Papers on History
Civil War - The Cavalry During The Civil War
Words: 853 - Pages: 4.... and held .36 caliber cartridges. "38,000 were produced during The Civil War and 15,000 of those were produced within the Confederacy" (Weapons of the Civil War 2).
The most famous foreign pistol of the war was The Le Mat, produced by Dr. Le Mat in France. It was unique in that it had two barrels, like a small shotgun. The upper barrel shot .40 caliber rounds while the lower barrel shot .63 caliber rounds.
Starr was the third largest producer of revolvers. Starr was known for it's six shot double action revolver that weighed three pounds and was used mainly by the Union soldiers. It was very convenient because it held combustible cartri .....
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Words: 1114 - Pages: 5.... of the Cactus", became the capital in 1325 and soon there came many islands in which bridges were built to connect the mainland (Los Aztecas). They also dug canals and constructed aqueducts. There were many religious structures, and they built temples and pyramids. By 1502 the Aztec Empire expanded from Guatemala to San Luis Potosi which is in Central and Southern Mexico and extended 800 miles along a northwest-southeast axis. The conquered many cities and all became part of the empire which was wedged between high mountains and surrounded by lakes( of Lost Civilization/ Azetc Empire History).
The three social classes of the were .....
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What Is Meant By The Era Of Good Feelings
Words: 1091 - Pages: 4.... of the Era of Good Feelings is that while America goes through many changes she still tries to maintain a nation of unity.
James Monroe aspired to achieve a government of national unity. Through his efforts he hoped to counter-act the rising feelings of sectionalism. His cabinet reflects this attitude. Representing the North he appointed John Quincy Adams (a Federalist) as secretary of state. To represent the South he appointed John C. Calhoun as secretary of war. In an attempt to create a government of unification, a major problem is encountered, the issue of slavery. In 1819 the number of slave and free states was equal. The .....
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The Coal Miners In France During The Second Empire
Words: 1986 - Pages: 8.... is
described as a system that may be divided into unit acts. The unit act
consists of four elements. First there is an agent, or actor. Second, the
act has an end which is a future state of affairs or goal towards which the
action is oriented. Third, there is a situation where the trends of
develop- ment differ from the end towards which the action is oriented. The
situation is composed of two elements; the conditions are that which the
actor cannot manipulate in accordance with his end, and the means are that
over which he does not have control. Finally there is a relation between
these elements; where a situation allows alterna- tive m .....
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History Of The French New Wave
Words: 1635 - Pages: 6.... for years. To understand how and why this nouvelle vague happened we must first look at the historical, social, economical and political aspects of France and the French film industry leading up to the onset of the nouvelle vague.
After the Second World War much of Europe was in ruins. 35 million people had died and most European countries were hugely in debt. 1947s Marshall plan saw billions of American dollars poured into Europe in the form of aid to help Europe rebuild. Along with this vast amount of aid came American expectations of political allegiance. The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) was born, a military alliance .....
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The Ice Age
Words: 309 - Pages: 2.... and those are the people who did not survive it. They didn't have the technology and transportation and things that we have now in modern day. They did not have like Jeep Grand Cherokees or any other kind of vehicle or even any kind of boat that would make it across the oceans.
and all its hardships were mostly expressed by the people with no clothing or food. Many of the humans then could not find any food when the plants died, so they had to put all their ideas together to think of hunting any kind of animal. Many of the animals they hunted included buffalo, and buffalo was the main animal besides the fish they caught. They al .....
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Rock And Roll 2
Words: 766 - Pages: 3.... it. Th old nagging parents got rid of the music, but bot for long. In the 1960's rock and roll made a huge revival.
"Repots of its demise were highly exaggerated,” said Gale Research. All that hated it, also hated the famous radio station WINS. WINS, was the first radio station to broadcast rock and roll. They were only in it for the music. By the time WINS was part of the revival, the famous, unforgettable 1960's were there.
For the next two decades, the United States did mot know what it was about to go though. It was going to go through drugs, war, and heartache. What helped this time of suffering, the rock. The youth looked .....
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The Cuban Missile Crisis
Words: 2313 - Pages: 9.... another world war, the effects of which would have been devastating because of the weapons involved. Humanity, indeed, was the prevention of the war.
The Cuban Revolution was a background cause to the crisis. On January 1st, 1959 a Marxist regime in Cuba would have seemed unlikely. To the communist party in Cuba, Fidel Castro appeared tempestuous, irresponsible and stubbornly bourgeois. In 1943 President Batista appointed a communist to his Cabinet, as he used communists as leaders of the labor unions. Batista started to fail the Cuban communists and their loyalties transferred gradually to Castro, completely by 1958. On December 1st, 1961 .....
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Words: 1207 - Pages: 5.... of objectives for exploring the Americas. Spain, along with its quest for riches became determined to convert the "heathens" to Catholicism. The French and the Dutch stuck to the primary objectives of new riches and the discovery of the Northwest Passage. England, spurred by growing national rivalries with France and especially Spain, explored the New World for the purpose of harassing the Spanish and also in the hopes that it would not get left behind in the exploration race. Spain became the only country whose original intentions for exploring the New World translated into its final motivation for . The Spanish rigorously tried to .....
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Black Women And Their Push For Equality For African Americans
Words: 741 - Pages: 3.... goals many civil rights activists and organizations sought during the 1960’s. Each organization and activist had his/her own ideology concerning the correct measures necessary in order to ensure equality for African Americans. Some organizations adhered to strictly peaceful protests while others, such as the Panthers pictured above, favored peaceful means of achieving equality unless violence was necessary for defense. The lists of courageous men and women who struggled for equality can be quite long. However, it is obvious that the picture of the Panthers lack the presence of women. This failure to acknowledge women in the Panther pictu .....
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