Papers on History
Dresden, A City Lost
Words: 858 - Pages: 4.... "Thunderclap was that an "…attack must be delivered in such density that it imposes as nearly as possible a hundred percent risk of death to the individual in the area to which it is applied." ("Was the Bombing of Dresden Justifiable," 7) Collectively, between 35,000 to 135,000 human beings are estimated to have lost their lives. The report stated further, "…the total weight of the attack must be such as to produce an effect amounting to a national disaster…the target chosen should be one involving the maximum associations, both traditional and personal, for the whole population." ("Was the Bombing of Dresden Justifiable," 7) Furt .....
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Extent Of European Influence B
Words: 1223 - Pages: 5.... blood that was shed along the way from the millions of natives that were enslaved, tortured and killed.
The first explorers or conquistadors, were actually Spanish and not English, contrary to popular belief. The three main conquistadors were Cortes, Columbus and Pizarro. Probably the most ironic part of that new age of discovery is that when Columbus original departed from Spain his mission was to find a quicker trade route to Asia than the Portuguese. Columbus found the America's by accident. At first he thought that he had come upon the Islands southeast of India. But it was not until some other Spanish explorer climbed a huge mount .....
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Augustus Ceasar
Words: 1202 - Pages: 5.... Augustus had to bring the people to his side and win the support of the military in order to gain his trust from the senate. He had raised his own military. Meanwhile, many of the senate was against Mark Antony, who was the right hand man of Julius Caesar and also wanted to become the heir. The leader of the senate, Cicero, realized Augustus was a useful alley, ordered Angustus to make war on Antony and forced him to retreated to Gaul, but Cicero failed to do so (Scarre, 17). Because during 43B.C. "Augustus marched on Rome with his army, and compelled the senate to to accept him as a consul" (Scarre, 17). Later on, Augustus met Ant .....
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Barn Burning
Words: 2229 - Pages: 9.... values spurred his imagination at a time when he wrote about the passing of a conservative, agricultural South and the opening up of the South to a new era of modernization. This depiction of the agrarian society of the Sartoris family connects Faulkner to the nostalgic yearnings for a past expressed in I'll Take My Stand, the Fugitives' manifesto of 1930, a book opening the decade yet echoing sentiments of past decades. At the start of our classroom discussion of "," we can explain the tenets of the Fugitives, their traditional, aristocratic attitudes, and their reverence for the landed gentry life style. We can focus on the description of .....
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The Civil War
Words: 348 - Pages: 2.... inauguration, southern officers had dominated the U.S. Army.
Another source of southern confidence was cotton. Secession leaders
expected to exchange that staple for the foreign manufactured goods they
The South's most important advantage was that it had only to defend
relatively short interior lines against invaders who had to deal with long
lines of communication and to attack a broad front. The Confederacy also
had no need to divert fighting men to tasks such as garrisoning captured
cities and holding conquered territory.
In a short war, numerical superiority would not have made much of a
difference. As the .....
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Three Sisters
Words: 778 - Pages: 3.... to be dissolved and used daily...Let's make a note of it! No, I don't want it… It doesn't matter.” At the point when he is drunk, he takes this philosophy to a higher level and believes that his life and others are pointless. Chebutykin seems to be an intelligent and pleasant man because of the way he treats other people and talks but now he has withdrawn from this and taken to alcohol. He feels like he is shallow yet he is included. Everyone thinks he knows a lot still and is useful but the fact is that he is not. Chebutykin suffers great pain when a woman dies because they think that he is a doctor. He also suffers when the people a .....
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Standard Oil 1911
Words: 515 - Pages: 2.... it was believed that Congress did not have the power under the amendment to deal with racial discrimination.
In the Jones v. Mayer case of 1968 helped to bring back the power of a lost Thirteenth civil rights law. The law stated that all citizens of The United States had the right to purchase, sell, or rent any territory that could be enjoyed by white citizens. Jones had sued Mayer because he refused to sell him a home because he was black. The Court decided for Jones saying the Thirteenth Amendment abolished slavery and gives to Congress to abolish the "badges of slavery." In the 1976 Runyan v. McCrary case, two black students had been .....
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Civil Affair
Words: 1290 - Pages: 5.... income for the country. With this much importance on one crop, the country began to expand the production of coffee. As coffee production grew, there was less and less land available for the every day farmer to use for crops to feed his family and try to make a living. The Salvadoran government began to take away the opportunities many of the poor had to live on. This lead to a migration out of El Salvador and into Mexico and the United States; however, this still left a large number of unhappy Salvadorans who were still in El Salvador. By the early 1900's the landowners were pressing to get more land for the production of coffee. In t .....
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The Invasion Of Poland 1939
Words: 4002 - Pages: 15.... Hitler even early in the year 1939 talked
about how Germany and Poland could work together in peace
and harmony to make Europe a better place. Yet even in
this early time there were people being greatly
discriminated against in Germany due to Nazi influence.
Before the war there were many different people
living in the boundaries of Poland. There were 750,000
Germans living in Poland prior to 1939. Natural Poles
discriminated against the German's living in Poland. The
Poles made it hard for them to get job and pushed them
away from elections, they received little help from the
government. It is easy for people to discriminate against
peo .....
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Confucius 3
Words: 646 - Pages: 3.... aged, and principled flexibility in advising rulers.
Confucius was China's first and most famous philosopher. He had a traditional personal name (Qiu) and a formal name (Zhoghi). Confucius's father died shortly after Confucius's birth. His family fell into relative poverty, and Confucius joined a growing class of impoverished descendants of aristocrats who made their careers by acquiring knowledge of feudal ritual and taking positions of influence serving the rulers of the many separate states of ancient China. Confucius devoted himself to learning. At the age of 30, however, when his short-lived official career floundered, he turned .....
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