Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
Making The Corps
Words: 4363 - Pages: 16.... first rather than as a whole.
Drill Instructors strip all your old values and Marine Corps values are formed. “There is no ‘I’, ‘I’ is gone” (p.60). To be a marine you must shed all thinking as “I” and “me”, and think as “we” and “recruit”. In American society, striving for independence is a goal for most people, and instead of working as a group we tend to compete with each other to get what we want. As a Marine you must think as a group, learn how to move as a group and you are drilled until not a single action is left to individual improvisation (p.64).
On Drill Sergeant states that a Marine “will .....
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To Be Fake Or Not
Words: 1870 - Pages: 7.... the reader is able to fully understand the emotions and experiences of the main characters as they happen. "I had grown up in a Caucasian society in which I was a minority member." "I was Known Angela to the outside world, and as Sun-Kyung at home". The use of I helps the reader to know defiantly who is the speaker and of whom they are prevalent within both underlying the entire story. It is ironic that both characters born in Canada would expect to have had their families embrace western traditions and culture, rather they struggle to maintain their own heritage and don't want to loose it. It is ironic because Suzuki and Sun-Kyung struggle .....
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Gender Communication
Words: 1843 - Pages: 7.... communicate, we do think that better communication is possible. One of the researchers we took a look at was Deborah Tannen. According to Tannen the reason that men and women do not communicate well is that men and women use language differently. Women take the attitude that conversation is to explore solutions to common problems while men concern themselves more with getting information and hard data from conversation. Tannen states that what women look for in communication is human connection, while men consider status to be most important. They are looking for independence and are constantly looking for higher accomplishments. Intimacy t .....
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An Attraction To Gangs
Words: 606 - Pages: 3.... some of the key factors in being able to recruit a gang member. If your children don’t find the love and support that they so desperately need at home, they may have the tendency to seek it elsewhere.
The attraction of belonging to a gang is becoming more popular among our youths. For some people, especially those that have lived in a gang-infested neighborhood for many years, it is unavoidable. For many they see it as their only future. Yet for others the attraction of belonging to a gang stems from loneliness or a need of belonging. These gangs can provide that sense of belonging.
Not only can a gang provide a sense of belonging. .....
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The Virtues Of Honesty
Words: 1469 - Pages: 6.... principles. One example of an oath is - every witness, in a court of law must affirm or swear that the testimony she or he gives is the truth. Another example of an oath is the oath that is taken by a public official, such as the vice president and president of the United States of America when that official assumes office. The taking of an oath generally implies some legal or moral sanction for failing to carry out one's sworn pledge. A trial witness, for example, may be charged with the crime of perjury for lying under oath.
When someone swears to a statement under oath or on an affidavit and the statement is found to be false it .....
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Assessing Maslows Pyramid From A Brain-based Perspective
Words: 1264 - Pages: 5.... This paper will demonstrate how various brain mechanisms work to satisfy each echelon of needs, and further, how as all lesser needs are met, the individual may refocus his/her concentration to ascend the hierarchy towards self-actualization.
According to Maslow’s pyramid, the basest of human needs are physiological, in particular homeostasis and appetite. These necessities must be met before human consciousness can progress to the next level of concentration. Maslow’s theory gains support upon examining the breakdown of how the brain functions. Carter (1998) explains that the lateral and ventromedial hypothalamic nuclei ar .....
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The First Cause
Words: 1076 - Pages: 4.... attempts to prove the reality of a finite chain of causality and hence an initial cause, Hume argues against trusting implicitly our perception of causality.
Through his examination of the cosmological argument concerning the existence of God, Aquinas was able to validate and support his refutation of a causal series continuing infinitely into the past. Essentially, Aquinas succeeds in justifying that the universe has a definitive beginning and proceeds to explain the necessity of God as the agent of this beginning.
For the purpose of understanding Aquinas' argument, causality can be defined as the relationship between two consecutive e .....
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Aids Report
Words: 378 - Pages: 2.... needles, or
vaginal secreations. She will educate the school and the
It would also be very helpful to this girl who is
infected to be “let in” for once. Not only the girl has fear
but her family has fear too. Fear that people will find out
and know. As a suriviving sister was furios with her parents
because they would not acknowledge to anyone that her
brother had AIDS. They told everyone he died from a brain
tomor.# This is very important because the last few moments
of this girls life should be delightful, not humiliating.
Bringing an infected person to the community will be
good for it. Over 35,000 .....
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Female Menstruation
Words: 583 - Pages: 3.... phase, the ovulation phase, and the postovulatory phase. Refer to Graph One.
The preovulatory phase starts as soon as menstrual bleeding from the previous cycle has ended. The anterior pituitary produces large amounts of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and a small amount of luteinizing hormone (LH). Under the influence of FSH, an ovarian follicle begins to mature and produces, in turn, increasingly higher levels of estrogens. In response to estrogen stimulation, the uterine lining thickens with increased numbers of blood vessels and uterine glands.
In the ovulation phase at midcycle, the ovum is released as LH production surges and .....
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Words: 1301 - Pages: 5.... fail in their attempt to outperform the market.
Active indexers assert they can outperform the marketplace. Passive (index) portfolios state they can mirror the performance of the indices. Both have their good times and their bad times. Active indexers raise cash in times of increased risk and instability while passive indexers remain fully invested. This can be quite painful during times of large declines in the market.
Passive portfolios mirror the gains of the indices during roaring bull markets and eventually outperform the majority of active money managers who must remain diversified and who sometimes take on additional risks in an .....
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