Papers on History
Greek Olympics
Words: 362 - Pages: 2.... world. Its political and economic importance is difficult to overstate. Before and during the games, a sacred truce [called ekecheiria] was called between all warring cities. This allowed every athlete to enter the games safely and promoted a sense of unity among an otherwise quarreling group of states. Beginning in the 6th century BCE, Olympia became the premier venue for the signing of inter-city treaties. These gatherings clearly created a sense of unity, and the symbol of the naked body helped to produce a feeling of pride among the Greeks. Economically, a great deal of trade revolved around the festivals and it undoubtedly co .....
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An Analysis Of The Book Our Am
Words: 1259 - Pages: 5.... activities for the children. There are no signs of grass because grass was never planted. The people dwelling in these developments have no sense of pride in their community since its appearance is rundown and nothing is kept up. The cracks in the basketball court's cement have weeds growing out of them; proving the unkempt conditions.
The children don't ever see anything more than the long strip of housing developments that run consecutively down one strip of Chicago's south side. These projects are like jail because once you grow up around them it is hard to get away or out of them. Some children in the book have never been anywhere .....
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A Comparison Of Three Abolitio
Words: 719 - Pages: 3.... and laid me across, I think, the winlass, and tied my feet, while the other flogged me severely." (pg. 216) He also tells of when three men jumped overboard to try and drown themselves, how the crew of the ship went after them: ". . .and there was such a noise and confusion amongst the people of the ship as I never heard before, to stop her, and get the boat out to go after the slaves. However, two of the wretches were drowned, but they got the other, and afterwards flogged him unmercifully for thus attempting to prefer death to slavery." (pg. 218) He later goes on to describe how he saved enough money to purchase his freedom from his mast .....
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Discovery Of The New World
Words: 449 - Pages: 2.... so that they could defeat any other ship in combat on the waters. Prior to this invention, vessels that were in war with each other needed to "pull alongside" the other vessel and board them to fight. With the cannons on deck, this was no longer necessary. The Portuguese could stay a safe distance away from the enemy vessel and shoot the cannons at them.
The political changes in Spain had the most dramatic effect on the . It started when Princess Isabella of Castile wed Prince Ferdinand of Aragon. When they were wed, they formed the kingdom of Spain. Princess Isabella and Prince Ferdinand finished their expansion of Spain when the con .....
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One Hundred Years Of Solitude
Words: 3939 - Pages: 15.... 2, 1939, a month before World War II began in Europe, Albert Einstein signed a letter addressed to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Concede in careful terms, the letter stated that recent nuclear research indicated extremely powerful bombs of a new type, based on Uranium, might soon be possible. Einstein warned that the secret work with Uranium was going on in Nazi Germany. He urged that similar American research be accelerated. Roosevelt filled with fear that Nazi Germany would develop the bomb first, marked Einstein’s letter for action. Eleven days after President Roosevelt authorized the go-ahead for the Manhattan project, t .....
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The Art Of Theater
Words: 409 - Pages: 2.... has a beginning, middle, and an end. Furthermore, every theatrical piece has a predestined conclusion. Implying that the audience is most often aware of what will happen at the end of the play, yet the art of it is to keep them focused and interested until the very end. Furthermore, unlike other modes of communication, in theater one cannot go back and see a certain scene. A theatrical act takes place in the present, has an ending, and becomes part of our past.
Theater is a challenge to our mind, for it makes us think and allows us to use our imagination. During a theatrical act, we are projected into a world of fantasy and imagination .....
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The American Revolution
Words: 648 - Pages: 3.... born and bred to a high station in life. Their society was one of
culture and refinement. The common people, deprived of abundant
opportunity at home, accepted a position of dependence. They regarded hard
work, deference to superiors, and submission to rulers as their way of
life. But in America things had taken a different turn. The tone of
society was essentially democratic. There were no lords or hereditary
offices. The Americans did not like to look up to superiors, nor were
their leaders set apart by privileges of birth and inherited wealth. The
opportunities of the New World made men enterprising, energetic, and
aggressive. Restraints .....
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Burial In Different Cultures (
Words: 432 - Pages: 2.... in Egypt inorder to look after and more importantly protect one's ba from beingdisturbed. It also acted as a type of "purge valve" for any ba which mayhave been unjustly disturbed in the tomb. Burial practices aside one can note an interesting difference between these two ancient civilizations. Differences can be observedconcerning how amicable the afterlife was. The Egyptians had a positiveoutlook. They believed that after one became Osirus, They would move intoa new world, which was nice, no one had to work, and everything was veryclean. One could compare their lives in the next world with the children'sclassic board game, Candyland. In .....
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Words: 1877 - Pages: 7.... efforts made by Britain to control the American colonies was the Acts of Trade and Navigation. What these acts did was limited American trade to basically just Britain. These Acts were in place between 1650-1660 and they were there to ensure that the mercantile system that existed stayed. It was mainly to prevent the Frenchmen and Dutch from receiving American goods. The acts limited American shipping to be via Britain. The British had to receive all American goods and them their merchants would sell the goods to other countries, but America could not. Any goods that were to be imported to the colonies had to be passed through British mid .....
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Ku Klux Klan 3
Words: 2568 - Pages: 10.... was started to be a way for people who had the same views to spend time together. The original members meant of the Ku Klux Klan to be a "hilarious social club" that would be full of aimless fun (Invisible Empire, p.9), though in later years the Ku Klux Klan became known for their violence against people outside the white race and people who associated with them. Contrary to what most people believe, the Ku Klux Klan was started because of a few people wanted to have some innocent fun, not because they were intending to start a chain of violence on anyone outside the white race.(The Klan, p.2)
The Ku Klux Klan began in Pulaski, Tennessee, a .....
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