Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
Words: 677 - Pages: 3.... friendly supervisors and co-workers can satisfy these individual needs.
In contrast, process theories are concerned with the choice an individual faces when deciding to either perform or not to perform a task while also monitoring the process, direction, or choice of these behavioural patterns. As a result equity theory, expectancy theory and goal setting have been developed to help explain these patterns. Managers can achieve this type of through clarifying an individual's perception of work inputs, performance requirements, and rewards.
Reinforcement theory, on the other hand, focuses on the environment of the individual while disreg .....
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Words: 975 - Pages: 4.... not because of what it is, but because they are involved. The second symptom is the belief of the group that they are moral and upstanding, which leads the group to ignore the ethical or moral consequences of the decisions. The group engages in a total overestimation of its morality. There is never any question that the group is not doing the right thing, they just act. The disregarding of information or warnings that may lead to changes in past policy is the third symptom. Even if there is considerable evidence against their standpoint, they see no problems with their plan. Stereotyping of enemy leaders or others as weak or stupid is .....
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Portland Cement
Words: 1478 - Pages: 6.... reaction can be crudely represented by the following reactions:
2C3S + 6H = C3S2H3 + 3CH
2C2S + 4H = C3S2H3 + CH
During the initial stage of hydration, the parent compounds dissolve, and the dissolution of their chemical bonds generates a significant amount of heat. Then, for reasons that are not fully understood, hydration comes to a stop. This quiescent, or dormant, period is extremely important in the placement of concrete. Without a dormant period there would be no cement trucks, pouring would have to be done immediately upon mixing.
Following the dormant period (which can last several hours), the cement begins to ha .....
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Intro To Business
Words: 506 - Pages: 2.... only needs, but also on what he wants, he will strive to produce more revenue. Third, a society that has economic freedom creates competition. Competition leads to a market where buyers and sellers can enter and exit as they please, commonly knwn as a free-market economy. This promotes growth in the specific market, as well as growth in the overall economy. The fourth and final idea is that the government should not be involved in the economy. Smith felt that the government should be limited to providing defense against foreign countries, while allowing it's citizens to control the economy. He did state that the government should make .....
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Internet For Newbies
Words: 1808 - Pages: 7.... all you have available to express yourself are typewritten words. If you cannot express yourself well in written language, you either learn more effective ways of communicating, or get lost in the shuffle. The ingenious way people are beginning to communicate over the Net is amazing. "Netspeak" is evolving on a national and international level. The technological vocabulary once used only by computer programmers and elite computer manipulators called "Hackers," has spread to all users of computer networks. The language is currently used by people on the Internet, and is rapidly spilling over into mainstream advertising and business .....
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A Comparison Of Two Network Operating Systems; Microsoft Win
Words: 1800 - Pages: 7.... insure that further maintenance costs are not overwhelming. For instance, software licenses will need to be procured. Technical support agreements will need to be assessed. The costs of upgrades/service packs, hardware upgrades will need to be weighed for both types of systems. Determining which system has a greater occurrence of glitches can be a factor in estimating lost profits for every hour of downtime. If the company should experience a glitch, how substantial will personnel costs for recovering/recreating data be? Knowledgeable systems administrators will need to be employed to maintain the system. This task is not to be taken .....
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The Power And The Glory
Words: 1012 - Pages: 4.... Under the circumstances of an anti-clerical purge in the southern states of Mexico, it is understandable that the whiskey priest is unable to perform all of his priestly duties for fear of his life. To survive, he must lie, cheat and steal to avoid the law. These tactics however, are not new to him. Even before the purge, he is a priest that is hardly good and honest. By requiring a fee for services such as baptism, at a price of two pesos a head, he is no better that the common thief. Families that can hardly put food on the table are asked to pay for a service that should be given, not sold. The fees for his services are most of .....
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Life In A Reinassiance City
Words: 725 - Pages: 3.... traders as well as bankers and judges. Lesser guilds were the butchers, blacksmiths and masons. (Bynog)
“In the early history of Florence, there were battles between the guilds, which involved ransacking the city. This demonstrates how important the guilds were. They were more than just corporations or labor unions,” (Bynog). The 12 guilds that controlled trade were the key to Florence’s commercial success. This was because the wealthy members of the guilds usually held government positions as well and were very influential in the community (Focus on Florence). Other purposes guilds served were charity. They donate .....
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The Crucible And The Use Of Au
Words: 643 - Pages: 3.... or precedent, would probably have been sneered at for believing his niece was afflicted with witchcraft and carrying out such accusations against the townspeople, but, as a man of god, more people were willing to believe in his feelings, resulting in the death of 20 individuals. Thomas Putnam, a man resembling wealth and property authority, was able to conveniently gain more property and wealth as a means of accusing his enemies of witchcraft to spite his own profit. Deputy Governor Danforth, a symbol of civil authority, controlled the court to his advantage by limiting his thoughts in regards to the obvious "act" put in front of him b .....
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The Meaning Of Life
Words: 868 - Pages: 4.... this exists, his goal for life and the universe is not necessarily valid as a meaning of life, the universe, and himself. For instance, the Bible claims that the Christian deity created the universe and placed humans in it that they might be in awe of his power. If this is so, why is worship the correct response? The meaning of the universe as created by God is the entertainment of God, but what is the meaning of the larger system containing God and his creations? We could conceive of an even 'primer' mover, but that simply takes us all the way back into the wall of infinite regression.
When I first read the Bible, it struck me as neutral o .....
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