Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
The Unexamined Life
Words: 318 - Pages: 2.... greater
than one might think. Understanding and comprehending the behavior of friends,
as well as of ourselves, enables us to have empathy and compassion for them.
And, allows us not to stand in judgment, which, in turn, allows us to live the
moral, noble lives that Socrates spoke of.
Another belief of Socrates that supports his view is the idea that evil
derives from ignorance and the failure to investigate or explore peoples
actions. I believe this to be true, also. This idea also supports his beliefs
on death. Socrates was not well liked because he explored his ignorance, and
was eventually put to death because of it. .....
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The Mystical Sea
Words: 401 - Pages: 2.... and the orange into pink. Thoughts of Emerson's transparent eyeball come to mind as a person truly becomes one with nature during a sunset. The sumptuous sound of the tide rushing on the dark sandy beach is like listening to a live performance of a meditation tape. Relaxing in a beach chair, listening to the slow recession of the water regaining strength and becoming louder until the wave crashes again and the cool surf rushes against your warm, sun-burnt feet, can please even the worst of aquaphobias.
Although the sea can intrigue and inspire people, it can also instill and command fear and respect. Hurricanes can produce chaotic win .....
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Yum Cha: A Chinse Breakfast
Words: 749 - Pages: 3.... prefer Yum morning Cha. They go to Yum morning Cha with their friends instead of having breakfast at home. Young people and businessmen prefer Yum evening Cha, which is served between 9pm to 12pm. Usually after dinner, to Yum Cha is a similar to socialise in Australia, and it is also similar to a meeting place, where friends and relatives meet and chat or talk about their business. They usually eat little, but they usually spend a lot of money, because the restaurant managers know that the business men and young people came to Yum Cha in the evening are mostly rich, and overcharges.
Yum Cha is served a differently in Australia. The restaur .....
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MP3 Audio
Words: 687 - Pages: 3.... file. With a typical 3-minute song, the MP3 is only around 3 megabytes. With such a small size, MP3s are easily downloaded from the Internet and shared between people. Everything that can be done with MP3s can be done freely. The audio players that play the format, the rippers that compress the audio files with the MP3 format, and MP3s themselves can all be downloaded freely from the Internet.
While this may sound like a great format, some may question its legality. Any music CD can be used to create MP3s, even commercial ones. While some users download these copyrighted songs from the Internet, which are very easy to find, th .....
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Individual Understanding
Words: 1831 - Pages: 7.... through its function.
This thinking leads to the conclusion that the human brain is little more than a big, complex computer. All we humans do is take input, process it, and accordingly create output, just like a computer. In fact, functionalists who support strong AI go so far as to say that an appropriately programmed computer actually has all the same mental states and capabilities as a human. In AMinds, Brains, and Programs,@ John Searle outlines this argument:
AIt is a characteristic of human beings= story understanding capacity that they can answer questions about [a] story even though the information they give was never .....
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Online Shopping
Words: 388 - Pages: 2.... in my opinion is you can shop without leaving your house. You can also shop anytime day or night so if you have a busy schedule then you don’t have to fit time in to go to the mall, you can shop at your own time.
As good as this all sounds there are a few downfalls. One of them is you have to pay for shipping and handling which can cost a pretty penny especially when your only buying a CD you pay $3.00 or $4.00 for this service. Another downfall is you have to use your credit card. Which I’m sorry to say is not fully protected. A lot of companies say that there web sites are protected but there are always hackers who can get your .....
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Womens Development
Words: 2179 - Pages: 8.... approach to urban partnerships.
Partnerships should ideally be built on shared interests, reciprocal support and mutual benefit, with each partner contributing according to their respective resources, strengths and areas of expertise. Reciprocity is built on valuing and legitimising the specific resources of the partners, whether these are material resources, managerial coordination, local information, professional expertise, entrepreneurship or the enthusiasm and energy of residents. Clearly there is a need to recognise the interests, contributions and reciprocal potential of women as well as men. An increasingly common approach to democr .....
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Air Bags
Words: 647 - Pages: 3.... be in the front seat because the force of the airbag is usually too much for them. Never put a rear facing child seat in the front seat of the car. If the airbag goes off, the seat will be pushed forward and the child may get squeezed between the back of the seat and the airbag. Children are less likely to be killed in a crash if they are in the back seat.
If someone must put a child in the front seat, they may want to have an on/off switch for the airbag installed on the passenger side. On/off switches are used to prevent the airbag from going off in an accident, but they aren’t recommended for most people. You only need .....
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Materialist Theory
Words: 1234 - Pages: 5.... most deeply-explained by something physical…in the more contemporary sense of neurochemistry and neurophysiology. Rational or intelligent action is the upshot of processes or activities physically internal to the brain."(Graham, 129) The exclusionist thesis states that human beings possess no special power which regular physical systems and objects normally lack. Our concept of free choice or free will is a mental concept, and since no physical system is free, there is no free will. The human soul can not exist because the soul is something mental and when the body dies, the brain fails to survive as well and the concept of soul exist .....
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Career Summary Of A Dietician
Words: 1541 - Pages: 6.... with patients and physicians to accurately determine if their current dietary plan is working or not and what steps they should take to reach their final goal. Hospital dieticians correspond with the kitchen staff to make sure healthy diets are supplied for each patient in the hospital, as well as on an individual level.
In a hospital environment there are typically a group of dieticians to handle all of the inpatient diets. These dieticians in turn answer to their department manager, who works under a chairman. In the dietary department there are also several filing and appointment clerks who help the dieticians to manage their work an .....
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