Papers on History
The Battle Of Little Big Horn
Words: 2730 - Pages: 10.... many other leaders to surrender their nation in order to save the lives of their people.
In the nineteenth century the most dominant nation in the western plains was the Sioux Nation. This nation was divided into seven tribes: Oglala's, Brule', Minneconjou, Hunkpapa, No Bow, Two Kettle, and the Blackfoot. Of these tribes they had different band. The Hunkpatila was one band of the Oglala's (Guttmacher 12). One of the greatest war chiefs of all times came from this band. His name was Crazy Horse.
Crazy Horse was not given this name, on his birth date in the fall of 1841. He was born of his father, Crazy Horse an Oglala holy man, and his moth .....
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Egypt-israeli Conflict And The
Words: 3597 - Pages: 14.... particular attention to the question of who, or what brought these
countries into conflict. Were they both victims of their situation, or
did they become actively involved in promoting conflict, or perhaps a
third party source, such as the US pushed them into conflict?
In 1948, the Declaration of the Establishment of the State of
Israel was read by David Ben-Gurion in Tel Aviv. The Egyptians, like
most of the Arab states saw this as a creation of a Western State,
backed by the British Empire, and thus an imperialistic entity in the
Arab homeland. Considering the past 20 years of the Egyptian state,
and .....
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Black Soldiers In The Union Ar
Words: 1137 - Pages: 5.... in the Union Army was completed by a series of actions the Black Man performed that won him the respect of becoming a soldier. The two differ in that it was to President Lincoln's benefit to enlist Blacks as soldiers when he did. Whereas the later was the Black Man's will to fight for his freedom and prove himself as an equal human being. However, because the Black population was barred from entering the army under a 1792 law(4) the Black Man becoming a soldier was not officially recognized until late 1862. "There was strong anti-Black prejudice among most people in the free states, and in the loyal slave states the idea of arming the .....
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Bolshevik Revolution
Words: 2263 - Pages: 9.... whole of the former Russian Empire by 1923? " Certainly, the Bolsheviks were an obscure and radical political party before the revolution of March 1917, and played little part in the overthrow of the Tsar. They did however see it as a step towards the dictatorship of the proletariat. "The Marxists found themselves in the paradoxical position of welcoming the revolution as bourgeois, liberal and capitalist and deferring the idea of socialism to some time in the future. "
Lenin, the leader of the Bolshevik party returned from exile in April 1917, while a member of the intelligentsia, he also appeared to read the general mood of the people a .....
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Words: 297 - Pages: 2.... built with a thick neck and deep chest. He had the red hair and blue eyes of his tribe and was possessed of both strength and stamina.
He was typical of the Franks in his love for hunting and for feasting, but Einhard notes that his king drank in moderation--a mere three cups of wine with a meal.
was an ambitious king, aggressive and ruthless, but equally notable was his perseverance, his ability to carry through on a plan. He was not a great general, but he was a dogged campaigner and was often able to wear the enemy down through sheer force. Indeed, one of his more important attributes was his physical energy. Einhard notes that was .....
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Euripides! Master! How Well Yo
Words: 1295 - Pages: 5.... at such practices as using only male actors in the plays and leaving the women in the kitchen while attending the plays. Having concedes those points, I set about "listening" to the playwrights.
In Agamemnon, Aeschylus addresses some remarks toward his Clytaemnestra which could possibly be interpreted as disparaging. She is said to "maneuver like a man," and Cassandra exclaims, "What outrage--the woman kills the man!" The chorus asks her "What drove her insane" enough to kill a man. Her lover, Aegisthus, although he gloats over the body he cringed from cutting down, allows that "the treachery was the woman's work, clearly." Far from denigr .....
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Causes Of The Revolutionary Wa
Words: 999 - Pages: 4.... slowly nullified; therefor, a revolution was viable.
On October 19, 1765 the Stamp Act Congress and Parliamentary Taxation committee's passed some laws that attempted to strengthen the grip of the English crown. "That his Majesty's subjects in these colonies, owe the same allegiance to the Crown of Great Britain that is owing from his subjects born within the realm, and all due subordination to that august body, the Parliament of Great Britain." This statement can be used as a summation of the entire document that the Stamp Act Congress had initiated. The statement depicts the colonists has having to be submissive and servile in the v .....
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Persian Gulf Crisis
Words: 1758 - Pages: 7.... Government.
One of Hussein's weaknesses is negotiating. Negotiating in his terms is
to fight it out with as much carnage as possible until his side comes out
"victoriously". Repeatedly, Saddam and his government break international
convention laws. During his war fought with Iran, the Iraqi army used chemical
weapons on the Iranian troops and even on their own Iraqi population. This was
seemingly overlooked by the rest of the world because most nations didn't want
to see the Ayatollah's Islamic revolution rise. Iraq often obtained foreign arms
support from other nations because of this. It wasn't until the invasion of
Kuwait that the r .....
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Black Panthers
Words: 959 - Pages: 4.... called the ten-point platform. The main points of the platform were that the Black Panther Party believed that they should be able to choose their own destiny, that every man should be employed by the government to be able to support himself and his family, and that no black man should serve in any military branch. The Black Panther Party refused to fight for a government that does not treat them as full citizens of the United States of America. This would reduce the military number of men drastically. The Black Panther Party may have seemed like they were revolting against America, but were only doing what they felt was right. A maj .....
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Europe And The New World
Words: 1612 - Pages: 6.... Native Americans with mixed opinion, in many ways they despised their ignorance, while at the same time being in awe of their innocence. Despite this, leading opinion was that the native people of the new world were inferior to the Europeans and would have to become domesticated if they were to survive in the ‘new world.’ However was this triumph over the inhabitants of the land evidence of a superior civilisation?
How does one define ‘Civilisation’? For if we are to discuss what is a superior and an inferior race then understanding of the term ‘civilisation’ is critical. The term ‘civilisation’ is used ever .....
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