Papers on History
Deng Xiaoping
Words: 2145 - Pages: 8.... step in this day and age, may have been his greatest. His life has been a paradoxical one of ease and struggle, but as they say, that goes with the territory.
The purpose of this essay is twofold. It is a means to reflect upon the accomplishments and failures of a man who has influenced today’s China; and to present it all in an interesting, yet refreshingly honest way. I will look at three aspects of ’s life: First, the story of his youth and family, from when he was born until his return from France and Moscow, 1927. Second, a look at his beginnings in the Chinese Communist Party from 1927 to 1949, its struggle, and his rise. A .....
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African American Sentiments
Words: 990 - Pages: 4.... Ifm going to discuss the different sentiments towards the African American solders that dedicated their life to preserve the union and abandon slavery.
During the Civil War, there were people who were extremely prejudiced against the 54th regiment because the soldiers were all different colored skin and the people where used to the idea that different color skinned people worked as slaves. In gGlory,h Colonel Montgomery, Sargent Mocati (the Sargent that trained and prepared them for war) and the colonel that was in charge of distributing necessities, served as the people who discriminated the African American soldiers. When in training .....
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Cold War Paper
Words: 1202 - Pages: 5.... it was nothing compared to the loss Russia had endured. Because the war would not end until the Axis Powers fully surrendered to the Allied Powers, the United States was forced to use the first atomic warfare in history. The atom bomb would later serve as America's greatest possession. Stalin, the Premier of the Soviet Union had always distrusted the American and English intentions. Because of Stalin's aggression and attitude pertaining to Soviet influence on Europe, the postwar stance on Russia had turned into a standoff. This became the origin of the Cold War. The Cold War, seen as a battle between communism and capitalism, was "in re .....
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The Cause Of The Great Depression
Words: 209 - Pages: 1.... investments such as treasury bonds and bank accounts. As the prices continued to rise, some economic analysts began to warn of an impending correction, but they were largely ignored by the leading pundits. Many banks, eager to increase their profits, began speculating dangerously with their investments as well. Finally, in October 1929, the buying craze began to dwindle, and was followed by an even wilder selling craze.
On Thursday, October 24, 1929, the bottom began to fall out. Prices dropped precipitously as more and more investors tried to sell their holdings. By the end of the day, the New York Stock Exchange had lost four billion do .....
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Themes Of Italian Renaissance Art
Words: 854 - Pages: 4.... Renaissance art focused on representing
tangible, human figures, rather than depicting scenes from
the Bible in order to praise God, the artists had to think
in more natural, scientific terms. Artists became familiar
with mathematics and the concept of space, as well as
anatomy. Lorenzo Ghiberti studied the anatomical
proportions of the body, Filippo Brunelleschi was
interested in mathematics in architecture, Leone Battista
Alberti, who was skilled in painting, sculpture and
architecture, stressed the study of mathematics as the
underlying principle of the arts (Fleming, 285). Leonardo
also looked at the geometric p .....
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Cuban Missile Crisis 2
Words: 1003 - Pages: 4.... response to Stalin’s military movements, President Harry Truman issued the Truman Doctrine in 1947. In his address to Congress, President Truman asked that the United States would aid any country that asked for help in resisting communism. The Truman Doctrine became known as the basis for containment, the policy to keep communism from spreading to other countries. After the Truman Doctrine, George Catlett Marshall, Secretary of State, proposed the Marshall Plan, the European Recovery Program through which the United States provided aid to Western Europe after World War 2, in June 1947. The Marshall Plan was offered to all Europea .....
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The Power Of Speech & The Persuasion Of Writing
Words: 584 - Pages: 3.... letter it is obvious that they were not attended for the same audience. King's Dream speech was spoken in front of millions of people and was correctly addressed. King starts out by speaking with a lot of emotion, and repetition. King says in the Dream speech, "One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. One hundred years later, the Negro is still languishing in the corners of American society and finds himself an exi .....
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Defense Of Slavery
Words: 1109 - Pages: 5.... When one observes slavery through the eyes of a southerner during that
period, a plethora of justifications would be present. Also, Southerners of that time had reason to believe that the basis of the northern economy was more corrupt than theirs.
When defending slavery the first aspect that one must look at is that slavery was the basis of the southern economy. To put an end to slavery without reimbursement for southern losses would have been crippling to their whole economic structure.1 Reimbursement was also practically impossible since slaves, being human, were able to reproduce like the rest of their white counterparts. T .....
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American Dream Of African Amer
Words: 979 - Pages: 4.... lower class, and lacked the basic human civil rights that the rest of the country had. The few who sought change were suppressed or given no importance. However during the war this all changed. Men who went into battle fought and died among men of many different races, although their battalions were different. They realized that the country they were fighting, and dying for was not giving them any rights at all. They were fighting for their country yet they did not receive the same treatment as all the other people did. “The race riots broke out in 29 American cities as African - American soldiers returning from Europe and demanding .....
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Report On Opera
Words: 992 - Pages: 4.... distinguished as a landmark. Yet today, many of these houses no longer exist. Many have been demolished, while others have been renovated into houses, supermarkets, garages, or office buildings. Another aspect of change involves the content of the opera itself. Originally, opera was serious and grand. It has since evolved, adding new and different elements, to the point that opera now comes in all shapes, sizes, and degrees: seria, semiseria, buffa, grand, comique, Kammer, Singspiel, lyrique, light and intermezzo. Opera is today the generic term used for a variety of different pieces, ranging from: Aida, La Perichole, Night Flight .....
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