immo .....
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Words: 285 - Pages: 2.... realist novel. For a specific character there was a life history, time, and setting. This type of detail gives a reader the sense of being there and looking at a real situation.
“The Death of Ivan Ilych” is a great story. It is written to interpret what death and life really mean to us. “The Death of Ivan Ilyich” dove deep into the realities of the death of Ivan. can make us, the reader, see ourselves in one of these characters. The character named Ivan realizes that his life is going to be cut short. He feels that his life has no meaning or value and no one cares that he is dying. Those around him, even try to get his job .....
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The Invisible Man A Mask For A
Words: 1439 - Pages: 6.... were often . . . self-contradictory. I was naïve." (15) Here the Invisible Man accepts the masks others have given to him of submissiveness and expected "black behavior," thus becoming the hopeful, innocent boy at the beginning of the novel. As Invisible Man recounts his degrading experience with the white town leaders, he remembers that his lack of indignation was so great that he did not even mind scrambling for the faux gold pieces, which were only brass coins. That the Invisible Man appears to have little reaction to his debasing experience indicates how firmly others have placed his mask of passivity and tolerance of others' action .....
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Goblin Market
Words: 1462 - Pages: 6.... as an inappropriate and unholy means of expression for women in her didactic poem "".
Laura is more willing than Lizzie to induce her sensory perceptions and this leads to her demise. Laura the unwholesome sister of "", is stimulated and seduced by the Goblins. The first movement of the poem adheres strictly to her senses. This is all the while Lizzie reprimands Laura for "loiter[ing] in the glen", (ln. 144) with the Goblin men. Although, Laura is severely punished because of her greedy pursuit of pleasure by Rossetti.
The dichotomous position of the two sister's moral stances on the fulfillment of pleasure in eating the " .....
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Cannery Row
Words: 437 - Pages: 2.... extreme.
Henri, on the other hand demonstrates the need for companionship as well as the need to be alone for periods of time. Living in a boat with a "cramped cabin and the lack of a toilet" results in driving his girlfriends away. He repeatedly experiences loneliness. However, after he becomes used to the idea of being alone, Henri "felt a sense of relief." By eating what he wants and "free of the endless biologic functions for awhile," Henri shows that it is unhealthy to need constant companionship and being alone can help a person rejuvinate.
Frankie is all alone in the world except for Doc who accepts him although "he couldn't learn .....
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The Way An Individual Interprets Things Is Based Upon Their Opinions
Words: 826 - Pages: 4.... as it relates to ourselves. “To look is an act
of choice. As a result of this act, what we see is brought within our
reach...our vision is continually active, continually holding things in a
circle around itself, constituting what is present to us as we are.”(p.68)
Words can not even begin to describe what we see or feel. “When in
love, the sight of the beloved has a completeness which no words and no
embrace can match: a completeness which only the act of making love can
temporarily accommodate.”(p.68)
Berger states that no image (painting, photograph, or any other
art) should ever be reproduced. However, no situation can b .....
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The Sun Also Rises 4
Words: 1614 - Pages: 6.... in World War I that leaves him impotent, which is the main reason he has this overwhelming void in his soul. His masculinity is taken, and now he believes he is less of a person because of it. This void is described by critic Mark Spilka when he says, "As Barnes now sees, love itself is dead..." (Spilka,137). The painful discovery, that something believed in by so many is gone, causes Jake to question what is left to believe in. This leaves him with a cold sense of uneasiness, so instead of living with that harsh reality he drowns it away with alcohol. Jake's friend Bill discusses Jake's state of mind with him to a point, then instead .....
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Quartet Behind Teh Scarlet Let
Words: 1160 - Pages: 5.... endure public humility for the next three hours in the burning June sun (Gordon 26). Her crime was adultery against her
husband, known as Roger Chillingworth, who had went out into the world to seek his fortune in medicine. It is really
shocking that she could do this, seeing that she lived in the Puritanical village of Salem. In fact, she seems to be a feminist
in this aspect, daring to rise up and challenge the laws about women (Crowley 63). After this incident, she was taken
back to her prison cell and there she waited until the magistrates decided to release her. At first, she was definitely
isolated from society, but there are stil .....
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Hills Like White Elephants
Words: 1262 - Pages: 5.... a lot of praise and is still considered a masterpiece, it’s trustworthiness has been questioned both in ancient and modern times. The story that I’m covering is of Rhampsinitus and the Thief (pg. 277). This is a tale that Herodotus learned in Egypt and many believe that this anecdote was told to him by Egyptian priests, claiming it a true story. Herodotus, himself, didn’t actually believe this particular story but he felt it was his duty to report what he was told. Now, for those of you who didn’t read it, I’ll quickly give a brief synopsis of the story. A dying father tells his two sons how to break into the king’s vault, which .....
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