Papers on History
Declaration Of Independence 2
Words: 295 - Pages: 2.... the causes that have made it required for the American colonies to leave the British Empire. Independence is unavoidable and necessary. The preamble explains principles that are described to be "self-evident" by most people in the 18th- century. This document was a move for independence of the 13 colonies to secede from the British.
There were a couple stages in the Declaration of Independence. The document was originally drafted by Thomas Jefferson in June of 1776. The Declaration of Independence is the nation's most cherished symbol of liberty. It is also one of the most unforgettable pieces that Jefferson did. Jefferson wrote most .....
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The United States' Involvement In World War 2
Words: 3441 - Pages: 13.... and British, who had declared war on Germany, to aid Poland’s counterattack against Germany. Yet, the French were only prepared for a defensive war and Britain had insufficient military equipment to aid the attack. America, though having nothing to do with the war, began aiding the allied attack by passing a law making it illegal to send material assistance to belligerent countries. Poland was crushed in three weeks. Germany was on the move. (Renouvin 177)
The movement continued as Germany seeked to conquer Norway and Denmark. Norway held much of Germany’s valuable shipments of iron, which was crucial to warfare. Hitler feared .....
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The Battle At Chancellorsville
Words: 813 - Pages: 3.... the campaign
with a raid on Lee's line of communications with the Confederate capital at
Richmond. Convinced that Lee would have to retreat, Hooker trusted that his
troops could defeat the Confederates as they tried to escape his trap.
On April 29, Hooker's cavalry and three army corps crossed Kelly's
Ford. His columns split, with the cavalry pushing to the west while the
army corps secured Getmanna and Ely's fords. The next day these columns
reunited at Chancellorsville. Lee reacted to the news of the Federals in
the Wilderness by sending General Richard H. Anderson's division to
investigate. Finding the Northerners massing in the .....
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The Seven-Years War
Words: 2371 - Pages: 9.... the system of privateering arose because it provided a valuable service to thecountry, and indeed the American Revolution might not have been won without their involvement. Many scholars agree that all war begins for economic reasons, and the privateers of the war for independence contributed by attacking the commercial livelihood of Great Britain's merchants.
It is ironic that the entire notion of privateering began in Great Britain. In 1649 a frigate named Constant-Warwick was constructed in England for a privateer in the employ of the Earl of Warwick.
Seeing how profitable this investment was, a great many of the English peerage commi .....
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Words: 776 - Pages: 3.... In addition, it
blends a raging love story with tormenting schemes which makes
it one of ! the best Hollywood movies of all time. Casablanca
was never expected to be a large scale movie. The script was written
on a day to day basis even till the last few moments of the movie but
despite all that, it made it bigger than any other movie in it's time.
The movie took place in 1942 and was based around world war II
which in reality was taking place as they filmed. It was
because of the war that Rick and Ilsa were separated, and this
was an idea that was not so far fetched and something that the
audience could identify with .....
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Causes Of The Civil War
Words: 1950 - Pages: 8.... interpretation of the United
States Constitution. They wanted to grant the federal government increased
powers. The South wanted to reserve all undefined powers to the individual
states. The North also wanted internal improvements sponsored by the federal
government. This was more roads, railroads, and canals. The South, on the
other hand, did not want these projects to be done at all. Also the North wanted
to develop a tariff. With a high tariff, it protected the Northern manufacturer.
It was bad for the South because a high tariff would not let the south trade
its cotton for foreign goods.
The North also wanted a good banking a .....
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Exxon Valdez Oil Spill
Words: 1832 - Pages: 7.... In the ensuing days, more than 1,200 miles of
shoreline were hit with oil. This area included four National Wildlife Refugees,
three National Parks, and Chugach National Forest.
Within hours, smaller tanker vessels arrived in order to off load the
remaining oil. Unfortunately, the cleanup effort was hindered by an inadequate
cleanup plan that had been created during the 1970's. These plans outlined how
an oil spill would be handled, including provisions for maintaining equipment
such as containment booms and "skimmer boats." The plans also called for a
response team to be on twenty-four hour notice. Unfortunately, the plans were
g .....
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Henry VIII
Words: 1042 - Pages: 4.... the VIII died in 1509, the only reason Henry would
become king is because of his brothers, Arthur, death in April of 1502.
Soon after that, Henry would marry his first wife, his brother (Arthur's)
widow, Catherine of Aragon. Many wifes would follow after her.
During most of his early reign, Henry relied on Thomas Cardinal
Wosley to do much of the political and religious activities. Henry soon got
tired of his marriage with Catherine of Aragon, so he decides that he doesn't
want to be married to her anymore, so he tells Thomas Wosley to talk to the
pope so he can divorce Catherine. But, Cardinal Wosley wasn't able to
conv .....
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Berlin Events
Words: 359 - Pages: 2.... seven days of guarded and intense debate in the United States administration, during which Soviet diplomats denied that installations for offensive missiles were being built in Cuba, President Kennedy, in a televised address on October 22, announced the discovery of the installations. He proclaimed that any nuclear missile attack from Cuba would be regarded as an attack by the Soviet Union and would be responded to accordingly. He also imposed a naval quarantine on Cuba to prevent further Soviet shipments of offensive military weapons from arriving there.
For several tense days Soviet vessels avoided the quarantine zone, and Khrushchev .....
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How Has Film Influenced Lifestyles And Human Behavior In The
Words: 609 - Pages: 3.... exposed their arms as well as their legs from the knees down. The flapper movies were modern and influenced a revolution in fashion.
During the time of the Great Depression, film was a source of cheerful escapism for most. People were out of work, but they did manage to find money to go the movies. Even during the darkest days of the Depression, movie attendance was between 60-75 million per week. The balancing act for film making was to both reflect the realism and cynicism of the Depression period. They also provided escape entertainment to boost the morale of the public by optimistically reaffirming values such as thrift and perseve .....
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