Papers on History
Compare And Contrast The Attit
Words: 544 - Pages: 2.... in: the distribution of wealth.
Eugene Debs began working on the railroads at age 14, and in 1893, at age 38, he founded the American Railway Union. The union dissolved after a violent strike in 1894. Debs served a six-month jail sentence for his participation in the strike and turned to radical politics soon after being released. Despite persecution for his political beliefs, Debs ran as the Socialist candidate for president five times. He collected 6 percent of the vote in 1912. The socialist doctrine demands state ownership and control of the fundamental means of production and distribution of wealth, to be achieved by reconstruction of t .....
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Covenanted Governments
Words: 1592 - Pages: 6.... the pilgrims rebelled against King James in England, philosophy was abundant, especially that influenced by the belief in god. A majority of the governments around the world were monarchies. As far as our country is concerned, the pilgrims were the first to establish a covenanted government with the Mayflower Compact. This compact stated that all aboard the ship headed for the “new city of God”, were under the rule of God. Here is the clincher: even though it was a government under the rule of God, the agreement was that the people in God’s name would run the institutions of government. People executed God’s will his “perm .....
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How The Decision To Declare War Was Influenced
Words: 797 - Pages: 3.... to build its naval force. This competition of power made Germany an enemy of Great Britain. The British navy formed blockades that kept supplies from reaching German ports. By 1916, Germany was in serious need of food and other supplies. Germany fought back with submarines, which were called U-boats. Germany set up a submarine blockade to prevent supplies from getting to Great Britain. The U-boats destroyed many goods and supplies headed for Britain. On May 7, 1915, Germany fired on a passenger liner, the Lusitania. There were 1,198 passenger deaths, of which 128 were Americans. This prompted President Woodrow Wilson to push Ger .....
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Hiroshima, The World Is No Lon
Words: 2058 - Pages: 8.... about to create. He described all of his thoughts to the president, about what great things their dream could be used for, and what horrible things it could bring in its development.
The first three physicists to create a nuclear chain reaction were Enrico Fermi, Italian-American; Leo Szilard, Hungarian; and Frédéric Joliot-Curie, French. Enrico Fermi was born in Rome on September 21, 1901. He contributed in the creation of the first controlled nuclear reaction. For his efforts he was awarded the 1938 Peace Prize. Being a skilled and intelligent man in his field of nuclear science, he was one of the many scientists selected to work .....
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The French Revolution
Words: 2254 - Pages: 9.... this was because of king Louis XIV's actions. At the end of the
seventeenth century, King Louis XIV's wars began decreasing the royal
finances dramatically. This worsened during the eighteenth century. The use
of the money by Louis XIV angered the people and they wanted a new system
of government. The writings of the philosophes such as Voltaire and
Diderot, were critical of the government. They said that not one official
in power was corrupt, but that the whole system of government needed some
change. Eventually, when the royal finances were expended in the 1780's,
there began a time of greater criticism. This sparked the peasants no .....
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Causes And Effects Of The Amer
Words: 490 - Pages: 2.... was looking for to secede from the union and form its own government placing the majority of the governing power in the states and not in a central government. An excellent metaphor for the cause of the war, which I found on the net, is to say that the causes were like a “Wagon Wheel.” The central hub of the problem being the problem of states rights. This was the central cause behind the war. The spokes of the wheel being either real or perceived problems of the south such as unfair laws, injustices, etc. Now just having these problems doesn’t make a wheel i.e. a war, you still need the rim of the wheel. The rim in this case was slav .....
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America: One Nation
Words: 1463 - Pages: 6.... were penalized. Russia felt deprived of suitable compensation. She felt the world was out to destroy her and the Communist Party. She began to make advances towards the surrounding countries. The Truman Doctrine was written to deter the Red spread from Greece. This Doctrine “committed the United States to permanent European presence (Lecture 28, D4).” This meant the U.S. would need to keep a strong military at hand. The Government sought to maintain its’ military dominance, and further the development of the atom bomb. Thus a nuclear age began.
Before the war, the American people were unsettled by the Great Depression. U .....
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Apartheid In South Africa 2
Words: 1080 - Pages: 4.... areas. This brought about the hated "pass laws". These laws required any non-white to carry a pass on him or her. Unless it was stamped on their pass, they were not allowed to stay in a white area for more than 72 hours.
Despite the fact that the whites only make up just over 14% of the population, they own 86.3% of the land. However, it must be said that the Afrikaaners are entitled to the Orange Free State and Transvaal, as they were first to use it after the Great Trek of 1836.
The average South African White earns eight times as much as the average black man. Coloureds earn three times as much as blacks while coloureds earn well over .....
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Roosevelt And The Great Depression
Words: 521 - Pages: 2.... strike of 1932 led by Milo Reno because of the dramatic reduction in farm prices, the AAA was a primary example of government intervention in order to improve the economy and better the nation. It established principles whereby the government would by up excess crops to reduce the market and increase the prices and would most often simply burn or destroy the food. Also, the government paid those who voluntarily decreased acreage in production. Furthermore, it provided funds for loans to farmers to meet their mortgage payments. Unfortunately, the AAA was struck down by the US Supreme Court in US v. Butler in 1936, however, the pro .....
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Socrates 2
Words: 250 - Pages: 1.... he executed a statue group of the three Graces, which stood at the entrance to the Acropolis until he 2d century ad. In the Peloponnesian war with Sparta he served as an infantryman with conspicuous bravery at the battles of potidaea in 432-430 bc, Delium in 424 bc, and amphipolis in 422 bc. Socrates believed superiority of argument over writing and therefore spent the greater part of his mature life in the marketplace and public resorts of Athens in dialogue and argument with anyone who would listen or who submit to interrogation. He wrote no books and establish no regular school of philosophy. He belief in a purely objective understan .....
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