Papers on History
Michelangelo 3
Words: 511 - Pages: 2.... the same
year of 1498, Michelangelo did the marble Pieta, which he finished before the
age of twenty-five and is the only work he ever signed. This sculpture shows a
youthful Mary with her dying son Jesus laying across her lap. Mary’s expression
is one of resignation rather then grief. Another of his greatest works in the large
marble sculpture David, which he produced between 1501 and 1504. The
expression on David’s face is termed terribilita, a characteristic of many
Michelangelo’s figures. He was later called back to Rome by Pope Julius II in
1505 for two duties. First, Michelangelo painted the frescoes on the c .....
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Causes And Effects Of World Wa
Words: 1681 - Pages: 7.... The truth of the matter
is that several factors played a role in the outbreak of the
catastrophic war the engulfed the nations of Europe for over four
years. World War I truly was the result of building aggressions among
the countries of Europe which was backed by the rise of nationalism.
To add to the disastrous pot, there was also imperial competition
along with the fear of war prompting military alliances and an arms
race. All of these increased the escalating tensions that lead to the
outbreak of a world war. (Mckay, pg. 904)
Two opposing alliances developed by the Bismarckian diplomacy
after .....
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Words: 1523 - Pages: 6.... Standard) "In the north, the Argentine plains consist of the southern portion of the South American region known as the Gran Chaco. The Pampas plains that include the most productive agricultural sections of the country, extend about 1,000 mi. south from the Gran Chaco. In Patagonia, south of the Pampas, the terrain consists largely of arid, desolate steppes."(Encarta Online). A famed scenic attraction, the Iguaçu Falls, is on the çIguau River a tributary of the Paraná. "The chief rivers of are the áParan, which splits the north part of the country. In the area between the Río Salado and the Río Colorado and in the Chaco regi .....
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Rhetorical Criticism Of Cross
Words: 1422 - Pages: 6.... is an analysis or finding a fault of something. Together, the two definitions compose a metaphoric criticism. There are four steps to using metaphors as a unit of analysis; Formulating a research question and selecting an artifact, selecting a unit of analysis, analyzing the artifact, and writing the critical essay.
In applying the theories of metaphoric criticism, I will focus on two metaphors used throughout the “Cross of Gold” speech. The first use of metaphors is to convey violent acts to show the wrongfulness in changing the gold standard. Bryan refers back to fighting, contest, and war to show that the people are not going .....
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Referring To The Spanish Civil War
Words: 956 - Pages: 4.... The result was a military coup in 1923 lead by Miguel
Primo de Rivera. Rivera preferred a more direct way of governing, with a
strong Christian base and a very anti-communist attitude. He did not like
party politics, preferring to govern pragmatically, at first with a
military cabinet, but later on (1926) he decided a systematic government
would be more efficient. So he introduced the `National Assembly' intended
to represent different classes and groups, probably to soften the
opposition; as well as the Union Patriotica, created to mobilize popular
support for his regime.
Rivera also managed to strengthen the Spanish infra-structur .....
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Words: 606 - Pages: 3.... of the Kulak class. Instead of having a gradual change from a
society with classes to a classless one.
Communists in Russia not only opposed people who shared different views
than their own, but they also opposed other groups of proletariats. This directly
contrasts the original idea of a united communism movement, as stated in the
Communist Manifesto: “The Communists do not from a separate party opposed to
other working-class parties. The have no interests separate and apart from those of
the proletariat as a whole. They do not set up any secterian principles of their own,
by which to shape and mold the proletarian movement.” (pg. .....
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The Vikings
Words: 4828 - Pages: 18.... Lindisfarne Gospels. These monks were
peaceful people, wouldn't hurt a fly, pity they were chosen by the Vikings,
on the 8th of June in 793 to be the first major victim of one of their
raids. Their arrival was seen first far off, they could see dragon head
carvings on their well crafted ships slowly coming closer and closer to the
shore. As soon as they got out of their boats the Vikings poured onto land
ripping off the monk's clothing and tearing their bodies apart with their
sharp swords, and sometimes drowned them. Viking raiders tipped over the
cross of Bishop Ethelwold, which was built out of stone. Before they left
that hot day .....
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Frederick Douglass
Words: 3523 - Pages: 13.... own cabin, and to farm food for the children and herself. It was not an easy job. While all of the mothers were busy working in the fields of their master, Aaron Anthony, she was busy watching over their infants. Betsy Bailey was quite a woman. She was a master fisher, and spent most of her days in the river or in the field farming. She was very intelligent and physically able bodied. Most historians credit Frederick’s intelligence to his extraordinary grandmother. Douglass later recalled not seeing his mother very often, just on the few times she would come to visit later in his life. At the age of six, Frederick’s carefree days of r .....
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Ancient Egyptian
Words: 3683 - Pages: 14.... the
afterlife and the land of the dead. Horus, the son of Osiris and Isis, later
defeated Set in an immense battle and became king of the earth.
Another version tells that Ra emerged from primeval waters. From him came
Shu, the god of air and Tefnut, the goddess of moisture. From their union
came Geb and Nut, who held the same positions as the above version.
Yet another version tells that Ra became the god of the afterlife, but was
still supreme.
The ancient Egyptian theology dealt with hundreds of deities. These gods
changed during the different dynasties and their importance depended on the
views of the rul .....
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Television Vs Movies
Words: 474 - Pages: 2.... of different movies to choose from but once you make that decision, for the most part, you are stuck with it. Choosing which movie to see is also often an issue. When there are several people involved, deciding on which movie to see is often difficult. Also, when people go to the movies, they do not have the luxury of being in their own homes. Frequently, people choose to stay home and watch television over going out to the movies.
Television offers many things that going to the movies does not. TV offers viewing in the comfort of one’s own home. When watching TV, one has the option of doing several other tasks at the same time. Yo .....
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