Papers on History
Cartels Of Japan
Words: 905 - Pages: 4.... intervention to protect it's businesses. The ramifications of those actions are now quite visible, and is now proved to be the wrong methods of controlling an economy. It worked for the circumstances after the war, however, an economy has to adapt to the changing times. What worked for today may not work for tomorrow. The government only witnessed the success of their decisions, however they were unable to adapt that success to continue through the changing times. By protecting their businesses, they were shutting out the rest of the world, and by doing this, they would have to sustain themselves. Not that the world did not want any .....
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New Worlds For All: Indians, Europeans, And The Remaking Of Early America
Words: 1115 - Pages: 5.... the Europeans brought many new things with them that dumbfounded the Indians, some of those thing being a callous behavior towards the land, diseases and religious zeal. Even though both cultures could have probably coexisted quite peacefully the Europeans felt that they were superior to the Indians and set out to dominate and suppress the Indian population.
Many Europeans were drawn to the New World because it held promise, something that their homeland lacked. They wanted to create a world that was similar to the one left behind, proof of this is evident in the names that were given to places such as New France, New England, New York, Ne .....
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Dulce Et Decorum Est
Words: 583 - Pages: 3.... the trudge back to camp allows the reader to open their minds to the
events that are occurring. This allows them to see the cruel reality that the war was for the
soldiers. I believe Owen’s use of these images are aimed at discouraging the mere thought of
In the second stanza Owen is describing a gas attack on the soldiers as they are trudging
back to camp. Owen describes the soldiers fumbling to get their mask fastened, all but one, a
lone soldier. He is struggling to get his mask on but doesn’t get it fastened quick enough and
suffers from the full effects of deadly gas:
Gas! Gas! Quick boys!-An ecstasy of fumbling,
Fitting th .....
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The Cold War: Conflicting Aims And Policies Of Rival Powers
Words: 690 - Pages: 3.... forces. Despite the barrier, the United States airlifted tons of supplies to those who were in need of them in Berlin. This was the very beginning of antagonistic relations. Another form of aggression that angered the Americans was Stalin's refusal to hold free elections in Eastern Europe, while he covertly set up their governments to act as puppet satellites, forming a protective barrier around the U.S.S.R. The Soviets' reluctance to reunify Korea and the strong Communist atmosphere in North Korea also disgruntled Americans and hurt diplomatic relations. Overall, each step that the Soviet Union took to strengthen its power and the power .....
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Oregon Trail
Words: 351 - Pages: 2.... along some parts of the trail, but they were often more difficult.
Originally, like many other main routes in the United States, sections of the had been used by the Native Americans and trappers. As early as 1742, part of the trail in Wyoming had been blazed by the Canadian explorer Pierre Gaultier de Varennes, sieur de La Vérendrye; the Lewis and Clark Expedition, between 1804 and 1806, made more of it known. The German-American fur trader and financier John Jacob Astor, in establishing his trading posts, dispatched a party overland in 1811 to follow the trail of these explorers. Later, mountain men such as James Bridger, who founded .....
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The Legalization Of Marijuana
Words: 595 - Pages: 3.... of the drug. there are also many benefits that can be uncovered to help people if legalization of pot is given a chance.
Legalizing pot would increase our countrys revenue. During prohibition alcohol use was still sold and bought, but people where doing it illegally. The 21st amendmnet repealed prohibition and alcohol taxes were increased. The same thing should happen with pot. Pot should be heavily taxed to increase this countrys revenue. The same countrys that make medications would also make pot, so the quality would be assured, containg no posions or toxins. Sterile needles would be readily at the corner drug store. these could be ta .....
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America Expansion Of 1700s
Words: 1184 - Pages: 5.... increased in the western sector of the United States, they also invaded that land specially allotted for the Indians. Instead of moving the Americans out of the Indian Territory, the government minimized the size of Indian Territory by half. Now the Northern half was open for white settlement. As for the western Indians, such as the Sioux, Cheyenne, and Arapahos, American settlers went around them to settle the California and Oregon. The Americans decided to stay away from further conflict with the native Americans because they knew they were unable to move them away from their land.
Americans continued their western movement and p .....
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Cleopatra Biography
Words: 2030 - Pages: 8.... her life. "He was moved by the beauty of the damsel, which was enhanced by the fact, being so fair, she seemed to have been wronged” (Florus). Cleopatra’s beauty was and still is to this day said to have been quite memorable. In 49 BC Cleopatra was in dire straits and had to cross enemy borders in order to speak with Caesar. This brief occurrence in her history can give us a somewhat hazy view of Cleopatra’s body size. (Fraser 36) If she was able to fit into Egypt’s tightly rolled carpets this may imply that Cleopatra was small and lithe. This is just rationalization. Cleopatra may not have been attractive as it is suggested throu .....
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Breakup Of The Soviet Union An
Words: 2754 - Pages: 11.... As a result, the breakup of the Soviet Union was not a singular event that occurred overnight, rather was caused by decades of neglect and abuse to the former nations by the central communist government. A government that would never end, but find ways to cover-up its identity.
From the start of the Twenty- Seventh Party Congress in 1986, perestroika, Mikhail Gorbachev’s program of “economic, political, and social reconstructing, became the unintended catalyst for dismantling what had taken nearly three- quarters of a century to erect” (Perestroika). Conservatives have called it as a “public effort to subtly se .....
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Words: 3678 - Pages: 14.... workers in metals and, according to Greek writers, they were conversant with their transmutation, employing quicksilver in the process of separating gold and silver from the native matrix. The resulting oxide was supposed to possess marvelous powers, and it was thought that there resided within in the individualities of the various metals, that in it their various substances were incorporated. This black powder was mystically identified with the underworld form of the god Osiris, and consequently was credited with magical properties. Thus there grew up in Egypt the belief that magical powers existed in fluxes and alloys. Probably such a bel .....
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