Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
In Search Of Your Own Identity
Words: 2117 - Pages: 8.... States, but other times I feel more attached to México. I am a Mexican-American. However, I feel that I am denying in some way my heritage and my culture by saying that I am. I am denying my parents. I say that I’m Mexican because in a sense I am. I am also an American. I am a Mexican-American. What do these terms put together imply? They should imply that the person is Mexican and American. The term “Mexican-American” is the very reason why I find myself confused about who I really am. I need to search for my own identity, which leads me to the purpose of this essay. Rodriguez and Paz have discussed this parti .....
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Words: 1285 - Pages: 5.... should study the existing condition and restructure its admission policy, more important, to create a new teaching and learning environment that would accommodate the needs of every student from different racial background.
The productivity of education is declining since it does not catch up with the increasing population of the students. From the Gold Rush to the recent era of immigration, America has always been a land of opportunities to everyone. As in education, it offers classroom seat to students regardless of age, gender or nationality. However, with increasing enrollments in colleges and universities while nearly half of current .....
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Learned Optimisim
Words: 1164 - Pages: 5.... of Negro leaders in America. The killing of Dr. King, and the writing of the poem reflex feelings of great disappointment. Mr. Randall saw the collapse of the stock market as a boy, share croppers who had nothing to share, and schools bombed to limit education of other Negro children.
It was the children of the sixties who grew their hair into Afros. Dress in a style that identified their attitudes as fed up with this society. It was these children whom no longer would agree too colored and white bathrooms, or eat standing up in the back doors of restaurants. In the poem Booker T. and W.E.B. the writer says "for what can property .....
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Contemporary Performance Issue
Words: 988 - Pages: 4.... type of car pool. This encourages a social environment to and from work, as well as relieving some employee stress. If all of the employees are in some type of rotating pool, then an extra load of stress is being relieved from some of the employees all of the time, or all of the employees some of the time. Either way you look at it, you can hope to see an increase in concentration and performance. As an added incentive, “The Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21), enacted in June 1998, allows employers to offer workers either cash or tax-free reimbursements for parking, mass transit fares and van pooling expenses†.....
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Words: 332 - Pages: 2.... or a solution to prevent heart diseases, for example; but I think scientists are closer to find a solution.
On the other hand, I consider this achievement in people´s health is partly a result of the activity of many private and public organizations in health all over the world, who have established policies and priorities in order to create personal and environmental health programms, pollution control, policies related to chronic and infectious diseases, a smoke-free society and people´s education.
Finally, I think many important things have been done in medical science which have contributed to people´s health, so now the liv .....
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Free Speech On Campus
Words: 637 - Pages: 3.... a little more clearly why he would have been expelled. It was the students’ choice to follow the drunken boy outside and to start more with him. I personally think they should have just left him alone. He was drunk and probably did not even know what he was saying. Much less, he probably didn’t even remember in the morning. How many times have you had something said to you that upset you, offended you, or made you mad? Much less, how many times has a drunken person said something to you that made you mad? For example, my last name is Abdo, which is Arabic. I know that there are some Middle Easterners who are crazy and like to bl .....
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Pathology Arises Out Fo The Ex
Words: 2363 - Pages: 9.... diagnostic pidgeon-holing does not enhance humanity, nor aid those who are dealing with the distressed individual to find meaning. It also neglects to consider life beyond the physical, failing to address the more philosophical questions that abound from our very existence.
Existential psychiatry and psychology arose in Europe in the 1940’s and 1950’s as a direct response to the dissatisfaction with prevailing efforts to gain scientific understanding in psychiatry (Binswanger 1963). Existentialism is the title of a set of philosophical ideas that emphasise the existence of the human being, the lack of meaning and purpose in lif .....
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Socialized Sexism
Words: 1176 - Pages: 5.... are often seen much later in life, where an employer or co-worker makes a harmful decision based on the gender of the applicant. It can also make a worker uncomfortable when confronted with a workplace dominated by the opposite gender.
The family is the first place that a child is subjected to sexism and the indirect domination of one gender over another. The first hint at a sexist difference is the bearer of the children. Children see their mom as a place where they can take comfort, be safe, be relaxed and soothed, and be protected. The father is seen as the person who goes off to work and provides for the family. He is a .....
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Teaching Kids
Words: 1918 - Pages: 7.... make time to teach their children right from wrong, then there is no better way to raise a child with a strong set of values. The most effective way of about values and morals is by example. Children will simply learn by observing and following their parents. This means that when parents participate in volunteer programs and donate time and money to charity, then they are teaching their children the importance of serving those in need. When parents respect their children's privacy and opinions, children develop a mutual respect for their parents and for others. Parents that take their children to church and help them with their h .....
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How To Write An Essay
Words: 664 - Pages: 3.... are gathered
together in this fashion, the following steps in the writing process will
be made easier. After this is done, the ideas must be organized into
outline fashion. This is to say that they will be listed according to
different sections and subsections in respect to the structure of the essay.
This will make the actual written portion of the essay easily structured.
After this is done, a rough draft of the essay should be written from the
outline and revised and rewritten afterwards. The rough draft is the
preliminary version of the final essay, though it must be fully written and
structured. This will then be revised as necessary .....
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