Papers on English
Catcher In The Rye 9
Words: 909 - Pages: 4.... Phoebe a note to meet him there, he had an urgent need to be a 'catcher', to save Phoebe and the other kids. There was profane language on the wall and he did not want them reading it. He thought it may corrupt them and said, "It drove me damn near crazy".
The title also relates to the theme, which is essentially that Holden Caulfield, a prep-school dropout, seems only to relate to his younger sister, Phoebe. He is an adolescent who finds himself alone, lost and troubled, in addition to being a compulsive liar. He tries to make sense out of life, but he's so confused that he cannot.
Holden saw other reasons why people do things, not ju .....
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"The Attitude Of Fiction," "The Necklace," And "The Story Of An Hour": The Super Ego
Words: 690 - Pages: 3.... She locked herself in her bedroom and viewed her new life outside the window. "When she abandoned herself a little whispered word escaped her slightly part lips. She said it over and over under her breath: free, free, free."(Chopin341) She was starting to feel good about herself again.
"But she saw beyond that bitter moment a long procession of years to come that would belong to her absolutely. And she opened and spread her arms out to them in welcome."(Chopin341) She is starting to build her ego by planning her life by herself, so it will be great again. She sees this big dream through her super ego. She was not going to let anythin .....
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The Letter Sent By Elwin Leppi
Words: 814 - Pages: 3.... to be there for him. The Winter Carnival had just occurred, which created a little bit of relief from the rush of events. This experience brought Gene and Finny closer, which once again proved to be treacherous for their well being.
The letter is pivotal because it comes right at the rise in Gene and Phineas relationship. Finny hadn't realized yet what actually transpired when the incident at the tree occurred and Gene was at one of his sanest levels. As we have seen, it was usually Gene who ruined the friendship or wounded it. As the story unfolds, we learn to expect that whenever there is a rise in the emotional closeness or phy .....
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The Scarlet Letter 3
Words: 641 - Pages: 3.... suffered to a great extent. In fact, he suffered more than Hester, even though his sin was not revealed until his death. Dimmesdale tortured himself with all night vigils, carved an ‘A’ onto his chest, and he severely whipped himself. He tortured himself not because the Puritan’s had punished him, but because he felt an undying guilt for what he had done.
In contrast to the punishments of Hester and Dimmesdale, President Clinton will be punished less severely. President Clinton should not be impeached for the controversy surrounding him. According to Elaine Kamarack, author of “The Comeback Kid Can Do It Again .....
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Crime And Punishment
Words: 1367 - Pages: 5.... In the beginning of his dream, Raskolnikov is out in the street. He seems to be wandering around aimlessly, with no recollection of what he is supposed to be doing or why he is there. Meanwhile, everyone else in the dream is carrying on like nothing is wrong. Before delving into the significance of this scene, the reader must note how important control is to him. He is an extremely proud man, and needs to be in control of himself and everything around him at all times (Magill 222). In his view, everything in his life should revolve around him. The beginning of the dream represents the loss of this control in his life. It seems that no matter .....
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Overhead Look At Sands
Words: 1113 - Pages: 5.... Edward and Elinor and for
Willoughby and Marianne.
Significance of Title: The title of the book was originally Elinor and Marianne but was later
revised to become Sense and Sensibility. I believe that the title is significant to the book
because it describes what the book is really about. Sense and Sensibility is about how Elinor,
practical and conventional, must learn to show her sensible side more often, and how
Marianne, emotional and sentimental, should use her sense more frequently. Elinor conceals
her feelings until she hardly knows how to or wants to reveal them. But on the other hand,
Marianne wants to play out her romantic f .....
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Digging By Seamus Heaney
Words: 1163 - Pages: 5.... the poet writes about his Grandfather he implies that there used to be a lot of turf cutters in his day.
‘My Grandfather cut more turf in a day than any other man on Toners bog.’
In that line there is a lot of pride on the part of the Grandson. The line also implies that there used to be a lot of turf-cutters in his day. So when Heaney writes, ‘But I’ve no spade to follow men like them.’
This could be because of a number of reasons; one could be that he just doesn’t want to be a turf digger. He might not find it mentally stimulating enough. But he shows a lot of pride in what his Father and Grandfather do and did for a living .....
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Bread Givers
Words: 1696 - Pages: 7.... of the conflict with her and her father. Sara gets her strong will and drive from her father. She is not like her sisters who follow the cultural expectations of early marriage, but she, instead, has greater ambition for her life. Sara plans to get an education which is not in her fathers plan for her life. Reb wants Sara to marry like her
other sisters, and live a "holy" life according to the Torah. Sara’s will to educate herself, and Reb’s will to have Sara married is what causes the conflict in their relationship. Like Sara’s blood and iron will, Reb also is driven for his daughters to live their life according to .....
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Our Town Analysis 2
Words: 436 - Pages: 2.... it lets your mind imagine the precise details of the scene. This is interesting because you see the scene the way you want it so the author does not need to go into dull descriptions which are not too pleasing.
The atmosphere is very obvious in this play because it is one of the most prominent factors in the play itself. In the first act the dominant mood is happiness because everybody is pursuing their normal activities and gossiping and the first act is used to introduce the characters for us to know their attitudes. In the second act the action is sped up and there is a special event which is marriage involves George and Emily. Emil .....
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King Lear
Words: 1998 - Pages: 8.... and 'tis our fast intent
To shake all cares and business from our age,
Conferring them on younger strengths while we
Unburdened crawl to death..."
(Act I, Sc i, Ln 38-41)
This gives the reader the first indication of Lear's intent
to abdicate his throne. He goes on further to offer pieces
of his kingdom to his daughters as a form of reward to his
test of love.
"Great rivals in our youngest daughter's love,
Long in our court have made their amorous
And here are to be answered. Tell me, my
(Since now we will divest us both of rule,
Interest of territory, cares of state),
Which of you shall we say doth love us most?
T .....
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