Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
Asymmetry In Facial Emotional
Words: 1057 - Pages: 4.... a site just above the medulla-spinal cord junction at which the nerve fibres from either side of the brain cross over to the contralateral side of the body (Marieb, 1998). This means that the sensory information from the right side of the body goes to the contralateral side of the brain, in this case the left hemisphere, and vice versa. Due to this cross over, each hemisphere has motor control over the contralateral side of the body.
The brain’s hemispheres are specialised in their functions, amongst others, the left hemisphere is dominant in language, mathematical reasoning and logical thinking. The right hemisphere is dominant in facia .....
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Animal Abuse
Words: 456 - Pages: 2.... Angling might be the only exception to this
because without angling, the rivers would be over populated
with fish (who have a very small memory span anyway). It
could disrupt the food chain. Hunting wild animals and
reptiles is not necessary. The food chain would be just
fine if we stopped wild animal hunting, for example, fox
hunting, wild cat hunting, elephant hunting, crocodile
hunting and whale hunting.
We should not kill animals for fur. Thousands of years
ago, our ancestors wore animal skins and furs to keep warm
and dry. Today we have man made fibres to make such
garments. We can also buy man made clothes that lo .....
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The Hong Kong Chinese Community
Words: 701 - Pages: 3.... There is a very common belief that you should not
offend or challenge authority.
People have lost a lot of confidence in politicians because of poor
examples provided by ongoing tensions between Communist China and
nationalist Taiwan. "We have to educate them and tell them politics in
North America and Canada is very different from what they saw of politics
in Hong Kong and China."
Dr. Joseph Wong, whose community activism has earned him the Order
of Canada, thinks that despite changes in Chinese attitudes, fear is still
an obstacle towards political evolution. People are not afraid to demand
for equal rights but the .....
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Money Vs Morality
Words: 625 - Pages: 3.... traders would sneak into the homes of Africans, and kidnap children and adults. It did not matter if they were women, men, or children. They were simply just dirty slaves to the English. Another way of getting slaves was war. They would take the prisoners of war from warring tribes in Africa. The third known way to obtain slaves was to pillage. All three ways were efficient, and often used. So the slaves were then loaded on a carrier ship. The slaves were loaded into the basement of the ship, a hot, musty, and dark place. Think of the worst place you could imagine, and think of staying there for days at a time. Some tried to es .....
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Loyalty Definition Paper
Words: 1107 - Pages: 5.... in a person who would do anything for him, a person that had sworn to be loyal to the end. Maybe he thought he had a greater loyalty to the common good of society rather than his sworn family. Whom did he really feel that he should be more loyal to? When someone becomes a member of a group, whether by some initiation process or by birth, there are certain expectations. Some of these expectations are traits such as dependability, trust, duty, and the most important of all, loyalty. Without loyalty society would not be able to function. When this man did turn in his friend, he betrayed the family, thus being disloyal to it, but he wa .....
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Sim City Forever
Words: 925 - Pages: 4.... player must decide what time period he/she wants the games to take place in. The times consist of 1900, 1950, or 2000. No matter where you have started, the game ends at the same point. Second, they must choose a size for their city. The city’s size is defined by the amount of squares of building space available. They are then categorized as small, medium, and large. Finally, the player must decide on a name. The name of the city is the one thing that they do not offer choices for. It is completely your choice. The game has already put the player where they want to be, in control. After the startup screen, the player views a .....
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Pay For Student Athletes
Words: 1596 - Pages: 6.... this by allowing students with scholarships to hold jobs that pay a maximum of $2,000 a year. This way students can have enough spending money to go to movies, buy pizza or just have some miscellaneous spending money. But many are opposed to this new rule. Douglas J Lany writes that "the problem is that a $2000 check for a job, even if work is not part of the job description, can't compete with a $2000 check plus $10,000 in cash." He is saying that the problem is not the $2,000 job, but the $10,000 dollars the agents will give to athletes as bribes. He says the main problem is not students holding jobs but the agents bribing students. .....
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The Canadian Personality
Words: 710 - Pages: 3.... of our country, but on the bad things that are outside our country. We always talk about how the Americans are running more of Canada then we are, and the only nature part of Canada you ever hear about is the American view, snow, penguins and polar bears. In fact, our country has a vast amount of temperate wilderness, grand provincial parks and even a rainforest in the west. We have all the animals mentioned in the story, but do we talk about them? It seems that all most Canadians do is complain. Complain about the economy, the government, the USA. Anything that can be found that is wrong with our country, we talk about. That set .....
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Rich Comparison Essay
Words: 727 - Pages: 3.... college might be: a college dedicated both to teaching women what women need to know and, by the same token, to changing the landscape of knowledge itself.” (Rich 45) This means that she believes that women should be taught the skills that they will need to succeed in life as a wife and as a “self conscious, self-defining human being.” (Rich 45) She then gives examples of her life experiences and how her life experiences with men trying to force her to think and see things one way, and how she struggled to see things from a different perspective, “through the eyes of an outsider.” (Rich 46) She ends .....
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Function Of Zoos
Words: 341 - Pages: 2.... called deforestation. This occurs because of stripping the land of its trees (mostly done by woodcutters). This is also a great change that can’t be survived. In both these instances, zoos need to step up and take upon themselves the challenge of preserving a huge amount of species.
A quote from my mom: I, Jennifer Hall, believe zoos should be used to protect animals in their “natural” habitats. I feel we must do everything in our power to protect every species from extinction. The endangered species must have a safe haven provided for them while they reproduce, until they no longer are endangered. Zoos can also protect animal .....
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