Papers on History
Renaissance Art 2
Words: 947 - Pages: 4.... became more transparent and more vivid in detail. Lastly, artists in the high Renaissance such as Da Vinci, Michaelangelo, Titian, and Raphael developed paintings in the narrative style that demonstrated the “body in a more scientific and natural manner,†thus demonstrating the various aspects of every day life. Moreover, with the combinations of the two beneficiary notions, individualism and humanism, craftsmen were expected by society to be proficient in more than one profession such as literature, sculpture, architecture, and particularly art.
One of the first major ideas that the Renaissance brought to Italy was its humanistic beli .....
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Abe Lincoln Hero Of Our Past
Words: 787 - Pages: 3.... childbirth. But Abraham kept going on. Lincoln was elected captain of a volunteer company, in Black Hawk War. Abraham was proving to be a good leader, which later lead him to victory. Later in Illinois, Lincoln ran unsuccessfully for the Illinois legislature. Two years later Abe was elected the lower house for the first four successive terms as a Whig.
Abraham Lincoln was a humble man, calling farmers "neither better nor worse than any other people." Lincoln was raised in the Baptist church, and in the Baptist church slavery was taught to be wrong, and not of God. Abraham Lincoln stated his political opinion on this as early as 1837 .....
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Alvarado Massacre
Words: 2234 - Pages: 9.... his Captain, Pedro de Alvarado was present concluding that he was the key person responsible for the bloodbath.
From the accounts of Bernal Diaz de Castillo Pedro de Alvarado was the man responsible for the attack on the Indian village in Mexico. Upon hearing that there were ships headed toward Cortes and his followers, Cortes left to greet the men leaving Alvarado in charge of Tenochitclan. Seeing the bright colors of the flags on the ship he became excited yet he was worried. He knew that he needed reinforcements for surprise attack from the Teules but he also worried that the reinforcements were sent by Diego Valazquez to capture hi .....
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The Torture Of The Kuwaitis By The Iraqis
Words: 1103 - Pages: 5.... behind erasing Kuwait's identity
that seems important to Iraq; to take from the rich and give to the poor; a
sort of Robin Hood justification.
Although trying to justify what Iraq did to the Kuwaitis is futile,
Iraq did what any starving animal in the wild would do, steal from its
neighbor. "The occupiers looted Kuwait as a matter of policy, reasoning
that the wealth of the 19th province was needed elsewhere in greater Iraq."
(Strasser 36) Iraqis showed no mercy when it came to looting. "The city
the Iraqis left behind appeared to have been worked over by a huge army of
drunken teenage vandals. They stole everything they could, .....
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Masaccio: The Holy Trinity
Words: 944 - Pages: 4.... of an actual structure is created. The interior volume of this 'structure' is an tension of the space that the person looking at the work is standing in. The adjustment of the spectator to the pictured space is one of the first steps in the development of illusionistic painting. Illusionistic painting fascinated many artists of the Renaissance and Baroque periods.
The proportions in this painting are so numerically exact that one can actually calculate the numerical dimensions of the chapel in the background. The span of the painted vault is seven feet, and the depth is nine feet. "Thus, he achieves not only successful illusion, but a ra .....
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Huguenots (french Calvanists)
Words: 534 - Pages: 2.... massacre was carried out on August 24, 1572 in the early morning of St. Bartholomew's Day. In Paris on that day 10,000 Huguenot people were murdered. The Huguenots blamed France for the massacre of St. Bartholomew's Day and started a civil war over the event.
A twist in fate helped the future of the Huguenots. For Henry IV was in a delicate position with his public, over the assassinations of Duke of Guise and his brother, the cardinal, which forced him to alie with Henry of Nevarre a Huguenot. Later after Henry IV got assassinated himself; Henry of Nevarre inherited the French throne in 1589. Henry, then being in rule, decided that th .....
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Anderw Carnegie, The Bible, An
Words: 1018 - Pages: 4.... place, had proved himself able to better manage the money than the community as a whole.
The biblical aspect, in comparison, is very wary in condoning great wealth. It cautions that it is the reason for gathering the great wealth that matters, not the final distribution of it. If one gathers great wealth merely for the purpose of gathering great wealth, that is greed and it is sinful in the eyes of the bible. However, if one finds in himself the ability to make large amounts of money easily and then decides to do so exclusively for the good of others, than it is right and good and virtuous to do so. It is said in Galatians 6:7, "A m .....
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Amish Culture
Words: 1938 - Pages: 8.... American society. "Although the Amish look like they stepped out of the rural nineteenth century, in fact they do change," (s). Their lives move more slowly than ours, but they definitely are not stuck anywhere. They move on slowly but surely. Instead of accepting new technology like the rest of American society, they choose to examine change carefully before they approve of it. If the new idea or gadget does not succeed in keeping their lives simple and their families together, they will most likely reject it. Family is among the most important values the Amish stress. They don't like to let anything break their family ties. The fact tha .....
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Reasons For The Fall Of Socialism/Communism In Russia
Words: 3216 - Pages: 12.... the state subsidize all of the production. This system, aptly named collectivization, reprimanded all of the average worker's liberties and created great suffering during the Stalin regime. Such suffering was magnified during an anti-war treaty that Stalin had signed with Hitler's Germany in an effort to avoid a confrontation with the Nazi military. However, Hitler violated this treaty in an effort to dominate all of Europe and was denied at the expense of millions of Soviet lives who fought for freedom against his tyranny. Not only did this lead to millions of deaths and a severe decrease in productivity. Stalin eventually passed away i .....
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How England Instigated The Ame
Words: 1928 - Pages: 8.... in 1767 was what really riled the colonists. England began to slowly tighten its imperial grip to avoid a large reaction from the colonists. Additional problems began when England passed the Writs of Assistance, which gave British officials the right to seize illegal goods, and to examine any building or ship without proof of cause (The American Revolution, pg.62). This was a powerful weapon against smuggling, but most importantly to the Colonists; it allowed the invasion of their privacy. This was crossing the line and violating the rights of an English man. During the Seven Years War, the British sent over ten thousand troops to America to .....
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