Papers on Health and Medicine
For Information On The Medical Uses Of Marijuana
Words: 1562 - Pages: 6.... for, while prescription
drugs, defined as safe by the FDA, kill up to 27,000 and aspirin up to
1,000 Americans per year, cannabis kills 0 per year [3].
When we know the facts we can understand why in 1988, after extensive
review of the scientific literature, the DEA's own administrative judge
Frances Young concluded that ``Marijuana is one of the safest
therapeutically active substances know to man.'' [4]
Opponents of legal cannabis access would have us believe that there is not
enough research available to determine its safety. Nothing could be
further from the truth. Cannabis is one of the most thoroughly researched
drugs in history .....
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Words: 642 - Pages: 3.... by osteoporosis. While
osteoporosis is often thought of as an older person's disease, it can strike at
any age. Osteoporosis is responsible for 1.5 million fractures annually,
-more than 300,000 hip fractures
-500,000 vertebral fractures
-200,000 wrist fractures
Certain some people are more likely to develop Osteoporosis than others. These
factors can increase your chances of getting osteoporosis.
-A family history of fractures in elderly women
-Use of certain medications
-Chronically low calcium intake
-Thin and/or small bones
-An inactive lifestyl .....
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Pursuing A Career In Psychiatry
Words: 2508 - Pages: 10.... offers an exciting, challenging, and rewarding career; it also requires the most extensive training of any of the professions.
Since the beginning of civilization, people have attempted to understand the causes of human emotional behavior. Most primitive societies believed that mental illnesses were caused by a demon who took possession of the victim’s body. The early civilizations would treat the mental illnesses by trying to make the body so uncomfortable that the demon would want to leave. But, by the late eighteenth century, most people were convinced that mental disturbances were not caused by supernatural powers. Scientists, .....
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Words: 927 - Pages: 4.... There is a risk that the uterus can be punctured during the procedure. Also, the ist must take care that all the body pats are removed from the womb, as infection and hemorrhage can occur if fetal or placental tissue is left in the uterus. This method can be used up to the eighth week of pregnancy.
The second most common method is called saline injection or salt poisoning and is used after sixteen weeks or pregnancy. The doctor inserts a long needle through the mother’s abdomen and injects a saline solution into the sac of amnionic fluid surrounding the fetus. The fetus is poisened by swallowing the salt and it’s skin completly burne .....
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Male Circumcision: A Social And Medical Misconception
Words: 1561 - Pages: 6.... widely practiced pediatric surgery and an estimated one
to one-and-a-half million newborns, or 80 to 90 percent of the population, are
circumcised. (Lund, 1990) Despite these statistics, circumcision still remains a
topic of great debate. The medical community is examining the need for a
surgical procedure that is historically based on religious and cultural doctrine
and not of medical necessity. Possible complications of circumcision include
hemorrhage, infection, surgical trauma, and pain. (Gelbaum, 1992) Unless
absolute medical indications exist, why should male infants be exposed to these
risks? In essence, our society has perpetuated .....
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The Right To Die
Words: 715 - Pages: 3.... and remember they are forced to experience this pain because of the laws. If Euthanasia were legalized then these people would be able to end their day to day pain if they choose to do so. If those who are our designated healers (doctors) cant heal the sick then the control should be past over to the individual.
Those people who suffer from terminal illnesses are forced to live out life while losing their dignity. Families are forced to watch their loved one deteriorate and in the mean time put their own lives on hold to care for the ill patient that has lost all will to live. Watching a loved one slowly fade in the most horrible ta .....
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Alzheimer's Disease
Words: 727 - Pages: 3.... the severe impairment suffered by Alzheimer's victims.
Neurofibrillary Tangles are also found in the brains of Alzheimer's victims. They are found within the cell bodies of nerve cells in the cerebral cortex, and take on the structure of a paired helix. Other diseases that have "paired helixes" include Parkinson's disease, Down's Syndrome, and Dementia Pugilistica. Scientists are not sure how the paired helixes are related in these very different diseases. Neuritic Plaques are patches of clumped material lying outside the bodies of nerve cells in the brain. They are mainly found in the cerebral cortex, but have also been seen in other ar .....
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Assisted Suicide
Words: 2363 - Pages: 9.... at what the constitution says and see if any of the states have allowed suicide. Finally, we'll study some of the cases that have been brought before the American courts.
Suicide has become a big part of American society, year after year more people are taking their own lives for many different reasons. A lot of philosophers have broken down all the reasons of suicides into two different categories, rational suicide and irrational suicide. A rational suicide has been given five basic criteria that usually must be met for the person's act to be considered rational. The five criteria which a person must show for their suicide to be cons .....
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Alzheimer's Disease
Words: 382 - Pages: 2.... failure was once thought to be a normal process of aging, but studies of the elderly indicate that it is the result of some disease process. In fact the symptoms of were dismissed as normal consequences of human aging. After that, in the 1980's, AD came to be recognized as the most common cause of intellectual deterioration in the elderly and the middle-aged. Now it is also recognized as the major single cause of senility, or senile dementia.
Hardly a month goes by without the discovery of a new gene, protein, or chemical process that contributes to this devastating illness. AD, being the most common cause of cognitive dec .....
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Teenage Suicide
Words: 935 - Pages: 4.... going on.
Suicide is defined as the voluntary and intentional taking of one’s
own life. When somone tries to commit suicide while they are attempting
to kill thierselves they realize that they actually dont want to die. They
really do want to live. On the average, a teenager takes his or her own
life every one and a half hours, making about one hundred and thirty
deaths a week, making suicide the second leading cause of death among
Three major aspects of teenage suicide are (1) what causes teens to
make this choice to take their own lives. (2) How you may be able to detect
if someone you know might be going to commit su .....
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