Papers on English
Words: 289 - Pages: 2.... is in the universe, and acceptance
of that justifying it only to ones self.
I don't believe one could be truly self reliant and selfish, because self
reliance means an understanding of the world around you in order to be
independent enough to find confidence with in yourself to exist self
reliantly. I think that one could be very independent though, and at the
same time be selfish. A person of such mind set would view them self as the
center of the universe and not take into account the events, people, ideas
around them.
Self centered Ness is the same evil as selfishness in my humble opinion.
There really isn't a difference in how a p .....
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Frankenstein - Morality
Words: 773 - Pages: 3.... creation he may be endangering others. "The miserable monster whom I had created," (pg.152) says Victor upon looking back at his work. If there is another monster there will be twice the power and possibly twice the evil, which could hurt or kill his family. When and if Frankenstein commits the moral sin of creating another monster he may be rid of both monsters forever. "With the companion you bestow I will quit the neighbourhood of man,"(pg 142) promises the morally corrupt monster to the doctor upon the completion of his partner. When the doctor, if and when he, finished his first creation's mate there is a chance that the monsters wil .....
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Atwoods Theory Of Canadian Sho
Words: 603 - Pages: 3.... for Mr. Hathaway."(15) which just happens to be a tinderbox. She uses the storm as reason to bundle up with Mr. Mears so as to stay warm. Kezia never wants to marry Mr. Hathaway, so after the storm clears she proclaims to Mr. Mears that she'll "have to say [she] bundled with [Mr. Mears] in a hut in the
woods."(21), and of course "bundling was an invention of the devil."(22). Therefore Kezia cannot declare her bundling with Mr. Mears to Mr. Barclay or Mr. Hathaway for fear of being punished. Kezia then offers herself as wife to Mr. Mears, thus getting her out of an undesired marriage and no longer being a victim to that arrangement. .....
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Cosequences Of Shame And Guilt
Words: 795 - Pages: 3.... feeling and it tempts John right into bed with Abigail. He commits adultery and Elizabeth does not forgive him. She finds ways to punish John and make him feel more remorseful. For example, Reverend Hale asks John to recite the commandments and he forgets one, Elizabeth then says sarcastically, "Adultery, John" (Miller 1211). Elizabeth responds in such a manner that John feels such pain in his heart. At one point John is fed up with her heartless manner and says, "Spare me! You forget nothin' and forgive nothin'....I have gone tip toe in this house all seven month from there to there without I think to please you, and still an ever .....
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Oscar Romero
Words: 567 - Pages: 3.... in February 1977, became archbishop of San Salvador. In that month a crowd of protesters were attacked by soldiers in the town square of the capital. Then, on 12 March 1977, a radical priest, Rutilio Grande, was murdered. Romero had known him. Now he observed that there was no official inquiry. He recognized that power lay in the hands of violent men, and that they murdered with impunity. The wealthy sanctioned the violence that maintained them. Death squads committed murder in the cities while soldiers killed as they wished in the countryside.
When a new government, which represented many powerful interests was elected it was seen to be .....
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Use Of Colors
Words: 1480 - Pages: 6.... went out of
Pauline's life. "I missed my people. I weren't used to so much white
folks...Northern colored folk was different too"2. Cholly only became "meaner
and meaner and wanted to fight all of the time"2. He did not help the situation
and contributed to his wife's dissatisfaction and disillusionment by not coming
home. He found his satisfaction through other people, thus he neglected Pauline.
To make up for this neglect and her own insecurities, Pauline sought
comfort through movies. Here she would sit and watch the perfect "white" world
of Hollywood. Here she would find her colors on the "silver screen". She had a
longing for .....
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A Rose For Emily 3
Words: 1294 - Pages: 5.... story, and their values differ. So the next generation, feeling no hereditary obligation attempts to collect these reportedly remitted taxes.
The encounter between the next generation with its more modern ideas and the aged Miss Emily gives the first visual details of the inside of the house and of her. Inside was a dusty, dank desolate realm dominated by the presence of the crayon portrait of her father. Miss Emily was described as a small, fat woman in black, with a thin gold chain descending to her waist and vanishing into her belt, leaning on an ebony cane with a tarnished gold head. Her skeleton was small and spare: perhaps that was .....
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To His Coy Mistress 3
Words: 690 - Pages: 3.... since the speaker is talking of a timeless world that does not exist. The speaker tells the mistress how long his love will grow, and how vast it will become. He changes his tone after this stanza in order to effectively explain why he is unable to love her in such a manner: "But at my back I always hear / Time's wingéd chariot hurrying near; / And yonder all before us lie / Deserts of vast eternity" (21-24). This is another paradoxical quote that the speaker utilizes to effectively develop appreciation for this poem. The speaker argues that the mistress should not waste her youth like those before who are unable to taste new experien .....
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Tell Tale Heart Critical Analy
Words: 1623 - Pages: 6.... is an emotion shared by all humans. The most demented individuals are not above the feeling of guilt and the havoc it causes to the psyche. Poe’s use of setting, character, and language reveal that even an insane person feels guilt. Therein lies the theme to The Tell Tale Heart: The emotion of guilt easily, if not eventually, crashes through the seemingly unbreakable walls of insanity.
On the surface, the physical setting of The Tell Tale Heart is typical of the period and exceedingly typical of Poe. The narrator and the old man live in an old, dark house: “(for the shutters were close fastened, through fear of robbers) .....
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Shakespearean Comedy 2
Words: 2325 - Pages: 9.... is a bewitched time. In the spring the custom is to celebrate the return of fertility to the earth. During this time the young people spend the night in the woods to celebrate. Shakespeare uses the greenworld pattern in this play. The play begins in the city, moves out to the country and then back to the city. Being in the country makes things better because there is tranquility, freedom and people can become uncivilized versus when they are in the city and have to follow customs and laws and behave rationally.
Comedies contain blocking figures and in this play it is Egeus. If he was not in the way, Hermia could marry Lysander. Since he is .....
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