Papers on History
Catherine The Great
Words: 364 - Pages: 2.... ranging from the education system, the arts, and to the treatment of the impoverished. There were few schools in Russia. She started to convert a convent in St. Petersburg into a boarding school for girls, the Smolny Institute. Catherine imported German, Austrian and French craftsmen to update the Imperial porcelain works. She decided that the paramount task would be to augment techniques in the agricultural regions. When she re-organized the provinces in 1775, she ordered that each provincial capital must have a hospital; each county with a population between 20,000 and 30,000 should have a doctor and all other required assistan .....
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Humanism The Renaissance And M
Words: 536 - Pages: 2.... included gold trim or
accents. The late Renaissance art also has a larger focus on
religion, as humanism inspired people in many forms by the use of
Humanism came about with the idea that a person should have
a very rounded education covering many aspects of society
especially history, geometry, and art. During the renaissance as
the ideas of humanism spread, especially in its educational
sense, more schools and universities were erected and a much
higher percentage of people were formally educated. The
universities helped many people become educated, and their
education helped all of society because many of th .....
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The Civil War
Words: 1174 - Pages: 5.... slaves everywhere, it was the action
that would push Congress to pass the thirteenth amendment in 1865. The
amendment, ratified later in 1865, stated that "Neither slavery nor involuntary
servitude . . . shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to
their jurisdiction."Â It seemed democracy had triumphed by giving freedom to
slaves, but the amendment was not complete. It only stopped slavery, and made
no provisions for citizenship; therefore, blacks were still not considered
United States citizens. The fourteenth amendment was the democratic expansion
that fixed that problem. Originally passed to "put a number of m .....
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Alexander Crummel Unsung Hero
Words: 277 - Pages: 2.... back at
Alexander Crummell.
During his lifetime Alexander Crummell was noted for his active role in the Black community. In his younger years Crummell had planned and realized his vision of the church. He began to see the church as a place of worship and of social service. Following
his vision of the church in 1880 he established the Saint Luke’s Protestant Episcopal Church in Washington, D.C. As the head of his church Crummell felt an obligation of leadership to the community; therefore, he took the role of encouraging black ministers in
Washington to join together and establish charitable institutions for the race. To furthe .....
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Buffalo Soldiers
Words: 242 - Pages: 1.... all-black regiment, the 54th
Massachusetts, trained by its white commander, Col. Robert G. Shaw, suffered
heavy casualties in a heroic, though unsuccessful attempt to capture Fort Wagner
at Charleston (S.C.) harbor in July 1863. In all, about 209,000 ex-slaves and
free blacks served in the Union Army, and more than 68,000 of them died in
battle or from wounds or disease. After the Civil War, Congress authorized two
cavalry regiments and four infantry regiments of black troops, who were led by
white officers. The 9th and 10th cavalry regiments were formed in 1866 and were
used to control "hostile" Indian tribes in the West for the nex .....
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Hsi Lai Temple
Words: 1420 - Pages: 6.... I have no preference as to what religion I should be. Because of this my relationship with my family on a religious aspect has drifted wider and wider apart. This is why I choose the Buddhist religion , hoping to closing the gap which exist between me and the rest of the family on a religious aspect.
This study which is being conducted is purely a observational study. This study was done at the located in Hacienda Heights. This temple is the Los Angeles branch, the original is located in Kaohsiung, Taiwan ( Fo Guang Shan ). The is about 102,432 sq. ft. The name Hsi Lai when translated means "coming to the west". This temple signi .....
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Causes Of The American Civil War
Words: 1946 - Pages: 8.... a loose interpretation of the United States Constitution. They wanted to grant the federal government increased powers. The South wanted to reserve all undefined powers to the individual states. The North also wanted internal improvements sponsored by the federal government. This was more roads, railroads, and canals. The South, on the other hand, did not want these projects to be done at all. Also the North wanted to develop a tariff. With a high tariff, it protected the Northern manufacturer. It was bad for the South because a high tariff would not let the south trade its cotton for foreign goods. The North also wanted a good bank .....
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The Stamp Act
Words: 689 - Pages: 3.... passed in March of 1765, a man named George Grenville sponsored it and it was the first direct tax imposed by Britain. Grenville tried to be cautious in putting the law into effect. He discussed the matter with agents of the colonists and gave them time to suggest alternatives. He also allowed to colonists to give out the stamps themselves.
The act specified that a stamp must be put on deeds, liquor licenses, mortgages, law licenses, almanacs, and playing cards. The tax was basically levied on all legal and commercial documents and printed materials.
Although this was an unfair to the American colonists, it was enforced equally am .....
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The Kosovo Conflict
Words: 586 - Pages: 3.... the hands of the Turks were the Albanian settlers who were the Moslems. Therefore, all liberation movements of the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija became conflicts between Serbs and Albanians. At Kosovo and Metohija, during the Serbian insurrections in the so-called Belgrade Pashaluk (administrative-territorial unit), there was a terror without justification, marked with the obvious plan of the extermination and exile of the Serbs from the entire Old Serbia. During the 1850s and the 1860s, the genocide against the Serbian people was confirmed by a great number of documents, of grievances to the Turkish administration against the crimes of the .....
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The Spanish-American War
Words: 1531 - Pages: 6.... long and exhausting conflict called the
"Ten-Years War" that essentially ended in a draw. In 1895 a depression in
Cuba made conditions worse, and revolution again broke out threatening to
go on indefinitely as the rebels would be strong enough win, nor would the
Spanish forces be powerful enough to defeat them.
American newspapers, especially the yellow press of rival
publishers, William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer, printed outlandish
stories of the Spanish oppression in Cuba. They included wildly exaggerated
accounts that a quarter of the Cuban population had been killed at the
hands of their Spanish oppressors. President Willia .....
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