Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
The Anasazi Indians
Words: 521 - Pages: 2.... fit 30 people in them. There is one odd fact about this:
the Anasazi supposedly carried roof beams more than 50 miles from the
forests of Mt. Taylor and Chuskas. These Indians lived as small scattered
families of hunters and seed gatherers. They developed agriculture, learned
to make baskets and irrigate.
The Anasazi religion was very different compared to other religions
of the world. Anasazi Indians chose to bury their dead either in the trash
or against walls. The ghosts of the Anasazi were feared widely by most
Navajos for some reason. The oddest thing about the Anasazi is that they
had some kind of infatuation with a humpbacked, flute .....
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Crisis In Kosovo
Words: 1138 - Pages: 5.... areas in interest are the most undeveloped in Yugoslavia. For over two centuries the area of Yugoslavia were under the rule of the Ottoman Empire. During the 15th and 16th centuries the Ottoman Empire was the most powerful empire in the world. Although sometimes called the Ottoman Nights by many people who were under the rule there was much advancement in society during this time. During the 17th century numerous revolts by armed groups of peasants and the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire led to many of the Serbs in the area to flee. The greatest of these revolts took place in 1690, when Serbs rose in support of an Austrian invasion .....
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Borderline Personality Disorde
Words: 506 - Pages: 2.... and intense anger or rage with temper tantrums and resentment, and a loss of control or fear of loss of control over angry feelings. There is a feeling that one is flawed, defective, damaged or bad in some way, with a tendency to go to extremes in feeling, thinking, or behavior. The depression that accompanies this disorder can cause much suffering and lead to serious suicide attempts.
r is a common disorder, and it is estimated that 10-15% of the population has it. It is two to three times more common in women than in men. The increased amount of BPD among women is thought to be a result of the greater incidence of incestuous experienc .....
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A Wonderful Life (maybe)
Words: 445 - Pages: 2.... for a disease. It’s something to think about.
Here’s something else to think about. We use huge machinery to destroy the rainforest. These machines release chemicals into the air which pollutes the stuff we breathe into our bodies. Everytime we gun that engine or peel our tires we pollute the air. If we want to breathe healthy air so we can enjoy the outdoors, we’re going to have to be more consious on what we do.
What do you think about a huge flood that kills all living things on land? Well, everytime you spray the hairspray or cheese in a can you release aresol which depleats the ozone. Because of our lack of knowledge or .....
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Exams Are Unfair Assessments Of Progress
Words: 439 - Pages: 2.... parents. In addition, many students usually forget all of the things that
they have already learned when they are taking their exams because they are too
nervous, but they can remember all the things again after they finish their
exams. Also, many students suffer insomnia because they are too worry about
their exams. They do not have enough sleep, so they can not do well in their
Secondly, the exam results of the students are not reliable. Some
students cheat in the exams. For example, they just copy the answers from their
cheating papers to their answer sheets. Although their answers are correct, they
do not really kn .....
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Excellence In Education
Words: 2799 - Pages: 11.... for?” Ebel answers “that schools are for learning, and that what ought to be learned mostly is useful knowledge” (3). He builds this declaration in answer to trends in education that focus upon other aspects of learning in schools. Ebel states in the beginning of his article, that he does not assume schools should be social research agencies, recreational facilities, adjustment centers, or custodial institutions. (3). While he does not deny that our nation is currently wrestling with a dreary array of social ailments, he does argue that the answer to such problems can or should lie within the jurisdiction of our schools .....
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Words: 569 - Pages: 3.... wealthy. In Europe, in the sixteen hundreds, soapmakers’ guilds began to appear, and soaping as a trade became a closely guarded, and much sought after secret. In 1622, King James I, granted a monopoly to a soapmaker for a staggering $100,000 a year! It was not until Queen Victoria repealed the soap tax in 1853 that soap became economically available to the average person, and cleanliness took a turn, once again, towards popularity.
In Colonial America, during that period, the women made soap for their families. Commercial production of soap did not materialize until 1608, when several enterprising European soapcrafters arrived in Americ .....
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Aristotles Philosophy On Why P
Words: 937 - Pages: 4.... or for all humanity, especially ourselves. But usually it also is intended to inspire admiration for the central character, and by analogy for all mankind.
In the century after Sophocles, the philosopher Aristotle analyzed tragedy. His viewpoint defined Tragedy as an imitation of an action that is serious, complete, and of a certain magnitude. In a language embellished with each kind of artistic ornament, the several kinds being found in separate parts of the play Oedipus Rex, Tragedy must occur in the form of action, not of narrative; and a purgation or catharsis of the build up of emotions (hubris) throughout the literary wor .....
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What Makes A Good Parent
Words: 466 - Pages: 2.... Parents are the only ones tha can give them support in the begings of their lives. Kids will need emotional support to face some of the problems earlier in their life, because of sheer lack of experience. Not knowing how to solve some of the life's problems would only help them get hurt. Thats when the parents play the key role in their life. Financial support is something not all parents can give, but it they can its is really helpfull for the kid. When I say financial support I do not mean giving them spending money any time they ask for it, what I mean is more like money for school activities and funds for later education in their li .....
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How To Study
Words: 978 - Pages: 4.... to keep all your supplies.
5.Have short but often study periods.
Having four short study pperiods a week are more effective than two long
study periods because : (1) frequent repetition is the key to building your
memory and, (2) long breaks between study periods may help you forget what
you studied.
6.Start study periods on time.
Delays in your schedule will affect how you study. Try to train yourself to
use every minute of your scheduled time.
7.Obviously, study when you are awake.
When you study during the day, , you are more likely to learn faster and
retain the information longer. If during your study session you feel drowsy .....
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